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If you think having 3 abilities that hurt the village (and together with Winston's punch might kill) while giving the heal to SCUM is balanced than be my guest.
I would like to learn your role now since waiting for Sareln might be a very long time indeed.
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With a role blocker in play, I'd prefer waiting for Sareln to claim first.
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Catwalk Wrote:Does your PM specifically say that you can prevent night kills this way?
Yes. It specifically says it. I wouldn't be saying it otherwise. Whats the matter? Getting nervous Catwalk? I've been going back over your posts and I'm sensing a distinctly anti-town vibe as though you don't really mind what happens as long as you don't get lynched. I'm really reconsidering my position on you.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
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I'm not aware that I'm being particularly nervous. I'm busy turning over all rocks, including the one you've been hiding under :neenernee
I have no idea where you're coming from with saying that I'm anti-town after you lynched Bob on a whim. I've spent all day now arguing for not doing another hasty lynch, and helping trinormously to gather information. I even defended your idjosi last night because I feared that a rapid mislynch was brewing. If I'm still seen as suspicious, I really don't get this game. Then again, you did state that you always find me suspicious
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Catwalk Wrote:I'm not aware that I'm being particularly nervous. I'm busy turning over all rocks, including the one you've been hiding under :neenernee
Yeah first off that's what I mean. You're too NOT nervous. Feels like your not nervous because you don't care who gets lynched as long as its not you. So its not a sense of being nervousness. Its the fact that you aren't nervous. You aren't nervous about lynching the wrong person because you have the playbook. That's what I'm reading.
I don't hide under rocks.
Catwalk Wrote:I have no idea where you're coming from with saying that I'm anti-town after you lynched Bob on a whim. I've spent all day now arguing for not doing another hasty lynch, and helping trinormously to gather information. I even defended your idjosi last night because I feared that a rapid mislynch was brewing. If I'm still seen as suspicious, I really don't get this game. Then again, you did state that you always find me suspicious 
That's true. I can't get over your tone. It always makes me feel like your being uppity, and I don't trust you for it. Again maybe that's just your overconfidence.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
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BTW is it just gonna be Catwalk and I sniping at each other all day?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
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Ok after thinking it over, I will wait for Sareln to claim first. The nature of my ability is such that I couldn't reasonably change my claim based on what anyone else said if I was scum, so I should probably go last. I also feel that we (myself included) have been a bit too focused on setup speculation at the start of the day, so let's talk about actions:
Lewwyn: I feel his actions actually make a lot of sense if he is scum. I think scum Lewwyn would be worried that if Bob made a convincing defence, votes would flip away from Bob onto either himself or his scum partner (likely Erebus or Sareln in this scenario.) Therefore it would be worth taking a risk to end the day early. If Catwalk is also innocent, the switch back and forth makes sense since scum wouldn't really care which one of the two died. Drunk posts are, well, drunk posts, and I wouldn't read too much into them one way or the other. I guess the real question is how likely is it that village Lewwyn would flip out, against how likely scum Lewwyn would panic and kill Bob. I have to discount the first possibility some because of Serdoa's actions on day 1. Overall, suspicious.
Erebus: I thought he was panicky yesterday and even more so today, firing his ability pretty early with 1 vote on him and taking himself out of the discussion for the rest of the day. I would peg him down as scum for this, if not for the quick lynches we had on day 1 and 2 which would make a villager that sees himself as an easy target paranoid. Mildly suspicious.
Novice: If he's scum at this point, well played I guess. I often read him as suspicious, but I'm not getting any of that this game. Presumed innocent.
Catwalk: The "good villager" act, defending Lewwyn, claim that makes sense overall paint him as more village to me. Making more sense today. I do find the dynamic between him and Lewwyn a bit odd, but maybe it's just a personality clash. Overall not too suspicious.
Sareln: Has been generally regarded as suspicious throughout the game and in other games. A part of the reason for that is he always seems to be in a "reactive" mode, which was why I wanted him to vote first to get his unfiltered thoughts. Unfortunately his vote for Erebus doesn't really tell us much because he was a pretty safe pick to start with, then Erebus disappeared... Checking through his posts, his explanations for his voting so far have been consistent. Problem is, I am not really getting village reads off him either. Mildly suspicious.
Rowain: Has certainly been stirring the pot and trying to bait people, for good or bad it's difficult to say as this is normal behaviour for him. But after rereading his posts, I actually got the impression that he was trying to bait people into voting for Catwalk on day 2. I also dislike the sudden focus on the idea that he is a confirmed innocent because "a healer couldn't be scum" just after Novice puts 1 vote on him with no explanation. Why not just challenge Novice to explain his vote? Mildly suspicious (disregarding the setup speculation issues.)
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I should ask novice to explain his vote?
Sorry but this is funny . Besides in a way novice did explain it
To summarize your posts: you find Lewwyn top-suspicious and myself, Erebus, Sareln as runner ups? Whom would you vote for?
Another interesting thing:
3 people have been part of all 2 lynching parties: Rowain, uberfish & Lewwyn
only 1 from the current living has never been part of the lynch: Erebus
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Rowain Wrote:To summarize your posts: you find Lewwyn top-suspicious and myself, Erebus, Sareln as runner ups? Whom would you vote for?
I think Lewwyn is the most suspicious currently, so I'd vote for him if we were forced to do so right now. Although I am becoming increasingly suspicious of you due to your posts today. You are making very neutral posts speculating on the setup and casually mentioning facts about the previous lynches with no comment. You haven't even commented on anyone's opinions so far today except those relating to yourself. Are you just posting to keep up the appearance of activity while waiting to see where everyone else stands?
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uberfish Wrote:Ok, just caught up on the last few pages. Do you guys want me to claim now, or wait for Sareln?
Here's the current list of known or claimed abilities for reference:
Serdoa - Protect, wounds self (confirmed - dead)
Catwalk - Protect, wounds target
Novice - Night self-protect, wounds self (wounding part confirmed)
Erebus - Day self-protect, no damage (protection confirmed)
Winston - Day vigilante (confirmed - dead)
Rowain - Heal (confirmed, used on Novice)
Injera - Sing to show lack of other night actions privately (confirmed - dead)
Bob - Pass out to show lack of night actions publicly (confirmed - dead)
Lewwyn - Roleblock
Sareln -
Uberfish -
The fact that Novice took damage and Erebus didn't actually strikes me as breaking the symmetry somewhat. Unless Erebus takes damage when he comes out of hiding.
I am Winston's other half. I can kick someone to wound during the day.
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