Ok crew, let's nut this out a little more. When we get to writing, we get known tech bonuses. Does that mean that we get bonuses to our research for each KNOWN civ who ALSO HAS the tech we are researching?
And they don't need to have writing for us to get this bonus?
Meanwhile, we have faced our first big question of strategy. How large to grow our city? Q and I debated this for a while, and I even spent my precious holiday time building a sandbox and simming it out.
If we started a settler immediately at size 3, we could get a fast second city and immediately pop it with a religion. And to be honest I was kind of wanting this. But playing forward, it seemed that we were doing rather better overall if we delayed the settler 3 turns until reaching size 4. Taht means that we can have 3 riveside cottages growing right through the settler time, and get the capital building vertically. Since we are charismatic without much food around, vertical growth seems like a good idea.
I also think that Yuri is going to place a relatively cautious second city his side of the floodplains, so we can still try to grab them with a religion if we want. That depends on what we find to the south next turn.
Also met Ilios officially. He is pasturing some cows.
Finally, we got Yuri's graphs. Here is power:
Yuri and I are taking similar paths. We are both on size 3 capitals, and last turn we both had 9000 power. I now have 11,000 (equal first!), I'm not if he does or not because the graph is a turn behind. So, let us climb to the crows nest and see what we can see.
Yuri started on 2000 (mining). Then 10 turns no change, followed by a 4000 and 3000 increase in quick succession. That was around when he got his free tech, so the 4000 could be The Wheel, or Hunting + warrior or Hunting + Animal Husbandry.
The 3000 is a 1 population increase, and then another small tech or warrior.
Next turn we look upon the promised land to the south, and we shall start to know our dotmap. For now, we have equal first power and highest score, so the winds are in our favour.