Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] Boldly Going...on a Bender and Pissing Off Xenu

(January 12th, 2013, 20:34)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: Where did the anagram stuff come from? I noticed Waterbat had one in his signature, and now this. What's going on?

I saw some other people had it and it sounded fun. Pindactor maybe was the first?

Megatron is still mine, defenders are badly beat up, attackers are even worse. I resisted the temptation to upgrade a damaged archer to a LB. I have a new xbow and a combat 1/melee/healer HA in the city, then the archers, then 5 quechuas to chew up attackers. If he wins every fight, he can have the city. If he doesn't, I have a cat (that I probably won't waste on collateral at this point), another Q, and 2 HAs that join the fight next turn. The two HAs are positioned to threaten Sian's city in the south which only has a newly garrisoned skirmisher. I fucking hate skirmishers. Hammer for hammer, you can't beat them for deterring aggression. If there is a better unit at that, tell me so I never play in a game with that unit. Anyway, my hope is that next turn I can kill his skirmisher, then start whittling away what's left of his attackers. Pretty much all that is left in this game that will be fun for me is killing Sian. Commodore will win, it's just a matter of when everyone else realizes it. I'll post pictures tomorrow maybe, I'm sick of this game right now.

Every time a skirmisher wins a fight a kitten dies. frown

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Life has been crazy for me lately. In brief, I've eliminated Sian's stack (not turns 104-6 though, look at the RED), at great cost of blood and treasure. It will be some time before he can try to invade me again and I look forward to one day having my revenge. hammer

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Event%20log%202.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Event%20log%201.JPG]

Reading from bottom to top, you can see the initial turn's combat results, as well as Commodore grabbing the free artist at Music. This should alert everyone to who is winning at this point, if the scoreboard hasn't already. Fight someone else! Anyway, here is why you don't attach your supermedic (Care Bear) to a strong unit. Works fine against the AI, not so much against people. Lesson learned. So, with no designated healing unit, we'll have to stoically suffer through our losses.
Combat results, if you want to see them. I figure this isn't actually necessary and I probably won't bother doing these again, but since I did this time, knock yourself out:
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%201.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%202.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%203.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%204.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%205.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%206.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%207.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%208.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%209.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T104%20-%20Combat%20log%2010.JPG]

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T105%20-%20F1.JPG]
During the turn. Then, combat:

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T105-6%20%20-%20Events.JPG]
Still taking losses.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T105-6%20%20-%20Sian%20territory.JPG]
Sian's new GG and a catapult. I guess he's going to get there in time??

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T105-6%20%20-%20Demos.JPG]
Demos, just because. With all the losses, I'm still #1 in power by a razor thin margin.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T105-6%20%20-%20power.JPG]
Blood for the blood gods.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T107%20overview%20-%20Si...troyed.JPG]
Sian sees the writing on the wall, that he will not take the city because I have reinforcements coming. Retreat is the sensible option at this point. BUT, he retreated on flatland adjacent to the city rather than on the hill away from the city. nono Bad tactical decisions must be punished. Finally, it's clobberin time! hammerhammerhammer 9-2 for me this turn, losing two Qs. I'll take that for killing a beat up stack of highly promoted attackers.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T107%20Demos.JPG]
We're still alive, and we're not last. That's about all I can say. Commodore has mastery of the seas and will keep that forever probably. That's the biggest loss of this conflict in my eyes.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T107%20power.JPG]
There is more bloodletting to do, but I hope it isn't mine. cool

It seems like I may have missed some stuff, but it's been a terrible week for me and I can't remember exactly everything that happened in game. I hope you enjoy this report.

Attaboy. The only complaint I had with your play there was that you let Nick Cage and Nickelback survive that encounter. You should have made sure they were the two to die. rolleye

Otherwise...well, you just saved Sian a bunch of money on unit maintenance costs. I hope he thanks you later. Or maybe you should go knock on his front door to see how he's doing....maybe send everything you have when you go check. hammer

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Com built Shwedagon Paya last turn, Colossus this turn, and popped a GS this turn, starting a GA and swapping to HR/Theocracy. This thing is going to get out of hand soon. He still has the artist from Music stashed away. I'm watching for when he gets Guilds by checking a grassland workshop on the coast of the inland sea. He's likely headed for knights, and I'd be surprised if I'm not the target. He doesn't have much of a border with Sian and Slow is, from what I can see, just building units. Bah.

Spam units, preferably pikes, make it expensive. Prolong the agony?

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Not much reporting lately, this is not likely to change. I see only one outcome for this game, Com winning, so everything else is kind of superlative. He controls both contested regions, flood plains and, more importantly, the inland sea. I can muster my strength and probably kill the floodplains city with knights, but I'll be overrun by maces as soon as Com gets around to building them. I can't do both, really, but stand still and tech is a losing proposition at this point because Com can do that better than I can. There are a couple things I can do to improve my tech, build a grocer at guilds and a Jewish missionary + 2 monasteries in DH, but the hammers are probably better spent in units at this point, which is a shame. I think if I just sit back and tech that Sian will come after me again, or Slow will out of boredom and nothing else to do.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T111%20overview.JPG]

This turn I built a new city, near Slow and my silver. I should have planted this long ago, but emphasized the inland sea (much too late, as it turns out). I have a missionary going to spread the good word next turn. Then I'll chop/mine the forest/hill north of the city and try to grow it to a useful size quickly. Tech goal: CoL then Bureau, or just Bureau. I'm not sure if I'll ever get time to build courthouses. Or, I could go for theology and swap to feudalism/theocracy and just spam units until the game is called. I could probably kill Sian with knights if I whipped DH/CC down to nothing. I just don't want to go out like that, I'd like to try to give Com a game at least. I just don't see a path to winning. If I invade Com, Sian will come back at me to try again. And, there's that bludgeoning stack of CKNs with Slow that I have to try to counter, so that dries up a lot of units that I could attack with. I'm running low on ideas here.


[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T111%20demos.JPG]
Com is teching again. I can't match that, but the good news is that some of that is GA bonus. Even so, his population advantage is starting to show.

My grad students sent me this video a while back. Now I hear it all the time. Good for this guy. I feel like my civ is a hand-me-down, secondhand civ, so this is the song for now. Not a whole lot going on at the moment.


[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T113%20overview.JPG]
Uncluttered view. Not much to say here.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T113%20-%20DH.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T113%20-%20CC.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T113%20-%20M.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T113%20-%20S.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T113%20-%20MB.JPG]
[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T113%20-%20DC.JPG]

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T113%20-%20demos.JPG]


[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T114%20overview.JPG]
Looks like I'll have to fight Com to get a city on my island. Annoying. Not sure I can afford to do that. Otherwise, just trying to regrow Megatron from whipping it to death, finished the granary in Dr. Claw (Didn't I name the one Com razed that? Hmm.), it will continue to grow onto mines. Reconnected silver at DC. Swapped to a grocer at DH. I need the money and health, mostly the money. Com's capital is size 17 with no unhealthiness. I want my fish back, but it ain't happening. First knight completed in CC. I'm not going to do a crazy makoti whipping spree for knights, because really I can only whip a couple from Monty Burns and it takes forever to grow back onto the mines. I can whip several from Cobra Commander and it has a good food surplus, so that may happen. I am loathe to whip DH at all because of the low food. That, and the towns are all that is keeping me teching, can't whip away from them. I'm kinda stuck, really. Tech rate is surprisingly good, though. Could be better if I had more courthouses, which I could have if I hadn't had to whip so many hammers into a ragtag army to foil Sian. Ok, I'm just ranting now, this report is over.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T114%20-%20demos.JPG]
Still second. Thrift shop civ.

Reporting in again at the thread at the end of the internet, where turns are few, and lurkers fewer.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T115%20-%20overview.JPG]

Slow moved his stack of CKNs to Com's territory. At the very least, they're going to pillage Com's horses. Good. Com will have Knights available soon. Not getting forked by him would be nice, although truthfully I'm not really susceptible to that with my cities laid out as they are. Anyway, I moved my HA stack to the edge of my border. I can strike Slow's stack, or invade Com with him, if that's what he does. I hope it is. I'd rather support an invasion of Com than let him get further ahead. I hope I don't scare Slow back into his own lands. Let's Fight! Just not each other.

[Image: PBEM%2044%20-%20T115%20-%20demos.JPG]

That would be why. Com is teching well. I'm at 40%. Not doing terribly, but I'm not getting any closer. Sian will have guilds in 2-3 turns. As much as I want to go all in on Com, I know that Sian will stick knights into me as soon as he gets a chance. Super frustrating.

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