Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS - PBEM19] Huayna Capac of Ottomans - yuris125 & Maestro

yuris125 Wrote:Our own land is so underdeveloped, it's humiliating

Yeah, my biggest takeaway from this game is build more workers

Game mechanics!

How does AP voting work? We got the Pope elections on T93, and never heard anything from AP since then? How often can the Pope choose a resolution, and how often do elections happen?

Edit: Never mind, found it -

Quote:- Proposal Cycle: Proposals take place every 10 turns (14 turns on Epic). There are 4 proposals scheduled between each Resident Election so that means a new election is held every 50 turns; however, this interval can be greatly diminished if there are no possible proposals on the turn that a proposal is scheduled to be made. If this is the case then the next scheduled proposal is moved forward to next turn - if that proposal is an election then a new election is held.

I assume it's 6 turns on quick, so GES didn't offer any resolutions on T99, T105 and T111; the next resolution will be on T117 (thanks to the turn order, it will be before we attack, haha!), and the next elections on T123

T112 (from yesterday's notes)

GES adopted Theo, but not Nat. Garrison in the border city is now a Musket and 2 War Chariots. He also has a War Chariot in our land. I will not object to it, he will see a constant stream of Jans towards Love Radio, but won't see the Galleons before they set sail
Didn't draft this turn, we have enough Jans for now, whipping Knights seems to be a better idea
Alpha turns out to be a req tech for Printing Press. We will get it at 0% next turn, so it doesn't matter, we had to go 0% for at least a turn anyway

Also, I realised that we're AP member, so GES could cause us some troubles by AP voting. Of course, we have just one unimportant Confu city (good we didn't spread it to Ultra smile ), but still I'd prefer to do without unhappiness from defying. That's why I started to check how AP actually works smile First thing I noticed:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0136.JPG]

Even if we don't take any of GES's cities, he will lose his place in the AP at the next elections!

And as I found out today, we will attack after his last chance to offer a resolution, so doesn't look like there's a risk of running into anything we have to defy

Our demos. Apart from being first in power (we overtook RL7, yay!), we also lead in the all important Life Expectancy category

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0137.JPG]

Either we win the war, or go down in flames. Nothing new, then smile


I've got some bad news

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0138.JPG]

GES is obviously going for Rifling. Can't blame him, of course. We don't know much about his research rate (apart from it being insane lol), but my best guesstimate is that he will get it... you guessed it... on T117. And with so much gold in the treasury, he will be able to upgrade quite a few Muskets, should he want to do so

This can't stop us, of course. We're committed to the attack, and will definitely lose the game if we stop. But it's going to be more difficult than I hoped

Other than that, not much happening. Galleons departed, the Love Radio stack is becoming respectable, first Knights are ready. Alpha in, PP due in 2 turns (and we even have the gold for 2 turns of 100% research)

After PP, we can go for Rifles (3 techs away - Banking, Replaceable Part, Rifling), or stick to our plan and get Music, which will open Military Tradition and Cuirassiers. This is 4 techs away (Aest - Lit - Music - MT), but cheaper in beakers (and we might be able to get both Aest and Lit at 0%), so I prefer the Cuirassiers route. On the second thought, Rifles have +25% vs mounted, so... don't know

OK, we discussed the plans with Commodore, and he convinced me that trying to keep the eastern coastal cities is bad play. Our stack is not that big (and can't get bigger because of limited capacity of Galleons), and if GES/Luddite get Rifling, keeping these cities will be extremely difficult. Especially Ballast Point, which is at size 18, and therefore will be in revolt for at least 10 turns I guess

Of course, if we raze the cities, there's nothing to stop Seven from sneaking Settlers onto that territory. If he does, all we can do is to call him jerk :neenernee But we have to risk it

So. The first wave stack's mission is to raze GES's two coastal cities, and make progress towards his capital. The hub stack will hopefully capture two cities in the hub, then either join the attack on the capital, or attack Alpine. Or pillage the roads around Alpine to cut off GES's supply of iron (GES has 1 source of iron, and Alpine is founded on it. So we can't pillage it easily, but pillaging roads around it should work). The 2nd stack which is due to arrive some time between T124-126 will attack cities on the southern coast, which we might be able to keep. Commodore will attack over the landbridge from the west with Rifles (which he already has) and Cannons (which he plans to get in 5-6 turns)

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0139.JPG]

(solid lines are moves we're going to make for certain, dash-dot lines are very likely, dotted lines are "would be nice to be able to do it")

(or maybe keep Mission? the nice thing about it is, it's 4 tiles away from Stone, so Rifles from there won't be able to reach it in 1 turn. If we keep it, we greatly reduce the probability of RL7 sneaking a Settler there)

Also, Commodore reminded me about another possibility to go after Printing Press: Grenadiers. They're just 2 techs away (Chemistry - Military Science), and they will work very well against GES's Rifles. Janissaries should be able to handle anything except Rifles - GES is far away from Military Tradition, and Janissaries have advantage over Knights

RL7 said they're not going for Rifling, so at least GES won't get an extra discount

Diplo update. Here are concerns I wrote about earlier

yuris125 Wrote:Commodore also suggested that we invite RL7 to support our campaign by attacking from the north. Maestro, if you're around, I need your input. I don't want RL7 to gain even more territory, but their involvement could help us to keep the cities we capture. If we could also get further NAP extension from them, it would be even better. Our attack is scheduled for T117-T118, I don't think it will be over in less than 20t - exactly by the time our NAP with RL7 expires. Our army will be extremely spread out, and if they attack with Rifles/Cannons at that point, they will easily take our gains from us. I would very much like to develop GES's land in peace for 20-30 turns after the war - assuming it's successful, of course. So, do you think we have a chance of getting further extension of the NAP, and do you think we should invite them at all?

I thought it over, and didn't find the idea of inviting RL7 appealing. They're far ahead at this point, and giving them more land means reducing the chance of catching up

I think that with their military might, and deep beelines for better military techs, neither we nor Commodore can feel safe. So, I offered him a mutual protection pact. After further thinking about it, and some discussions, I think signing a Defensive Pact in-game as soon as one of us gets Military Tradition should deter RL7's possible aggression. And the best thing about it, if we sign it in game, and then he attacks one of us, the other will be forced by game mechanics to join, it won't be a violation of NAP or anything

Commodore is still thinking, but I have high hopes we will sign it


GES researched Replaceable Parts, and can research Rifling, so I have to revise my guesstimate to T116. His border cities are getting Muskets now. Still, I expect our attack to be successful

Luddite wants to chat. I wonder what to tell him if he asks "are you going to attack us?" - which is the most likely subject of the chat we will have lol The truth? I don't see any other option

PP in, we break 700 bpt at 100% research (but will have to collect money for 2-3 turns). Maestro, unless you veto it by the time the saves comes, I'll choose Chemistry next, on the way to MilSci and Grenadiers

I started drafting again, albeit very selectively. We will need pop to whip Grenadiers when the tech comes in

I'm fighting unhappiness in Maximum and Retro FM. Retro I don't care much about, I'll just 3-whip a Hammam next turn, it will solve the problems for the immediate future. Maximum... we didn't build a Hammam there, nor a Market - in a shrined holy city! Chose a Market first, Hammam will follow, we finally have other cities to produce military

Chat with Luddite

Chat with Luddite Wrote:(6:48:15 PM) Charlie Pye: well i'm just worried
(6:48:21 PM) Charlie Pye: since you keep drafting janisarries :P
(6:48:34 PM) yuris125: that's understandable smile
(6:48:57 PM) Charlie Pye: I was wondering if I could persuade you to attack RL7 with them, instead of me
(6:49:18 PM) yuris125: I'm afraid not, we have a long term NAP with them, and their military is just too strong for us
(6:49:40 PM) Charlie Pye: Well the NAP is a problem... but I think you'd do pretty well against them right now
(6:49:43 PM) Charlie Pye: since their military is mostly knights
(6:50:35 PM) yuris125: yeah, but they have Galleons, so any naval attack is out of question... and they've made quite clear to us that they have Catapults in place against any possible attack
(6:50:39 PM) yuris125: when we negotiated the NAP
(6:50:53 PM) yuris125: I didn't see an opening there
(6:51:27 PM) Charlie Pye: yeah... offensive war is just really tough unless you have a big advantage
(6:51:34 PM) yuris125: that's true
(6:51:44 PM) yuris125: but we really need more land if we want a chance to win
(6:51:55 PM) yuris125: if we stay peaceful, we will just finish 3rd, which is not exactly what I want smile
(6:52:03 PM) Charlie Pye: yeah
(6:52:21 PM) Charlie Pye: well i'm just worried that you'll lose all your units fighting a bloody war with me, and then RL7 can come take your land with no losses
(6:53:06 PM) yuris125: yeah, that worries me too... but to be honest, I think it's our best shot. I know you're close to Rifles, so if we attack you, it will be bloody
(6:53:13 PM) yuris125: but I don't see other options
(6:53:17 PM) Charlie Pye: I'll get rifling this turn
(6:53:30 PM) Charlie Pye: and then upgrade all my muskets into rifles
(6:53:32 PM) yuris125: wow, is it 1 turn for you? I expected next turn smile
(6:53:36 PM) yuris125: yeah, that's what I expected
(6:54:39 PM) yuris125: but I'm confident in the bravery of Janissaries and benevolence of RNG gods smile
(6:54:46 PM) Charlie Pye: hahahaha
(6:55:31 PM) yuris125: well, the fact that Rifling is a 1t research for you is exactly a problem. right now, we at least have a chance. later, you will just run away in tech and always have better units
(6:56:08 PM) Charlie Pye: well I just have a lot of overflow beakers stored up right now, after researching a lot of cheap techs
(6:56:38 PM) Charlie Pye: I know my research is really high right now.. but I think RL7 will be just as fast as soon as they build the forbidden palace
(6:56:42 PM) Charlie Pye: and they have like twice my production
(6:57:17 PM) yuris125: well, that won't happen too soon, they don't have CoL, the only Courthouses they have are the ones they captured from MNG
(6:57:22 PM) yuris125: they certainly are going to be a threat
(6:57:51 PM) yuris125: but with a NAP in place, and a plan to protect ourselves after it expires, I think we will be able to deal with them
(6:58:03 PM) yuris125: at least, I have to take this risk if I want to win
(6:59:13 PM) Charlie Pye: bear in mind, I can get astronomy pretty soon too
(6:59:26 PM) Charlie Pye: then I can send galleons over to blockade you
(6:59:36 PM) Charlie Pye: so you'll have to obsolete the colossus if you want to defend against that
(7:00:33 PM) yuris125: I know! but if you build Galleons, you're not building defences, so I don't know how bad it is for us
(7:01:01 PM) Charlie Pye: i mean
(7:01:06 PM) Charlie Pye: maybe, if you're lucky, you'll get that one city
(7:01:24 PM) Charlie Pye: since it's far away and takes a long time to get units up there
(7:01:38 PM) Charlie Pye: but I'm pretty sure anything south of that would be impossible for you to attack
(7:02:54 PM) yuris125: I'm reasonably sure we will at least get both hub cities, then we'll see. at the moment, you can only build 1-movers (no HBR), and don't have Engineering to bring them in position quickly. I know it will change soon! but right now that's the situation
(7:03:03 PM) yuris125: after the hub cities, we'll see
(7:04:33 PM) Charlie Pye: haha ok
(7:04:47 PM) Charlie Pye: well it'll take you... what, 5 turns to march down to that second hub city
(7:05:07 PM) Charlie Pye: by then I'll have at least 10 rifles there
(7:06:17 PM) yuris125: and leave all other cities defenceless? :P
(7:06:48 PM) Charlie Pye: well, as long as you don't have astronomy, sure smile
(7:07:26 PM) yuris125: well, I don't know what your diplo relations with RL7 and Commodore are, maybe you indeed have nothing to fear except our stack
(7:07:38 PM) yuris125: but as I said, if we don't attack now, we lose our maybe only chance
(7:08:02 PM) yuris125: we can't attack RL7 for over 15 turns
(7:08:11 PM) Charlie Pye: oh , yeah, i really doubt they'll attack us
(7:08:32 PM) Charlie Pye: for what it's worth, they probably aren't worried about you at all, so they'll just build up their economy for 15 turns
(7:08:42 PM) Charlie Pye: you could spend an extra 15 turns building military, to attack them
(7:09:42 PM) yuris125: heh, in 15 turns they might easily have Machine Guns/Infantries, the state of their military research is just insane
(7:12:35 PM) yuris125: if we can only take your hub city, and then get stuck, well, then we lost the war, you lost virtually nothing, and you're still in position to outtech RL7. we're the only losers in this case
(7:12:44 PM) yuris125: but we have to try
(7:13:06 PM) Charlie Pye: alright, fair enough I guess
(7:13:19 PM) yuris125: sorry it played out this way
(7:13:27 PM) Charlie Pye: nah, it's fine

tl;dr: He's trying to convince me not to attack, I'm telling him we don't have other options. Sounds like he doesn't suspect we have Galleons. He plays down the threat of Commodore or RL7 joining in the war, and things we only have a shot at the border city at the hub. He will get Rifling in 1t (T115)


GES doesn't have Rifling yet - looks like he went for Engineering this turn. He has well over 2k in the treasury - probably enough to upgrade all his Muskets to Rifles. Will our Jans/Knights be able to take them out in the hub? Don't know. It's not the primary direction of attack in any case

Building Knights everywhere. Research on Chemistry, but at 0% for a couple of turns


The first GES's Rifles noticed. Otherwise it's oh so quiet... will be much less quiet next turn

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