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New year, New Master of Magic! v1.5 fan patch

(January 9th, 2016, 07:36)Tiltowait Wrote: Installed replacement .EXE. Same behavior as in above video.

Here's my Settings screen. Using General MIDI music, Soundblaster Pro later sound.

Tried with your settings, still no bug. Does it happen every time you find the item or just once in a while?

...wait I actually see a huge bug in the I wonder, how the hell was this even working so far?

This was supposed to be there
mov     ax, word_4282C
mov     dx, 4C8h
imul    dx
cmp     si, 6
jnz     short loc_643F7

but found this instead :
cmp     si, 6
mov     ax, word_4282C
mov     dx, 4C8h
imul    dx
jnz     short loc_643F7
Clearly my mistake, moved the 3 middle lines to the wrong spot.

Okay, so the docs say about imul "Modifies flags CF OF (AF,PF,SF,ZF undefined)"
if "undefined" means varies by CPU then this could mean the bug happens on only certain computers, while others don't alter the ZF.
I reeeaaallllly hope I didn't make this mistake anywhere else, as it seems my processor is immune to producing the bug.

Anyway, I attached the patch file which should fix this. Please apply the patch to your exe and check if it works.

Attached Files
.txt   W354FIX.TXT (Size: 393 bytes / Downloads: 5)

It worked.

> To apply a patch, type in FILESET Wizards.exe patchfile.txt in any command prompt (total commander, cmd, or dosbox).

RC4 is up!
Includes about 30 new patches.

Edit : reuploaded. Fixed some AI overland movement problems.
-AI can now launch naval attacks with nonship sea units towards sea targets.
-AI will not override an existing attack order with "attack nearest enemy object". Why that was even there I don't know, but I suspect this was responsible for transport stacks getting stuck for unknown reasons before. Especially because it doesn't seem to work on sea, but is called for sea stacks nonetheless.
-AI will now cancel all move or attack orders at the start of the turn, and assign new orders as needed.

This should make the AI much more responsive to the actual situation, attack weak points instead of having to reach the previously assigned destination first. However, as of now I haven't seen how this works out in an actual game, I don't think it can cause problems (if the movement target is still the best choice, it'll get selected again, no random chance involved here) but do let me know if something goes wrong.

5am uhhh I really hope this was the last AI problem I had to work on, at least on this level of complexity.
Due to the sluggish movement of units in vanilla, rerouting them actively might not work as well as I expect it to in CoM.

Will try it out as soon as I finish my Bhagtru game. I'm having a ton of fun. It somehow feels like MoM in the old days, back in the 90s.

Now that I'm finally awake, it's immediately obvious it's not working well, the AI stacks fall apart or turn around before the destination because cities and gathering points suck out the units from it. I better undo this change, and instead improve the alerting procedure which cancels orders on nearby, weakly defended enemy towns only. If it also did so for enemy stacks of units worth attacking, this could achieve what I wanted without messing with stack building.

Uploaded RC5.
Orders are still reissued every turn to be able to react to enemy presence, but it does not disturb the stack building process and ongoing attacks like in RC4.
The root of the problem was that the AI first made a list of units to use for building a new stack, then sent out the attack orders to everything and finally, sent the units on the list to the stack building point, overriding their attack order. So an attacking stack often ended up with half the units attacking and the other half going back to the stack building point.

I had to make it an exception not to send already ordered units to the stack building place the same turn, and also to make the list directly prior to sending the units to the stack building point to make sure it won't get filled up with unavailable units.

Fun thing I discovered in code : neutral stacks respect their peace treaties, wizards pacts, and alliances. Of all things, neutral stacks! Not that they'll ever have any...

Corruption is sure a hell of a lot more effective on a Tiny map. Also no neutral cities, so there are not as many races on the board. In my game there were Nomads, Lizardmen, Klackons, one city of Gnolls, my own Halflings, and that's it.

We might want to bring back the original restriction that the CP only gets good races at Hard and Impossible. Before, kyrub removed the restriction and it was great, more variation, the game was more fun even if a CP got stuck with Gnolls or something. But now that the game seems more difficult, and Normal will be played a lot more, it seems good to hold something back for when playes want to take the jump into Hard.

I successfully dispelled Confusion on one of my units in battle. In another battle, I had Confusion on the last enemy unit, it went to my side, and the battle didn't end. I had to wait until it went back to the enemy side so I could kill it.

Once I got Aura of Majesty cast, I had to fend off Wizard's Pact offers. I was in the mind to crush them, not ally with them! One of them offered me a straight-up Alliance without a Wizard's Pact first.

Ah, I like that caster heroes show their special spells in the display! That's a nice touch.

I definitely got too many gold/mana rewards and not enough in equivalent items. Are there enough low-level items now?

I got a "move your troops from the border or void our wizard's pact" message and wondered what the heck had happened. Turns out, he founded a new outpost that had one of my magic spirits in (what now was) its 2 square catchment. I got warned that same turn.

Counter magic still gets cast by auto-battle even when it's against a neutral opponent who lacks spellcasting ability.

I went up against 4 skeletons at a ruin with my slinger/hero stack. The slingers didn't fire, they advanced up to the skeletons and engaged them in melee.

Treaties don't stop CPs from taking your nodes! I guess the lesson here is garrison every one.

Due to my Aura of Majesty, I soon had good relations with everyone. I played "let's you and him fight" with my two biggest rivals and weakened them both. One took another's city on his home continent, which had to hurt. I had alliance with Tlaloc and WP with Raven. Once in a while Raven complained about me having a treaty with Tlaloc, but when I rejected the demand nothing happened. Even after the Raven declared the treaty void because I camped on his border with troops, a few turns later he demanded again that I break my treaty with Tlaloc. With AoM active, I could pretty well jerk the CPs around any way I liked. With diplomacy more active, this spell is a lot more powerful than in 1.31 or 1.4.

Make sure and reset the hall of fame before distributing the files.

(January 12th, 2016, 02:29)Tiltowait Wrote: I definitely got too many gold/mana rewards and not enough in equivalent items. Are there enough low-level items now?
I didn't change the premade items for this, only CoM. The minimum amount for an item roll to be available is 300, if you play low difficulty, there will be many places with lower total points than that.
The rolls were also changed, the old item chance was 1/3 on every roll (a place with a higher budget will generally roll many times and will almost always have an item with this chance), now it is 1/5. I've been playing like that in CoM all the time and get enough items, although "enough" is somewhat subjective, I usually manage to fill every slot on every hero before taking out the last lairs or nodes, and also have many items left over in vault or already melt. However, this is on hard or higher, in normal, the chance of not meeting the minimal 300 points is probably way higher.

Quote:Counter magic still gets cast by auto-battle even when it's against a neutral opponent who lacks spellcasting ability.
The AI can't fight in normal combat against neutrals so I didn't feel it necessary to add this rule. Auto is for when you win even if wasting mp.

Quote:I went up against 4 skeletons at a ruin with my slinger/hero stack. The slingers didn't fire, they advanced up to the skeletons and engaged them in melee.
Which is what they are supposed to do, skeletons have missile immunity.

Quote:Treaties don't stop CPs from taking your nodes! I guess the lesson here is garrison every one.
Indeed, if you don't garrison them, they'll assume you don't need it.

Quote:Make sure and reset the hall of fame before distributing the files.
The file that contains that is not included, and it also contains the settings (sound I mean), I rather not force people to reset it. Most people will install it on a clean 1.31/1.4 in a new folder anyway.

Quote:I successfully dispelled Confusion on one of my units in battle. In another battle, I had Confusion on the last enemy unit, it went to my side, and the battle didn't end. I had to wait until it went back to the enemy side so I could kill it.
Yes, that's how it is supposed to work if not having a bug.

Quote: With diplomacy more active, this spell is a lot more powerful than in 1.31 or 1.4
Indeed, and Subversion is probably even better. (I haven't tried because it's not available in CoM)

Well, if someone needs to run ITEMMAKE.EXE and create some new items, then I volunteer. There are tons of useless high-level items that will never be encountered due to ludicrous spellbook restrictions, and I identify this as a problem that needs to be fixed. Lots of useful low-level items can be created.

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