The workers were part of my idiosyncratic self-imposed rules on conducting an 'optimal' defence in a hopeless situation: do not delete a worker unit until the last possible moment, 'just in case' they were able to slip through and be useful again, but in the end delete them rather than allow them to be captured. That's why they moved onto such odd tiles (running from war chariots) and why one was deleted before the other (it was 'checkmated' first). Hey, you have to do something to amuse yourself when you have so few decisions to make!
As a random note of trivia, I had all combat units fight to the death rather than deleting them to deny XP; my last surviving warrior actually lucked out and killed a war chariot in the final defence of my capital this way. That was quite satisfying.
Gaspar, I really enjoyed reading your opponent analyses, even though I didn't understand the Final Fantasy or wrestling references (I noted with amusement your comment that NobleHelium knew the least about pop culture of anyone you've met; I bet I could give him a run for his money). Your analysis of me was spot-on, though I hope you'll be happy to know I have processed the lessons of PBEM 46 and understand and acknowledge my immense macro mistakes there now (this did not stop me from other, related macro mistakes in this game which may show I have failed to apply those lessons, though).
Thanks for the read, Pindicator, and I'm very sorry about your neighbour luck in this game. I express to you the sympathies of a fellow player on the back foot; I shared your rage at certain points in this game as well, though I don't want to overstate my case compared to yours. I hope you will be able to have an enjoyable game next time.