Yeah, following it casually. Aronian played some very nice tactics in round 2
Just wanted to let everyone know that CT-ART 4.0 is on sale at the moment for only 16 Euros/20$: CT-ART is the best software for practicing tactics. It says it's designed for players from 1700 to 2400 but I feel you can start with a 1400 rating. I especially like that it is very systematic: For example: Lesson 1 has the theme "removing the defender". Then the lesson is further divided into 1.1 "Removing a defender that protects a piece" , 1.2 "Removing a defender that protects the back rank", 1.3 "Removing a defender that controls a key square" and so on.... One example: Black to move wins / White to move wins
Ok, with hopefully the 2nd tourney finishing up soonish, do people have any thoughts or preferences on what they would like for RB#3 ?
1day/move for starters ... perhaps simultaneous starting for all games instead of people only swapping colors after first game is over
@Sian: That's correct!
@Jkaen: It's a mate in 3 both times. Regarding tournament #3: I agree about the one move per day rule. Tournament #2 takes too long. But I am not so comfortable with starting all games at the same time. It might be ok if we are only 5 players, but with 7 or more I prefer the single round start.
Finally got the resignation on my last game with the 2nd place player in the tournament - I went 8-2 and am going to win my group on tiebreakers by one point. Pretty excited about that!
As for RB3 I'd prefer what Sian suggested. But if we have people that want to play fast, then if we need to wait and not start both games at the same time, that's fine too |