As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Googling for the MoM Unofficial patch I think. Or just MoM patches in general. Most of the Arcanus races are bad and/or boring, wanted to alleviate that.

Hi, ummm I like Master of Magic (among other things).

About me: (a 30 something nobodybang)

I'm typically a console gamer, but like the classics on PC too.
I have been known to run long distances.
I love family, but am cursed to remain single for life.
And I like most things fantasy, be it book, art, movie or Game. Games just happen to be my medium of choice.

Sooo... where would a guy ask a MoM related hardware question around here. Do I just create a post anywhere or is there an area for that (I didn't see one).

Welcome NIghtrnr smile

Jrm promised to put up a thread about getting MoM to run properly, I suggest bugging him endlessly about it until he gets around to it! <3

I'll put one up now which he can flesh out later, go ahead and ask in that one.

Ah, how to begin such a message.... here goes...

I used to play Master of Magic as early as 1994, but mostly at about 1996 and later. First on a friend's computer, unpatched, via diskettes. Later on my family's first computer via CD-ROM. I imagine I played unpatched for many months before I tried out the 1.31 patch.

Back in the day it was an AMD K6 133MHz, 16MB RAM, Quad speed CD-ROM, 1.2GB hard drive disk running Windows 95. Later upgraded to 32MB RAM and a 20X CD-ROM. Our second computer was a Compaq (before the merger with HP), AMD K6-2 400MHz, 64MB RAM, 4GB HDD, etc. Perfect DOS boxes. I remember discovering I could drag the CD to a folder for faster loading (all 25MB of it instead of the 2MB install), then I could type magic.exe to bypass copy protection... wow... what a discovery. Then I could restart in DOS mode and disable my CD-ROM to save on EMS memory. Boy that takes me back. I even once went through every single item in itemmake.exe and made them all insanely powerful. I even remember doing that, getting to item 200 or so, and then having it crash and lose my progress... ah the hours wasted.

One of my friends even owned the strategy guide.

Just for fun (like the good ol' days as a middle-schooler playing with my friends or my brother) I usually play on Large land size, 4 opponents, Easy, Powerful magic. I play as a Custom-Tauron, red flag, with all chaos books (flame strike, chaos channels, and lightning bolt on start), and either halflings or high men. I usually reload until I'm on a coast or have something worthwhile (in true dice-roller fashion).

I do mess around with plenty of other stuff, but that's my favorite starting picks. I also like using 2 of each book for rune master and artificer, then you can summon items to eventually give you unlimited mana.

I had played this game through Windows 95, 98, 98SE, 2000, ME, even XP via VDM Sound.

Now I'm using XP or Windows 7 and playing via DosBox 0.73 and 0.74, depending on the machine.


Every now and then I use Cheat o Matic to see what it's like to have unlimited gold and mana on the first turn of the game.


I can't get it to work anymore, but I had the trial of the Jay Barnett multiplayer shell (, and I never played it multiplayer, but, I used to use its editor to do things like give a city 5 gem deposits, etc. Or to give my character like every pick in the game, heh, as if the game weren't easy enough. If anyone knows how to get it to load properly so I can use it, I'd definitely have your babies.

Here's an old post on the DosBox forums of me trying to get it to work:

15 years later and I'm still playing.

Off and on I've searched for MoM 2, etc., only to be disappointed over the years. Still, I've loved MicroProse and SimTex... loved Moo2, loved the whole Worms series, etc.

I ended up at this forum just googling around, and reading on gamefaqs messages. I am currently messing around with the 1.40i patch. I'm really excited to follow its development.

Love this game, the end.

Hello all,

(a small introduction of myself)

My first contact with HOME video games was the Atari VCS 2600, later replaced by a C64 (both when they were widely available and sold in Germany) - that should say all ;-)

non-native english speaker from Germany

Why I am here?:
Once in a while, (e.g. at least for 2-3 weeks each 2 years) I have the urge to replay my old game treasures. MoM is one of them, if not THE ONE I played most at these occasions.

Sure, there were such gems like AoW, MoO, MoO2, Civ1-4, etc. but - none as great as MoM.

So I am very happy that a live community exists - and even that there is a patch in current development (many thanks for that, Kyrub!).

And as I found my first bugs/crashes to desktop, I would like to give my 2 cent (hopefully useful). ;-)

Best regards,
Zytac the Mage

Welcome Zytac, I see you've already been active on the front of bug hunting.
Nice screenshot! wink.
--I like ILSe

Hey everyone,

Some of you might know me from Implode's Master of Magic forum, which has sadly been static for 2 years now.

I've loved Master of Magic ever since that demo with Kali, Merlin, and a beastman city in the middle. The game just flows, and the scope of magic and units is just plain generous. I come back to it still, and I'm happy to have been shown (by Kyrub) the way to this forum.

I was also working on a mod for the game as Implode's work was coming to a crawl. His version of the game was going to be multiplayer and extraordinarily modular, and I was working on a mod to add additional races, heroes, wizards, and even planes. I actually have the graphics for eight new races in .bmp format, and I'm actually pretty bummed that Implode's project halted. It means that mine had to stop as well. I was only making a version of the game I really wanted to play. Now I'm an associate professor of anthropology and I front/play bass for a death metal band, with less time to work even if I could. Still, I'll come back to it in a second if I get the chance.

Here's the thread:

Welcome back Lucern smile Sorry for not getting hold of you, communications were difficult after Dragonsword went down.

I'm a C programmer and I remember playing MOM in my early teens i only had a demo as I had no money.

I have now started playing again in my free time.

Hello all.

Lucern Wrote:Hey everyone,

Here's the thread:

Welcome to this forum.
Your graphics look well indeed and I think we may be able to incorporate them into a mod.
I'm very pleased that we now have an artist in our midst.
--I like ILSe

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