Updated :
-Fixed bug : Some victory portrait animations have fewer frames but the game doesn't know that
-Fixed bug : Offering gold shows the wrong lines in grey
-Fixed bug : misplaced "end" in AI ship movement function causes errors
-Fixed bug : Flying and noncoporeal units cannot cross city walls
-Fixed bug : Cloak of Fear spell does not grant the Cloak of Fear ability.
-Fixed bug : Gate of Hades uses a game tick for each unit including those not in combat
-Fixed bug : Dead units try to regenerate at end of turn, causing division by zero
-Fixed bug : Own invisible units don't show up on unit list view when targeting spells.
-Fixed bug : unit "portrait" when unit is on sea is misaligned
-Added missing feature : Doomstacks move away from nodes.
-Fixed bug : units refill their overland movement to their base amount instead of the current maximal.
-Fixed bug : Peace Treaty roll required positive relation which is normally impossible
-Treaty offers now require relation to be >= the required amount instead of >.
-Fixed bug : Sky Fires targets the caster's own units instead of the enemy
-Fixed bug : trying to load from an empty save slot causes errors instead of showing the intended warning message
-Autosave is now queued to happen only after the player responds to any events and animations that happened between turns, such as summoning animations, reports, etc.
-Adjusted clickarea positioning for book selection
-The Flee button will now always as for confirmation, even if fleeing is 100% safe.
-Fixed bug : When neutrals rampage in a city and leave without destroying it, the city turns neutral anyway.
-Fixed bug : The fleeing button confirmation prevents the "Banished, return?" window from appearing.
-Fixed bug : The combat report and the "cast spell of return" window are visible at the same time.
-Fixed bug : The banish animation does not skip the part where the lightning hits the wizard when neutrals are banishing the wizard and use no lightning.
-Banish wizard animation can now be skipped by clicking the mouse or ESC key.
-Fixed bug : When returned to the main menu after losing the game, the UI variables are not cleared. (for example you see the chancellor report of the previous game in the next one.)
-Input text is now cleared when renaming a city.
-Input text is now cleared when creating a custom wizard.
-Added "Shift-P" debug key to set all wizards to high mp, gold, skill and all spells learned.
-Experimental : Monsters gone wild now generates 50% stronger monster stacks instead of 100%.
-Implemented AI attack target optimizing system : for non-naval battles, if more than one of the AI's stacks has the same destination as best target, the closer stack will attack the target and the further one has to select another, even if the further stack was processed first.
-Cleared the original tile backgrounds from combat rivers for more seamless display