Sian: the jungle drums suggest that you might have a war on your hand?
me: yeah
mao didn't likemy city
Sian: can you honestly say you're surpriced?
me: no :D
Sian: i guess that i could be entangled as well when that one is done
me: ?
Sian: Xenu didn't like me grabbing GLH and is insistent that i'm going to grab Mids
me: yeah i think he was trying to build the GLH
Sian: he said he was so ...
not that i believe i'm able to get more than prehaps a handful of failgold from Mids
they usually drops around t50-55 and i suscept the kitties of having a GE ready to rush it somewhere
can't really do much against that
me: no you can't
but sounds like you're gonna try anyways
Sian: not that i intend to try even ...
me: oh
Sian: if i try its only with the intend of grabbing some failgold to fuel some research
me: yeah
can i make a slight change of topic?
Sian: being very much surprised if i actually get it (chances i say is somewhere between slim and none)
me: so i'm super curious to hear your take on the diplo in this game
Sian: staying alive
me: i.e. your current relationship status and how you see things developing
i'll offer my perspective first
i think catwalk and Xenu are tight
Sian: my 'natual' enemy is likely going to be the kitties since they've been my primary angatonist when it comes to wonders
doesn't per say have anything against Xenu as of yet, but given his reaction when he figured out i had GLH i don't think the feeling is mutual
me: haha
yeah and Xenu isn't my bff right now! :D
off the record?
Sian: sure
me: ok, it's gonna come down to 1 of 2 options
Catwalk/Xenu are a team for now
so either they pull one of us in for a 3v1
or we work together
Sian: i have no interest in warring with you, and an interest in stalling Kitties ...
and to be completely honest, from where i'm sitting, if they're taking you in on a 3v1 against me, theres a running countdown till Xenu delivers a dagger in your back
and its looking like its the same story (althrough the Kitties with the dagger) if they try to hook me into a pile on you
me: so what i'm suggesting (tho not officially yet) is us explorin the idea of working together
there's lots of options
shared intel
non-aggression pact
Sian: i'm all for an informal argeement to be fleshed out
I don't believe any of us have anything to win from not doing it ...
me: alright, well i have to run now, but i wanted to test the waters.
but i appreciate you honoring the "off the record"
and we can see if anything mutually beneficial works out
Sian: as said ... i'm not seeing any way i would gain from not honoring the "off the record" since that would mean that Xenu and the Kitties would stab me when they're done with you
therefore it would be pure idiocy to do (telling that is)