October 23rd, 2014, 13:32
(This post was last modified: October 23rd, 2014, 13:37 by AdrienIer.)
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Yeah I know but that still forces him to send another one out. Every warrior he makes is a worker/settler/something useful for his eco that isn't created.
Balotelli's been a great prospect for what, 6 years ? He's 24 now, it's time he proved his worth, and he's had many chances to do so. I don't have the numbers and can't compare everyone due to not having the same playstyles and quality players around them to make things easier but I also like Aguero for 3rd best player if we're only talking about offensive players. If he doesn't get injured he can score more than 30 goals this year.
Just noticed your edit, new city is Camp Nou (or Nou Camp, I never know which one it is). Work boats and warriors till granaries are available is fine.
October 23rd, 2014, 13:47
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Ah I always forget about aguero... And yeah it is easier to compare strikers only. You're right, he is a cracking player. If only argentina could produce a half decent supply to the incredible attacking players they have in him, Messi, Di Maria. Then Lavezzi and Higuain are a step down but still great players.
Also maybe I just like balotelli a lot because he makes very interesting off pitch stories. He is really quite generous (dressing up as santa for the day and giving out wads of cash, donating randomly to charities and handing homeless peeps cash) and exactly how someone in their early twenties with basically limitless cash should act! And although he mainly is a little meh, every now and then he has amazing levels of skill.
I get the idea behind causing him to create more warriors, but if we go onto that hill we will just likely lose him without taking a warrior in return... Whereas if he sits on the forest there he is a mild pain until they get an axe there.
October 23rd, 2014, 14:43
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I jumped in, not much has changed since you were last in. Luckily our city did not have a barb standing outside it! I continued roading to the new city with the 2 workers. I think that the third worker should chop for the cap to get a granary out sooner there, a forest in the direction of MCG so he can cottage there afterwards. Otherwise I guess our injured warrior should move back to MCG. I'm still keen to sit on the forest rather than the hill, I just don't wanna lose the warrior to an odds on battle. You happy with all those ideas??
October 23rd, 2014, 14:49
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October 23rd, 2014, 15:00
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Ok, everything moved. I actually chose to build henge in MCG rather than start another warrior. I thought that we would want to change to a granary there with pottery so a warrior produced would likely just decay, whereas a henge build should get us some fail gold in 20-30 turns probably. We can change back if you are keen to do so, but I cannot imagine that we would want to get another warrior out of there.
October 23rd, 2014, 15:04
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That's a pretty good idea really, failgold will be needed when the hut's gold is gone. Good thinking !
October 23rd, 2014, 15:08
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Yeah it will probably be more useful, and make us feel less guilty about swapping to a granary straight away rather than building the warrior to completion to not waste hammers. I half thought about going for the ToA in the other city (what is the next on the list?) but don't think that will ever be built. Plus as we have started the warrior there might as well finish it, we will have a few cities that will benefit from warrior MP units.
October 23rd, 2014, 15:27
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City 3 is Camp Nou and 4 is Soccer City. We shouldn't slowbuild ToA it's really useless except for GJ if he can get the GLH in a city.
October 24th, 2014, 16:11
(This post was last modified: October 24th, 2014, 16:12 by ReallyEvilMuffin.)
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Not much to discuss for this turn, except now I realise that I forgot to rename city 3!
Start up north. Messi is now exploring new territory, and has found a lion... We do have odds, but we will be really limited in foreign contacts if we lose Messi. Here's hoping.
Out east, before and after moves. They have a settler there to settle this turn, which is one turn better than we could have done. I just didn't realise they were in slavery. Ah well not bad all in all. I continued to retreat Webb for healing and sat imbromavic still. We will get city visibility next turn that way. Also note they kept the promo warrior on the hill. It is only the scout that moved towards us. I think the cold war can move down a defcon level tongue
The other shot is noting they improved the corn for their city 2.
Empire overview - soon to be camp Nou is connected, and the mine started. It will be online with a worker turn to spare the turn it grows so it stays only working improved tiles. New workboat is winging around to the fish. Next turn I will work out exactly when the second boat will come out and whether we can go off exploring straight away with the first one or not. I moved the new warrior from the camp out west, thought he would be best placed to spawn bust probably rather than sit in camp Nou. Your thoughts? There is a hill we can sit him on to prevent any further barbs spawns in our land entirely if we get him there which would be nice. Ronaldo is spawn busting as well atm, once we get third ring MCG borders that won't be needed.
Not much to discuss for next turn. Workers all occupied and not much happening. Only thing is do you agree to trying to spawn bust with the new warrior? (I will move him out the turn after next otherwise we will lose gpt)
October 24th, 2014, 16:24
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It's not as bad as I feared, we can kill the scout if he comes too close to our homeland. The new warrior (he needs a name, any ideas ?) can go SSW whenever's best for our eco. We need our cities to grow, they're pathetic right now. When do you think we can get our next settler out ?