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[SPOILERS - PBEM29] spacetyrantxenu - Mao of Babylon

the bad news:

Rick Santorum was razed. He won a low odds attack vs. an LB and damaged the new musket enough so that a second gren worked.

I'm sorry about that - if I hadn't screwed up the micro the turn before, or built a couple of knights (which could move from city to city better), I think it would have been safe.

I killed one of the grens that landed, so that force has only 4 grens now - but I lost a cannon doing it (grrr) Hopefully, he'll try to take out the musket that killed a gren, cause then I can kill another unit.

the other bad news is that he's at war with 2 civs and he's STILL builidng wonders - he finished University of Sankore this turn.

the good news is that nothing else was razed. The norhtern galleon is moving towards the southern end.

The better news is that it is turn 124, so dazed should be entering the war soon.

And the even better news is that we are just 6 or 7 turns from astronomy, ourselves - 2 turns to caravels which can at least kill wounded galleons. We can't stop the frigates, but we can at least force him to stack everything together.

Also, we have 1 cannon heading south and I just 2 pop-whipped another in herman cain (which hurts a little), so can maybe start scaring Sian in the south some. Cannons' can't be flanked by knights, so...

[Image: t124%20Rick%20Santorum%20burned.JPG]
That's 2 grenadiers on the corn. I really have no idea why he would land 2 grens on the corn - I assume it was a mis-click. On the chance that he attacks the wounded musket, I have a cannon and 2 muskets nearby They can get back to the respective cities for defense if need be.
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

No cities razed. he's split his stack of galleons in the western sea - i don't think he can take anything. Nothing in the north east can be taken (well, without him winning low odds battles, which I would go for if I was him, but he might not)

Bad news:

he has steel. He can research steam or rifling, if he wants.

Good news: dazed should be declaring war this turn.

I set Michelle Bachman to build a drydocks, to pump out frigates. I've got other cities building triremes, which should upgrade to caravels, which should upgrade to frigates. We'll have optics next turn.

I set newt gingrich to build a settler, to replace rick santorum. It's about the same as a cannon anyway. if he wants to burn it, he can. It costs him in weariness, not us wink
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

From Dazed:

Quote:Well, I sent in my caravels first to see what I could see since they explore rival territory and I found Sian has built more troops than he had just two turns ago. AND he had a frigate ready to stop my ships. I remain committed but I won't attack when it won't produce positive results. Better to wait and catch him off guard later.

Yes, I know that may seem fishy to you and I can't help that. But I really don't see how suiciding troops with no benefit is useful for anyone.


Not sure how to reply to this. I suppose I could say "well, he currently has 7 grenadiers tying up some 30 units, which, with the cannons I have have, could be used to maybe take a city."

As I see it, either Dazed attacks Sian, or we make peace with Sian and attack Dazed\ and/or slowcheetah and hopefully gain enough land to be able to compete with Sian. it's a 3-1 - Sian cannot be strong everywhere.

What do you guys think i should say?
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

Sorry for the late check in today, we unloaded the truck and started setting up in the new house today. Lots left to do but only one day left until I'm back at work. Doh!

So yeah, if it's a wonder Sian is going to build it. Any idea how much fail gold he got from this one? When he has a long tine to build a wonder he can build it a few times over with his multipliers in place for a big payday when he completes it. PBEM29g modus operandi.

@the war, we can rebuild Rick, it's obviously great land and we can regrow it quckly. Grow, build in forge + barracks and make nothing but instruments of war forever. Keep fighting the good fight, don't be too discouraged. I didn't exactly hand you a good situation, did I? cry

@Dazed: if he doesn't declare war on Sian as he was supposed to on his T125, he's saying he's OK with coming in 2nd place in this game. If everyone isn't going to work together to take down Sian, my opinion remains that there is no way for anyone else to win and we may as well call the game. However, before going that route I'd be open to attacking Dazed for being intransigent and a general pain in the ass. Burn a few cities and then call it a game. lol

I'll be honest, though, I have no inclination to attack Slowcheetah while he has any credible power left in this game. He has been a solid ally and I'd rather not dagger him. Dazed hasn't earned the same level of regard, I leave the response to you, but I would encourage as little tact in the message as possible. Maybe something that would make Nicolae blush? Convey that we expect his participation (and the same level of sacrifice/effort) that slowcheetah and we have made, not the typical "Dazed doing what is best for Dazed" thing. I think that course got him to #1 in score, but it won't win him the game. If he doesn't help me here he loses the diplo game. In that case, we'd make peace with Sian and attack Dazed to avoid another several months playing a game with only one candidate to win.

That took forever to type on a phone! rant

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

The situation wasn't great or anything - still shouldn't have lost it. I saw the issue and took action - I just screwed it up. Well, I probably should have completed the builds and not switched over to cannons so quickly, but that's a minor issue.

I actually think the Civ is in better shape than you think it is. It's behind, but I'd put it in a solid 2nd place - Sian is the power in the game, but China is pretty clearly (in my mind) #2 - neither Dazed nor Catwalk are all that close to steel or mil science.

I think what I'll respond with is this:

So, I'm new to the game - but what's the point of continuing if you guys can't get a 3-1 vs. Sian?

if he's not vulnerable now, call the game, cause he's not going to get MORE vulnerable in 5 turns when he has rifles or curaisers or ironclads.
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

In that situation calling the game would be the logical thing to do, but I want to at least burn a few of Dazed's cities before we end this as repayment for his lack of cooperation in this game. His diplomatic decisions to not put aside personal gain when we had a chance to prevent Sian from becoming a runaway 25 turns ago (or so) are what led to the impossible position we're in now, in addition to me not playing better I guess. Anyway, if I'm going to lose it will just feel great to give Dazed his "reward" before we call this game over. Maybe we should clue Slowcheetah in on this....

TL;DR - If Dazed hasn't declared war on Sian by EoT 125 I say we consider this game over and pursue the bonus round. hammer if he hasn't declared war by EoT 125 my understanding is that would be a violation of previous agreements and therefore we have no NAP to break. If you're OK with this, cool. If you don't want to waste your time (or wouldn't find it fun :lol) let me know that too. I guess we should get input from Slowcheetah about what to do since he has put a lot of time into this game and clearly isn't going to win now. Maybe he'll get some frustration out by beating on Dazed a bit.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

AT, I can't post Dazed's latest email from my phone so if you'd be kind enough to share it for anyone still reading this thread that would be awesome. thumbsup

As for the content of the email, Dazed is offering to start gifting us units "in recognition of our effort in this war", but says he isn't declaring war yet himself because it "won't help the cause.". That is entirely incorrect, IMO, and is not sufficient. Declaring war would immiately help both us and Slowcheetah by opening another TWO fronts for Sian to have to defend against Dazed's borders. Just gifting units keeps Dazed from having to defend and avoids any war side effects, like war weariness, while Dazed can keep working toward his own purposes. If he was at war and had the same threat of invasion that Slowcheetah and we face, I bet he'd build a lot of power very quickly.

I leave the diplomatic response to you, however you want to reply. If you want to reply with an in game ALT+Left Click on his name on the scoreboard...!

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

AT, I wish we were China, but we drew Babylon. I disguise that fact as often as possible by referring to us as the Republican Party. If that is too distasteful, Babylon will do :neenernee

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Quote:Thanks, Slowcheetah! here's my thought for the best way to mvoe forward. Next turn I start putting out frigates to conquer the seas. Then I can gift Xenu some Galleons to get his troops to more vulnerable locations. I can unload my troops with his troops as fodder for Sian while his cannons making attacking possible with lower tech troops. logistically that is more complicated than Xenu gifting me cannons but I am not suggesting that because I think that Xenu's military efforts deserve to be recognized by being the one holding the troops.

I want to reiterate that I am not trying to avoid war, but only want to start one when it will actually help the cause.

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 6:13 AM, David Edgar <> wrote:

Don't worry about it Dazed, I did exactly the same thing with my assaults, there's no point in just wasting troops.

My reply:

Quote:That's fine. Actually, right now, none of my cities are in danger (unless I screwed up or he makes low-odds attacks, which he might) They are just tying up troops.

Killing the galleons (and, right now, his galleon's are running around without frigate escorts - the frigates are all close, but not with, the galleons) would free up something like 20 units or so, which are mainly muskets, with some cannons and knights. The muskets are mainly CGIII, which isn't great for attacking, but they are great for.

China will have galleons/frigates in 4 or 5 turns, I think - don't remember exactly.

I'l try to coordinate an actual attack.
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

Current plan is to hit Joao II on turn 130, combined arms of me and slowcheetah. maybe earlier, I dunno.

i sent everyone some screen shots:

Mansa Musa - has the GLib, probably his Nat Epic, too.
[Image: T126%20mansamusa.JPG]

the world around Mehmed II

[Image: t126%20mehmed%20II.JPG]

A galleon he has out on the western edge - it has at least one unit in it.

[Image: T126WesternGalleon.JPG]

I hope Dazed takes an opportunity to take it out.

On our front:

He's pillaged the seafood by michelle bachman and is sititing on it. However, he's split the galleon and frigate, so I'm going to try to hit the galleon with caravels. We'll see how that works. We are close to Astronomy anyway, and with a drydocks and theocracy, we get 2 promo frigates or ship of the line.

I'm sending cannons south, a grenadier to the gold island (I hope I can pair it up with cannons and wipe out some of his cities) and a cannon north, hopefully making him think slowcheetah is coming to hannibal again.

Slowcheetah is, in fact, massing around Joao, hopefully with his units a ways back.

Do you guys know how things work? if I hit Joao with cannons and collateral, dazed goes, then slow cheetah - does he get to attack the units I've damaged?
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

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