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[PB22 Spoiler] Joey and Borsche puke on the funny pages

Ever run a espionage-research economy? If you're not going to first-to bonii, theres nothing better in bts. With rbmod, it takes a serious hit, but still amazing. Not sure if thats what dtay is doing, havent read his thread in a long time... but that looks like an EP econ to me.

Yeah, I have in single player games, but I assumed that RtR's nerf of the active missions and the whip made it too inefficient to work here. I guess not, though?

Anyone out there know if this is article here is still accurate for BTS war weariness mechanics?


Gawdzak amphibiously wiped Gavagai's airship base off the eastern cape of his territory on T244, and then nailed another city just above it on T245:

It looks like Gavagai is totally abandoning his entire eastern penninsula:

Very interesting that he's not even trying to slow Gawdzak down with some small amount of fortified CG2 Infantries. I mean, at least make him disembark his tanks, right? Slow him down until you get some tanks of your own? Also interesting is that Gawdzak did not keep either city, even with Gavagai no longer having anything in range to take it back. Gawdzak has IIRC 22 transports in his naval stack, all of which I'm very sure are full. He's got to expect that these will be good for something, right?

Here's the closest thing I can find to a stack in Gavagai's territory:

It's weird that it's so far from the eastern front and also that they're all sitting on a fort. Does he plan to navally invade me, and also not realize I can see this tile? However, I saw only 4 transports in these waters, not nearly enough to do anything at all. We both have exactly 31 destroyers in this sea, staring at each other just out of range, and I have 4 full transports as well, so I don't see how he could both invade me and defend himself at the same time. He'll get industrialism one turn before I do, so perhaps his plan is to leverage a battleship or two to force another fight I can't win, but I'll make sure to have enough overflow to at the very least 1-turn a 4-promo one in Ma3.

Power charts from last turn:

I've already recovered past my earlier peak.

By the way, I finally realized that the power numbers I was using were freaking wrong:

Battleships are worth 40k, not 12k. lol This page has the correct numbers:

Also, Tanks are worth 30k, not 25k, and Marines 28k instead of 18k. That explains why Gawdzak is out-producing me in soldier-count more than I expected - he's getting a lot more soldiers per unit than I thought. He just got flight this turn, as expected, so I'm sure he's going for Radio next.

Versailles finishes next turn. My current city expenses are 497gpt plus 1.56 inflation, for a total of 775gpt. We shall see how much this 800hammer piece of crap saves me.

Finally, speaking of wonders, I just completed the most expensive wonder in this game, weighing in at 2025 hammers:

I'm talking, of course, about my now complete 2-wide, 9-stage long transport chain! The transports themselves are marked with stars on top of the long white vertical line on the map. My island holdings connect to it with Galleons in my north east, and they're also marked with stars. This conduit is able to instantly teleport up to 8 units per turn to either end of the chain - 8 up, 8 down, 4up+4down, etc. (In fact, I can even do up to 8 in one direction AND 6 in another direction in a single turn, although that would be insanely tedious and would be a situation that would likely never come up) Marked in yellow is the range at which a newly produced tank can connect to the chai - about 70% of my empire is covered. I've got enough ships in my northwest penninsula to chain back to the mainland as well, but as it is now I'd rather just keep them full and in standby in case Portugal tries to start some shit. Marked in blue is the range at which I can reach the front without needing to use the chain; anything in blue is also in range of the chain, though, if we need to go south instead of north.

I mean, hell, I have 25 transports on hand, might as well do something useful with them while I twiddle my thumbs and wait for tanks, right? lol

I'm still looking for precise info on war weariness mechanics, if anyone knows where I could find it. I had the idea of assembling a "children's army" of all my obsolete trash and then dumping it off near Gavagai's territory. The idea would be to let him kill them off for XP in order to raise his WW counter, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. lol From what I've read, my units have to either be in neutral territory or my territory for his WW counter to go up? I'd want to know for sure before I waste resources like that.

I think I want Flight next after Industrialism. I might not bother getting Biology at all. I just counted my farms and I only have 49 in my entire empire. So, +49 food per turn for 11500 beakers, wow. Out of those 49 farms, most are clustered either near Maracana, where they're in-process of being converted to watermills, and near my NE, which is pretty much cached out. Almost all of my cities, other than a few recently placed fillers in former Korea, are now maxed out on health and population already as it is... the only city that would truly work a tile unworked anywhere else is 3ChordDorks, which would gain a new plains workshop 10 turns after Biology. Everything else would just translate into an extra engineer here and there. That... doesn't seem worth it, I think? I dunno. Maybe it is? I mean, if I had AP temples available I'd probably be building them, right? Hmm.

That wonder is awesome! goodjob

(April 20th, 2015, 19:22)GermanJoey Wrote: Anyone out there know if this is article here is still accurate for BTS war weariness mechanics?

city_ww_unhappiness = city_ww * city_pop / PERCENT_ANGER_DIVISOR


city_ww = player_ww * (city_ww_modifier + player_ww_modifier + 100) / 100

city_ww_modifier = jail -25, rushmore -25
player_ww_modifier = police state -50

player_ww = 0, if Barb or Minor

(WorldSize_WarWearinessModifier + 100) / 100 * AIWarWearinessPercent / 100 * AIPerEraModifier * CurrentEra / 100

total_team_WW = sum of all team_WW from all living non-minor teams that you are at war with
team_WW = (+3 attack and die, +1 defend and kill, +2 attack and kill, +2 defend and die, +1 capture their unit, +2 your unit captured, +6 capture city, +3 get nuked, +12 nuke) *
culture_percent * (100 + team_WW_modifier) / 100

culture_percent = nukes 100%, other 100 * (other_team_friendly_culture) / (our_team_friendly_culture + other_team_friendly_culture)%

friendly_culture = your team or vassal or open borders

FORCED_WAR_WAR_WEARINESS_MODIFIER = -50 // Always war or Permanent War/Peace

WorldSize_WarWearinessModifier = duel 150, tiny 130, small 110, standard 90, large 70, huge 50

Oh great, thank you Flugauto!! That culture_percent equation was what I've been most interested in. According to this, you don't ever get get WW if you're attacking in your own culture? Hmmm, is that right? I'm pretty sure I got at least some WW when I wiped Korea's invasions earlier in the game, but maybe that's from when I chased them down as they were trying to retreat. Hmmm...

T246. (pt 1)

Gawdzak razed another huge city of Gav's which was again presumably undefended. We're a lot closer to Gav's core now so I can understand why he razed it.

I got in on the action too:

This city came with a factory intact, pity that I had to raze it. I also had the option to raze Elysia, that size 15 city a little to the southwest, but it was more iffy (defended by 5 infantries and a warrior) and I felt that I didn't have enough transports for both. Anyways, the war totals are now:

Me: captured 1, razed 1
Gawdzak: razed 6 (and another after I played)

The "another" was actually Gavagai's Moai city of Armageddon, which I had thought of as the critical lynchpin city of the entire invasion, as it controlled access to the huge inland sea at the center of English territory. I was very surprised to see that Gawdzak did not try to keep it, even if it meant taking big losses, because it would allow his navy access inside there as well. Something like a dozen cities are boatable in there as well as the entirety of Gavagai's naval production centers. So, while I'm pretty happy that Gawdzak is making such fast progress, this development is very frustrating to me. Now I will have to deal with Gavagai's navy entirely on my own while Gawdzak's navy is essentially useless, unless he's willing to risk it so far from home into the western ocean. But, I suppose that if Gawdzak keeps making fast progress like this, he could have settlers or workers on board his transport stack he could use to get inside anyways via a fort or settlement.

Interestingly, Gawdzak has another navy in the north ocean. I've had pretty poor visibility up there so I didn't even know, although I expected that he had at least something because of that city raze up there in the first turn of the war.

I logged in again last night, as I didn't have time to micro all my cities during my lunch break, and got a very perplexing trade offer from Gawdzak. I think I figured out what it means but you'll have to wait until I have time to type that up...

Industrialism comes in 2, as I was just short at 100% with some research builds; Gavagai gets it next turn, so at least I'll save a bit of cash from KTB. I've got some Anti-Tanks all ready to go just in case, and am building up overflow in key cities for some fast tanks and battleships. Gawdzak already upgraded some of his airships into fighters, which is interesting because AFAIK he does not have any carriers, and thus has no way to actually get them in range of Gavagai's cities. Airships, with their superior scouting range, would be more helpful to him.

This game seems insanely complicated, how long does it take for you to take a turn?

Lately its been somewhere between 45 minutes and an hour and half... probably leaning towards the midpoint there. This turn I spent almost four hours on today's turn though, minus some breaks here and there throughout. I took a bunch of screenshots and I promise I'll post about it tomorrow, just way too tired right now: but the long story short is this: Gavagai, desperate as hell, surprised me by dumping a large stack of infantry and seige right in front of Maracana this turn. This really through me for a loop as I didn't see it coming, I think due to a misclick on my Maracana airship last turn I did not fully scout that area. He also sent me a peace treaty offer. I simmed it out and its basically a coinflip as to whether he can take it or not. It's something like... 31 infantry, 10 knights, 3 cavs, 7 arts, 2 cannons, 2 cats, 3 trebs? With more cavs potentially hiding in the fog? I have 21 infantry, 5 arts, 3 cannons, 1 cat, 2 mg, 1 at, 6 cav. I collateralled him with the arts and cannons, but didn't roll very well on what got hit. Very unfortunately, if he had invaded the previous turn could have easily secured the city but ended up moving a small stack of galleons loaded with troops 1 tile away from my port on the northern peninsula last turn because I wanted the destroyers in that stack to be adjacent to coast in case 2metra decided to get fiesty. However, I did have a transport full of commandos on hand... well, I say commandos, but now instead they're C1 CG3 Pinch Pieces Of FUcking Garbage, UGH. Anyways, Maracana is the best city in my whole empire, the lynchpin of any chance I have at winning a spacerace, and I don't want to lose it, so after going back and forth for a few hours I did send the peace treaty back. Gawdzak will be furious with me I think, we pretty much had Gavagai on the ropes but now he'll be more than prepared if I were to re-engage in 10 turns, assuming Gawdzak peaces out as well. So, we'll have some horrible stalemate, nuke each other to hell and back, and plako will win by culture on T350 sometime in the IRL year 2016. That said, Gavagai will lose his capital of Terra this turn for certain, which had long been cemented as the #1 city in the world.

On the plus side, I got the completely insane coal plant event this turn, I was so fucking happy when I saw that prompt pop up that I did a little dance around my desk and my wife laughed at me. I have 35 cities with coal plants and each one now gets a bonus 9 hammers per turn, holy shit. Maracana and Ma3 get 13 hammers in theirs! But then I saw the invasion stack and my heart sank... I think I would rather lose my capital than that city at this point. Getting this event really made a difference in my decision to send the treaty back, as my chances of being able to win via space just went up astronomically. IMHO it's the one truly unbalanced event that did not get removed from RtR mod, probably because games generally don't go this late and the few that have haven't had civs that have got it. BUT, well, I got it!

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