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Mapmaker looking for players - Indie picks

Ow, burn Novice. It's up to you guys, of course, if you can find another vet and three more greens I'm sure it'll be easy to roll both games at once like 25.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Eh screw it, I'll jump back in if you'll have me. I'm not God's gift to Civ but I think I'd qualify for a vets game. I'm still overbooked but its not like I have anything better to do with my freetime.

I owe everyone but Seven in this game for something:

Lewwyn for the PBEM14 map trade.
mackoti for PBEM24 Spoiler
Rolling up on me with 2 chariots and beating me to every wonder
novice I'm sure has screwed me in werewolf at some point.

More importantly I owe it to myself to not shirk the challenge. Hopefully I can convince NH to jump back in but if not I'm in the market for lurkers/teammates/special education.

[SIZE="1"](I promise I won't Bow choke anyone unless the in-game situation actually calls for it.)[/SIZE]
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Lewwyn Wrote:Hey, yeah had to restart and clean juice out of my laptop.

I was thinking that the Catwalk's level is still novice. He hasn't completed a PBEM yet and would pretty much be breakfast for any of the rest of us in the game. Basically whoever starts next to Catwalk wins the game. I don't want to discourage anyone from playing in PBEMs, but the roster for this game has sort of turned into a higher level game. Thus it behooves us to try and keep the field level.

The solution is, of course, another game.

Would you agree Catwalk?
I agree completely, I don't want to imbalance the game. That said, with a team mate for analysis discussions I feel confident we'll do decently, and I promise we'll commit fully to the game. If you can find another veteran to take the spot I won't mind that at all, so let me know. A vets/greens split would also be okay. Would be interesting to see two games play out with the exact same picks and starting locations.

As novice says, on a toroidal map this concern might be void. At least that's how it seems to be playing out in PBEM25. slowcheetah, what do you say?

So, with Gaspar in vets, looks like a Vet/Green split. Catwalk, this does mean that if you want a different pick, take whichever you want.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Then I want dibs on Suleiman of Korea smile Will you inform us whether or not there's stone and marble on the map? Also, I think I'll put a vote down for full diplomacy for the green game. Or is it important to keep both games exactly the same? If so, I'll accept CTON.

slowcheetah, do you want to partner up for the green game or do you want a separate spot? You're still welcome in the cat army, of course.

Gaspar Wrote:I owe everyone but Seven in this game for something:

I'm just too nice aren't I.

novice Wrote:With toroidal wrap that could be everyone. But Catwalk could definitely find himself in a fierce situation.

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has been revoked. Please return your title to the title office immediately.

SevenSpirits Wrote:This is an automated courtesy notice. Your license to make the following claim in your user title


has been revoked. Please return your title to the title office immediately.

Oh, the pun was intended, it's just the harm that isn't.

Welcome aboard, Gaspar!
I have to run.

How about we get started on settings votes?

Ban votes
[ ] War Elephants
[ ] Nukes
[ ] Corporations
[x] Spy units
[ ] Great Spy scouting
[x] Great Spy infiltration
[ ] Blockade action

Other votes
[x] Barbarians
[ ] Raging Barbarians
[ ] Normal speed (instead of quick)

Things I'm taking for granted: No tech trading, no talking, mapmaker choosing other map settings (and may use discretion to ban certain wonders/corps if desired), no vassal states, no tribal villages, no random events.

Anything I forgot?

My votes count for half as I haven't consulted with Novice.

Should we use the same settings for both games? Btw if there aren't enough takers for a green game I don't mind opting out.

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