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Game mechanics

I've found the difference. Units on ships are not given the same order as the ship when a full stack is moved. We should check if that's possible to change without secondary effects, then the proposed solution would be doable it seems. The reason why the difference exists in the first place should be the fact that ships are treated differently so by making everything coherent we should be able to remove the need for that.

Otherwise everything is the same - 2 ships with different MPs left act exactly like land units.

Wait, "get_moving_units" and "get_moving_units_human_manual_movement" are two different procedures. Arrgh. So this feature would require redoing both? omg.

Back to the problem. This is actually more simple than I thought. Units are set to have their "go order" after they finished moving and spending movement points. Units carried by ships skip spending that whole block. So they also skip getting their "go" orders set. They should only skip that tiny part at the beginning where they subtract the move points, everything else should still apply to them, unless I'm overlooking something.

Ok, so this is out of the way.

Selecting 0 move units though, idk about that. Guess we have to try.

Managed to enable selecting move 0 units. However, it only works on move 0 units that actually moved so far. Units that had the done button pressed refuse to get selected.
A more important step will be to search for implications of this change - we need to make sure the selected 0 move unit cannot actually move, build, meld, etc.

...looks like I was able to fix all the complications. Except for one thing, which never really was a feature but now it's a lot more noticeable - you can't issue different move orders to different units if the stack is out of movement. This made sense until now, not so much when you can individually select units. Oh well, it's not like the units actually gain anything from getting that order a turn earlier - they can't move anyway. seems everything is actually ready to implement the feature...but doing so will be for next year. Only 23 hours left of this one, afterall.

What are the AI bonuses on different difficulty levels? The list of AI advantage multipliers in the first post is outdated.

The last one in the changelog should be correct.

So, is there a reason that when two units with different movement types move together in a stack, the advanced movement type loses the same number of movements as the slower unit on rough terrain, or is this a bug? For example, a flying unit moving together with a land movement, neither has mountaineer, if they go into mountains, the flying unit loses 4 movement instead of 1.

Just tried with all sorts of units and terrains and seems to be pretty consistent.

The reason is, units move as a stack using the collective movement type of the entire stack. This is why abilities that make the entire stack move in a specific way can work.
Flying and Walking has the collective movement type of walking. So all units will spend 4 on mountains.

What could possibly cause a unit to be invincible to melee attacks? In the linked video, the priestess tanked my hero's melee attacks with 0 damage. That was after I hit them 4 times before the video. They have magic immunity, but I checked and my hero's spell ammo didn't decrease. I later tried to send another hero unit against it who didn't have a magic attack, but a missile attack, and that also failed. They have Guardian Wind, but my hero had a pretty strong melee attack, and again the ammo didn't go down so I know they didn't use the ranged attack. A Sky Drake finally killed her with no trouble.

It's the usual problem. Your target both has immunity to your missile attack, AND it is flying while you have no thrown/breath to attack a flier so it's also immune to melee damage.
The UI usually doesn't let you use a melee attack against a flying enemy but this is the exception because it's not an attack done through the UI, it's an automatic replacement of an invalid ranged attack.

(April 11th, 2020, 18:03)Seravy Wrote: It's the usual problem. Your target both has immunity to your missile attack, AND it is flying while you have no thrown/breath to attack a flier so it's also immune to melee damage.
The UI usually doesn't let you use a melee attack against a flying enemy but this is the exception because it's not an attack done through the UI, it's an automatic replacement of an invalid ranged attack.

Ah...yes. That's the downside of using Focus Magic on a Thrown hero. I completely forgot that it couldn't hit Flying units anymore.

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