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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

I don't do a lot of jungling, but the changes to HP gained on level up seem like a pretty big nerf to non-Warwick junglers. It's going to be a lot harder to survive in there and still be effective at ganking.

Did the ward nerf indirectly buff Teemo?

Sir Bruce Wrote:I don't do a lot of jungling, but the changes to HP gained on level up seem like a pretty big nerf to non-Warwick junglers. It's going to be a lot harder to survive in there and still be effective at ganking.

Junglers already have a habit of keeping their health up using health pots, as well as a tendency to return to base more often than laners normally do in my experience. I think this change might affect the effectiveness of harrassment in lanes more than it does jungling.

If anyone frequents Garen, how much worse did he become?

Some calculations lead me to believe that he's now completely useless, whether built tanky or DPS.

20 less damage per tick on Judgement weakens his early game severely, and even buying a Long Sword doesn't help (and that pick nerfs his durability).

You can build him tanky or dps, not both anymor without a huge amount of feeding to you. Add that to the Sunfire Cape nerf, and Omen nerf, he's gotten a lot worse.

Deceptus Wrote:If anyone frequents Garen, how much worse did he become?

Some calculations lead me to believe that he's now completely useless, whether built tanky or DPS.

20 less damage per tick on Judgement weakens his early game severely, and even buying a Long Sword doesn't help (and that pick nerfs his durability).
He was already nothing special after a long series of nerfs. I'd put him in the trashcan for now. They will probably increase his scaling a bit in future patches, but Guinsoo said they wanted to err on the side of conservative.

Supposedly he needs 290 bonus attack damage from items to do the same amount of damage that he previously did at level 5. I'm not sure about level 1-3, where he was pretty strong before.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

I like the Katarina changes, making her main damage skills scale off both AD+AP at the same time fixed a lot of her awkward item build issues. A Hextech Revolver -> Gunblade build now works very well on her, with the spell vamp giving her extra staying power in harrassment wars and the gunblade's slow making it harder for the primary target to run out of Death Lotus' radius. Getting her ultimate off to maximum effect in teamfights still depends on the amount of CC in the game on either side, obviously.

Many of you have probably seen it in the spotlight, but apparently Sona and Kog'Maw in their Snowdown skin version sing this song together if two players alternately use the "/joke" emote:



Yeah pretty crazy changes in this patch. Like Sulla, I was baffled to the ward/dragon nerfs but I guess Riot is responding to all of the "AoE ults in teamfights" rage by making changes that encourage a playstyle more suited to ganking than teamfights.

Was anyone else totally impressed by the Christmas skins? I thought they are amazing and hope I can afford to buy at least half of them before the promotion ends. I especially love Nutcracko Shaco which makes it such a shame that that champ has been nerfed so bad to be almost unplayable these days. But I'll be getting the Sona, MF, and Kog skins for sure.

Anyone tried out Cassiopeia yet?

The Sona+KogMaw duet is amazing, it even made the rare "send video game related thing to wife to look at" cut.

I may buy KogMaw just for the skin.

Also, did anyone above mention the holiday quints? Like with Halloween (the Harrowing) they're good deals if you don't own a full set yet or want to try out a different combo.

My girlfriend didn't want to buy a santa suit (you know the kind I'm talking about) this year either, so I bought the mf skin to consolidate my

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