Okay, I'm overdue for an update. I've been a bit distracted lately by something that happened to my family, but here's the current state of the empire, which mostly consists of producing workers and getting the newer cities started.
[SIZE="6"]The Home Island[/SIZE]
Currently, we have only Sirius and Canopus, but I aim to settle the other two sites very soon. Canopus finished one settler at eot107 and the next one will take exactly four turns(2 food and 23 hpt). Once those two cities are founded, Canopus can lend them hammer tiles while it grows working coastal tiles.
Meanwhile, I wanted to grow Sirius to take advantage of its excellent coast tiles. Sirius grew from size 8 to 10 while building a Hindu temple, which took 3 turns. Next it will produce a workboat(2 turns) and keep growing. We have the happy cap available to grow quite far due to more luxuries about to be hooked up.
Nicolae suggested, and I agree, that we whip a market in Sirius as soon as we can. Our breakeven slider is quite low, around 38%, and each market will give two happy as well. Canopus will build a market in the usual way, after the next settler.
[SIZE="6"]The Central Island[/SIZE]
Currently we're working artists in all four central cities until they pop borders. We're also chopping a granary in all of them except Fomalhaut, which will have to whip instead. Very soon, we'll be finished with this stage, and we'll be able to get the cities developing pretty rapidly thanks to seven workers present for the task.
So far, our workers have gotten some critical roads up and started chopping three forests. The deer camp(4/2/0) between Fomalhaut and Alphecca will be finished next turn(T108), and the two cities will be finished with their artists the turn after that. In addition, the incense plantation at Alphecca will also finosh next turn, and the three workers present can do the silk and banana after that. After the Vega worker finishes chopping its granary, I'm planning to have it chop a forge and/or a lighthouse, then several culture buildings. Vega has a lot of international overlap, so a strong culture focus is important.
Fomalhaut, Antares and Vega each have a fish netted now, and only two seafood sources are left to net. The fish west of Alphecca will be shared between 3 cities, and the Fomalhaut clam will be shared with a mainland city eventually.
Even as small as they are, these cities are costing significant amounts of maintenance. Courthouses will be a priority, as well as Hinduism to make the courthouses affordable. Luckily we got a free spread of Hinduism into Vega this turn, which is nice but it's only the second free spread we've had all game(Sirius being the first.)
[SIZE="6"]The East[/SIZE]
Arcturus has been busy whipping. The city whipped a forge on T105 but finished something else, then on T106 whipped a temple and finished the forge. Next turn(108) we'll complete the temple and overflow 31 hammers into a WB on T109. Thanks to double corn, Arcturus should regrow rapidly enough that we can whip several more things when we go back to slavery.
Very soon, we'll receive our first settler from NH on the space 2N of Arcturus, which will be sent north to the Polaris spot. Denebola will finish a WB in time to net the fish when Polaris's borders expand, and I have three workers in place to get the city going quickly. They'll be be able to rapidly chop the two easternmost forests on the border with NH, which are otherwise up for grabs by either of us. After that, they'll improve the corn and iron, and probably a few cottages.
[SIZE="6"]The Core[/SIZE]
Over the past several turns, Regulus completed some workers and whipped a courthouse. Next, it will probably produce either military or missionaries while it grows toward the expanding happiness cap. The new cities can really benefit from Hinduism while getting infrastructure up, but I'd like to get free spreads of the religions we don't have yet. Pollux will never get a free spread of religion, so a missionary is mandatory for it.
Castor has several workers currently present, with a focus on cottages, especially of the tiles it shares with Pollux/Regulus.
I'm planning to settle two cities very soon at the coastal sites to the west of Arcturus. They won't require as much worker labor as the Kuro border jungle sites, and we ought to be able to quickly make them productive.
[SIZE="6"]The Jungle[/SIZE]
Sites not yet on the timeline.