So I`m slowly getting to lv 30, lv 22 right now and I`m starting to wonder how should I aproach lv 30 and ranked games.
So far i have been trying my best to touch into all roles, even though it is pretty hard to pick roles in solo leveling games, everyone picks an AD carry and you are almost always forced to pick a tanky/support type.
Following your advice I have focused on learning a few of the strongest champions and different roles. I can play a decent Ashe, Udyr, Soraka, Alistar (even though my combo still sucks), Morgana (my favorite and I think strongest role at the moment) and Shen. Notice that when I say decent, i mean I can confortably play then, not that I will excel with them because there is still so much to learn, especially regarding map awareness, positioning and timing.
Now, aproaching the higher levels what would you do to expand your champion choices and should I focus on learning one role or keep trying to understand everything?
Which role would you say is best fit for a starting player? Support? Since it if played right can turn the game around but if played badly it doesn`t hurt THAT much?
Deceptus Wrote:Mordekaiser/Shaco in the hands of a Brazilian/Korean duo queue. I supposed to play Mordekaiser?