(October 12th, 2019, 19:59)Commodore Wrote: When the script put the horses four tiles away from your capital, I was definitely "yes, need to move them farther away". But then it looks like I didn't...
No worries. I'm sure I'd find some way to give away horses just two tiles away from my capital.
And give away the horses I have:
I'm not unknown to give away tiles in my sphere of influence by dawdling too long. Right, Rusten?

If I were two turns faster, I could have invalidated that plant. Magic Science founded two cities, one this turn and one when I rolled the turn. He's at ten. If we conquer all of Superdeath, we will tie him in city count assuming he doesn't plant more.
Rusten, I'm going to say a thing you're not going to like. I think our current plans have us building too many settlers. We've got one coming out of New Viron that heads to gems and we plan to build two more. Unless we still plant for horses and have to compete with already established Creative culture (which we can. Horses would be our first ring and their second.) we have no spot for another city. We found for whales on the island with Lander. (If we go overseas, we'll need a garrison, since the rice island is big enough for barbs.) I think we shouldn't produce a settler out of the capital. Instead we can build a barracks, units, or in a few turns a library. The more military we build, the less we rely on winning 75% battles against Superdeath, and the smoother that conquest goes, the sooner we can get back in this.
Danger global lurkers. Micro alert.
Rusten, regarding your micro plans: You asked if the capital should whip this turn or not. I haven't ended turn so we can figure this out.
If it's building a settler, it can whip this turn. 51/120 hammers. 6h production. Overflow after forge cuts that 6 down to 4. (Every turn we wait to whip, we get hit with the forge overflow bug for 25% of our hammers.) If we trip whip now, we overflow 3 hammers. I *think* this avoids the overflow reduction. Overflow 3h into settler, grow back on axe. At size 4, cap has +2f (corn, grass iron, grass hill) and 16h (center tile, iron, grass mine,
plains mine *1.25). 2 whip gets us 62 hammers. So we need 100base-62whip-3overflow=35 hammers. 18foodhammers*2turns=36. I think we want to whip if we're getting a settler. That said, I don't think we want a settler.
I can understand the Lander plan. I very much don't want to chop Lander's forest. Yes, it significantly speeds up Lander's forge, but without that forest, presumptive whales city has nothing to do but work a plains hill mine for 5 turns until its barracks completes and then another 10 turns until borders pop. The forest would save 4 turns off that, making the city productive faster and getting us whales faster, which is the whole point of that city. (Obviously we don't have to go for whales. We can go for the other island and get rice & iron first ring, but that requires garrisons and a bit more logisitcs. Plus we need happy.)
I'll move New Viron's settler towards the gems next turn. It moves again. Then finally it founds. Superdeath reoffered peace, which I accepted, and he moved his axe back into fog to watch over the gems. I still marvel that we haven't seen a settler from him given his interest in the area. With Scylla's we beat him to 6 city, Alex vs. Sury. My point is: we should emotionally prepare to be beaten to gems by a turn or two.

<--emotional preparedness
Lurker Alert: Micro over. Now for Cloak and Dagger.
Haven't done much of this recently, so why not now? Demos:
Crop Yield:
Combined Rival Crop: 70average*4players=280f.
101mscc+3x=280 where x is average of other players.
We know rival lowest is 58.
The takeaway from all this? Gentle lurkers, we with 60 food are right in the middle of the pack and MSCC has almost double everyone else! Boak/GeneralKilCavalry are right there with us!

MSCC are gosh darn dominating.

I've made my reputation by picking fights with the biggest guys on the pitboss prison yard. Superdeath, every fiber of my being yearns to fight MSCC with samurai. However, 5 cities with samurai doesn't beat 10 cities with archers. Maybe I could've done it if we didn't scrap. Que sera, sera. Edit: For you math people, of which I am not, the Crop Yield graph shows Superdeath and Cairo around even, hence my inference that B/GKC are there with them.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.