November 4th, 2014, 16:09
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You get 1 free beaker per turn anyway, regardless of tech rate. Missionary is a pain to get, we either need OR or to build a montestry first. I choose IW on a whim, not really any reason why.
November 4th, 2014, 16:28
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Yeah I know I meant that I didn't know why we were putting that beaker on IW over anything. While I'd like IW sooner rather than later just for the sake of the iron hammers and classical era bonus it's probably not our priority right now (straight to currency and construction right ? with maybe a slight detour to monarchy and parts of the middle of the tree).
November 4th, 2014, 16:31
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Ah sorry I didn't want to put it into writing as that gets a 40% bonus so it is marginally worth more on iron than writing, and I didn't think there was much else there that we wanted earlier... Maybe priesthood? But I don't think it is worth too much currently; gives us cheaper writing, CoL and monarchy. Always better to have soon, but worth delay math/currency for? I doubt it.
November 4th, 2014, 16:46
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Yeah I guess we're in for writing maths currency (priesthood) COL monarchy with construction and IW somewhere in there potentially anytime after currency
November 5th, 2014, 14:44
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Unfortunately I couldn't figure out what you intended to do after this turn so I went Settler in MCG and queued warrior and work boat in EA, all to go north to the horse site. I wasn't sure if you meant to whip CN or leave it slowbuild the granary, it's at 14 food right now so whipping it now plus working the silver mine means a 14/22 granary which is good enough. On the other side it means working only the fish for 2 turns after that, losing our super silver that's been keeping us alive till now. Can you either enter the game or tell me what you had in mind ? The WB showed us nothing, but the north is looking like a huge continent.
November 5th, 2014, 14:56
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Sorry I'm not able to get onto the game until later. Yeah I meant to go settler in MCG and workboat in EA to grow on, I thought I asked your opinion on that earlier? Sorry if I didn't make that clear. But great minds think alike! I didn't actually think about whipping the granary in CN, I think you're right though that it would not be the best move. Whipping resource tiles that can't be picked up by another city rarely are, I'm quite happy for it to be slow built for the extra commerce.
Did you moved Ronaldo to MCG? I think he should dart in and out of our culture to see if that axe is coming.
That would be great if it is big enough to have a few decent city sites but not enough for rivals... Let's hope
Btw what's the settler eta in MCG? 10fhpt plus overflow I get, so 8 or 9?
November 5th, 2014, 15:47
(This post was last modified: November 5th, 2014, 15:56 by AdrienIer.)
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End of turn : I moved Ronaldo to the edge of our territory, queued a settler in MCG (9 turns slowbuilt, 7 turns if whipped) and a WB in the cap (12 turns but growth next turn).
Beginning of turn 61 : I moved the WB in the north, the continent is way too big, we'll face competition from a lot of people if it's an island and people will soon colonize it if it's part of their continent :
I then moved Ronaldo out, and found this :
Tech's now on archery, Soccer city is founded now producing a granary but I'm not sure what you want to do with it, turn not ended. Are we supposed to be in a turn split with GJ with 2nd turn order ? We've played after him for 2 turns in a row now, I exited the game because I was blocking someone out (I really should dive into the NET stuff to get around that). Should we change production in MCG and/or EA ?
Edit : forgot to add that we have 3 warriors in MCG so no imminent threat to our safety, also we have copper in like 5 turns with 2 workers there.
Edit 2 : I entered the game to move away our scout, if I had followed the turn split I thought we didn't have he would have stayed 2NE of MCG so all that happened there was that we lost his two movement points. I think we should let them have first part of the split.
November 5th, 2014, 16:16
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We were first for a while a few turns before - remember when I posted I assumed they weren't coming for us as they didn't wait for us to end? You weren't to know, although might it be a good idea to shoot them a message asking if they want a turn split? As far as I understand that sort of negotiation is ok... Also we have gained nothing, as we would have seen them in our second half anyway like you said. So yeah we lost movement points, that might get our scout killed now I think about it. Does that mean we should play first? I'm so confused by these splits.
Yeah no issue with MCG and defence - do we 100% need archery? As in could we have copper connected and an axe chopped in time? Axe war is not too concerning. No point changing production as we need an archer to be safe. A warrior that upgrades into a spear will be pretty meh there.
I think the solider increase of archery is worth it. I guess this is because they see we have no copper hooked (why I like always war over AI diplo)
Re soccer city, not 100% sure what the best build would be. There's a lot of hammers, another worker could be nice, and it's not like it'll grow any time soon. Granary is solid and hopefully wait for religion spread, but if it doesn't I think we would have wanted a mon first. I think worker, then either mon/granary is best myself.
November 5th, 2014, 16:52
(This post was last modified: November 5th, 2014, 17:00 by AdrienIer.)
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I moved the scout out of harm's way for this turn but you're right he could be killed next turn. If he attacks with the axeman that's great because it means a weaker axeman against the city (I'm assuming the scout gives the axeman a hit or two), if it's with the warrior it makes the warrior irrelevant (or even killed, Ronaldo's in a forest). We have 3 warriors in MCG, the problem is that we can't 1 turn whip an archer so we can only chop the forest 2SW of MCG to get him done on the turn we get archery. That means losing 1 warrior if he decides to attack with the axe, he could of course decide to walk towards the cap but that's alright. Most likely he'll notice archery and walk away.
I forgot to tell you that Gavagai moved a warrior in front of Messi, probably meaning DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Anyway it was never my plan to DoW on Gavagai for visibility, so I moved Messi away.
Gawdzak built the Great Lighthouse (I think it was him, he's now almost equal to Plako in score). Soccer city is building a 10 turn monument using the copper's 1/1/0 tile, we need culture in SC or CN ASAP so I decided not to rely on the RNG's blessing for a religion spread. I had a choice for EA, either the 2/0/2 cottage, the 2/0/3 lake or the 1/3/0 mine. I don't consider GJ's attack to be too worrisome so I decided to go with the long term benefit of the cottage. Also GJ has pastured (not roaded) the horse north of his capital and has had a few power spikes, not sure if he's going all in on us or not.
Edit : I ended turn but we're second in the turn split so you can log in and change stuff if you want to. The only problem I see is that we can't stop his warrior from pillaging stuff if he wants to. It's probably the stupidest thing he could do but he could do it in retaliation to our scout move on his pigs earlier. He should know though that his window of opportunity is very small, if he sees archery he'll probably run away.
November 5th, 2014, 17:18
(This post was last modified: November 5th, 2014, 17:19 by ReallyEvilMuffin.)
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That's fine. I can take the loss of a warrior. But we won't lose the scout as we have first move anyway yes? I'm confused with what you did with the turn order now... Scout might be useful if he has whipped a few chariots into play. (Like he did in pb20) plus I would actually move the scout under his attacking units next turn if we have first to causing him to teleport 1 square back and slowing the advance
I agree with long term benefit in ea, but the lake tile should now be 3/0/2 no? We built a lighthouse in there. That should be worked over a cottage really. Not too fussed over mon or worker, we will see if that was the right call in a bit
GLH going is no surprise. At least it is only +1 here