Ichabod Wrote:That comment on the tech thread was awesome. Mackoti is a funny guy.
But I need to emphasize this again: be very careful in the attack against Mackoti. He's a crazy good BTS player (to the point of being in the best 10 on this site, most likely) and it'll surely reflect on FfH. And one of his main strenghts is warfare.
That being said, I don't think the alliance can afford not to attack him right now. He'll have a massive number of drafted and feasted vampires in a short time and that'll be very hard to counter.
Hopefully Krill and the horsemen will spawn near Mackoti when you summon them. By the way, you don't get guaranteed contact with Krill just because you summoned him. That's some bad news in the diplomatic front.
Yeah he is. Almost makes me feel ashamed for willingly launching a smear campaign against him, but we all play to our strengths in these games.
I've read up about him and I describe him as an Emperor and Empire Player for just that reason. He seems very good at micro, knows about the power of land and can organise and throw his whole nation into a war with efficiency. He has EARNED the very the title of "biggest threat" which I was trying to smear him with.
I had hoped he would make more mistakes with FFH mechanics. But while I seem to have done damage with Blight he is doing very well in getting the Undercouncil Shrine and getting a well rounded military.
Indeed this end game will come down to luck. I'm planing to pop out the Infernals and a Horseman once we are in his land and then a second horseman a turn after that. That's three possible spawns that could be near him. Based on the unused land I reckon I have... say... a 25% chance of one of them spawning near the Vampires? But It could be amusing if one spawns near the Amurites or Bannor seeing as they are running minimal military at the moment :neenernee
I do mean amusing. Not helpful.
Yeah Krill being far away is bad. But him being close is worse. It won't take much to cotten on to who is raising the AC and hopefully that will make him want to ally with me and not target me.