Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Lurkers]WW 38: Judging a Player by his Cover

I'll reiterate that I disagree with allowing neighbors to confirm their roles in this manner. Sure, it's not confirming alignment (though the principle holds for masons as well), but there's no way a pair of scum or anything else would be able to fake a role like that, and even though we've moved away from fakeclaims a lot, I don't think that's how it should be.

My opinion and all, but whatever.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


How not to play werewolf:
  • Don't defend against accusations, instead scheme in secret
  • Deny others a chance to read you by hiding most of your thoughts where they can't see them
  • Keep amplifying your confirmation bias by only talking to those who agree with you
  • Then quickly kill your suspects before they have a chance to think better of you

Disclaimer: Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter at all, I just thought there was an amusing comedy of errors in that neighbor thread. I'm a bit disappointed to exit so early, because this was a very fun game! I fully expected to be lynched at the end of the day, though. But letting the lynch run its course might have been more informative. Still, maybe this will work out, too. If Mattimeo is innocent, then having him shoot me was probably better than having me lynch him. Maybe we could have agreed on a third option if he actually talked to us, though.
If you know what I mean.

To reiterate the important point, this was a very fun game. Some awesome roleplaying going on. smile
If you know what I mean.

Yeah, the day-vig really caught me by surprise, sucks to go out that way. I would usually associate that power role with scum, but I'm also used to daytime kills immediately ending the day, and no public communication during nighttime. I wish there was more opposition to the current novice wagon, I don't think that the arguments against him are that clear cut, and the scum team would push back harder against back to back scum lynches. There are also a few players with virtually no thread presence, even with half a dozen ability claims in the air. If the thread stays quiet and novice flips town, the scum team are definitely still in the game, and I'd definitely like to see this game keep going smile

There was plenty of traction on both me and Mattimeo, so I don't think that works as a defense for Novice. Lynching him looks like a very logical move at this point, and it might be the right one.

Alternatively, or perhaps additionally, AdrienIer's mid-day post saying "I'm assuming we will all converge on Shadeun eventually" makes me suspect that both he and Shadeun are scum.
If you know what I mean.

Of course, if Mattimeo is in fact scum then the timing of his kill makes perfect sense. Lewwyn was willing to listen to both sides of the story, and Mattimeo may well have felt like he was losing the argument. So better to pull the trigger while he could claim to have Lewwyn's support. In fact, it's all very convenient, so it's easy to seduce myself into thinking that this must be it.

But in that case, the "I won't bother to defend because I know you're both scum" statement is a bold imitation of confirmation bias. So I guess he's more likely to be innocent.

The "were you going for a 2-for-1" argument from Novice didn't quite ring true, even though it would be a logical thing to suspect from his point of view.
If you know what I mean.

NIce avatar Zak.

That must have been a unpleasantly swift exit for you. Hopefully its a Reichenbach Falls gambit, and you'll be back in the game Day 4.

There are a LOT of role reveals happening today by our usual standards, half the players must have claimed something now. It will be interesting to analyse if it helps town or scum in the long run. Right now I suspect its good for scum, because the overlapping claims and potential explanations for Night 1 are becoming too confusing for me to keep track of, and I'd guess the same goes for many of the players. That might shift by tomorrow though.

Did you think I was obviously scummy Day 1, Zak? I know I'm not that good a scum player yet, but I was a bit surprised to be called out so accurately, so early.

No, I wouldn't say you were obviously scummy. That post where you voted for Molach and got called out by Meiz and me was a bit scummy, though. I thought Fenn was scummier up to the point where he appeared and lynched you. smile And I thought you were scummier than Molach, so I would have voted that way if I had been on-line right until the end.
If you know what I mean.

It looks like Novice is about to get roleplayed to death! This game is utter madness Brick smile

(April 17th, 2015, 11:36)Gazglum Wrote: This game is utter madness Brick smile

Just wait til you see some of what is 'really' going on that you're only seeing shades of.

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