There is a bug on Alchemy retort. It halfs both gold and mana at the same time. Let's say I have 40 gold, if I try to convert my gold to mana it only let me convert 20 gold to 20 mana. Now let's say I try again with 20 gold left, it only let me convert 10 gold to 10 mana points and thus you can never convert the full amount of gold you actually have.
-The AI cannot target nodes it hasn't discovered yet by the Warp Node spell.
-Fixed bug : New game generation didn't set number of nodes to zero.
-To be safe from possible similar bugs, quitting to the main menu through the win/lose button now fills the entire game data structure with zeroes.
-Improved flag colors. (No more black, yay)
-Undead units should appear in a slightly darker color in combat
-Replaced "Cities" button with "Info" button.
-Cities screen is reachable from the "Info" menu under F10-Governor, or through the C hotkey.
-Mirror is removed from the Info menu. To see your wizard, simply right click on it on the Wizard's screen, or you can still use the F9 key.
-Fixed bug : unit bonus stats were displayed as both normal and gold icons.
-It is now possible to return to the wizard selection screen from name selection
-It is now possible to return to the custom wizard screen from spell selection
-Moved unit images into a subfolder under "data" to reduce the number of files in the folder
-Fixed Alchemy not letting the player convert more than half their gold or mana.
-Added icon for "Tranport" ability in unit view.
-Added icon for "Primal Force" ability in unit view.
-Added icon for "Heads" ability in unit view.
-Added icon for "Necromancy" item power in unit view.
-Added icon for "Pandora's Box" item power in unit view.
-Added icon for "Wall Bonus" in unit view.
-Window size and position are now stored in a text based window.ini file where it can be edited manually as desired.
-Random wizard button now generates a custom wizard if difficulty is Fair or higher.
-The custom wizard screen will no longer forget to clear previous wizard data before it is entered.
-Monthly report now shows global enchantments that were cast.
-Charmed heroes are no longer immune to Disintegrate. (it does not make an actual resistance roll)
-Wave Of Despair no longer ignores Resist Magic and Bless.
-After moving the current selected stack, if it can still move, a new stack won't be autoselected.
-The AI mandatory early Monument building now only applies if the AI has a contact with the human player and have no treaties with them.
-The Monument only counts as a basic building for AI priorities if the AI has a contact with the human player and have no treaties with them.
-Added outline to scrolling arrows
-Message while banished now shows the remaining turns to return.
-The Armies screen now shows the remaining movement of units that can still move and aren't set to patrol and can still move.
-Fixed : clicking on a unit on the armies screen doesn't always select the unit's stack.
Oh, that, not a bug I simply forgot to disable the test unit. (for the unit view arrows and primal force ability)
You'll probably find random starting units every once in a while like that, but thanks for reminding me to remove it
When reporting bugs, please post a save file if possible and if you aren't posting it in this thread then specify it's a bug report for CoM II. (zipped otherwise they are too big)
I registered solely to reply to this thread. The snappiness and cleanness of the interface is reason enough for me to be very excited.
I've played this game since it's release; I'm 44 years old and essentially homebound - I still play this game almost every day. My wife calls it the "wizards and dragons" game.
I realize you probably have plenty of testers, but if you do need another, I'm very keen to help out.
Even if you don't need me, which is fair, I want you to know how much I appreciate your work on this.
I attacked a lair guarded by 8 demons with a demon lord and got Range check error.
Also i think forest is too annoying to watch in combat and overland map. It's like a quest - find a war bear on this picture