OK, micro stuff is up for the current turn and the next turn. I'm assuming for the moment that Dreylin will not declare war on us when the peace treaty wears out next turn; we'll have to rewrite some of the micro stuff if he does attack. Organized Religion helps out noticeably with getting the factories build; most of our core cities only take 2-3 turns, and the power plant will likely be 3 more turns after that. Less time than that in our true powerhouses of Steam Engine and Haber Process. Let's hope we get those half dozen turns to build up in peace.
Some other interesting things from the start of the turn roll:
Those trade routes are pretty nice, heh?
Dreylin's many wars have hurt him a lot more than he probably expected by denying him all these trade routes. (REM is making a mint, as he has routes with everyone here plus Dreylin too!) Pindicator is the only one in Mercantilism, and therefore he's not getting any routes with anyone. I'm guessing he doesn't realize how much that's hurting him. No wonder his economy has been so subpar.
Here's the biggest news of the turn:
BGN has picked up Assembly Line tech. Amusingly, he picked this up on exactly the same turn that we did. Some kind of coincidence there, heh. This does change some things, however:
* Do we still want to make a run at Fascism? If we don't get there first, it's probably not worth the beakers. This may have tipped me back over into the "just go for Steel/Railroads/Combustion" line of thinking.
* Here's hoping we don't have competition for the Pentagon! I will start tracking builds in BGN's core cities and see if he's building it anywhere. I think we still want to go factory/power plant in our capital before trying for the wonder. Unfortunately BGN is Organized, which means that he can build factories faster than we can. Or do you want to skip the factory/coal plant and just try straight for the Pentagon itself? It would take 10 turns with Organized Religion, 12 turns without OR.
* Donovan is also burning through his money right now researching... something. Dreylin has also increased his GNP in the last two turns, which means we will likely see them (finally) discover a tech soon, most likely Steam Power.
According to the Demographics, we are the 3rd place team.
Pretty accurate I'd say. There is one really noteworthy thing here, however: we jumped into 3rd place in military power. We can see the bar graphs of Dreylin (#1) and Donovan (#2) who are both ahead of us, and Donovan not by much anymore. This means that REM has lower power than we do! At the very least, he doesn't have some monster army out there. My guess is that he's been doing a lot of Wealth/Research builds like we have. I don't see how his GNP could be so high otherwise.
Going back to our discussion from today, if I wanted to attack Donovan, here's how I would do it. Donovan does not have vision inside the city of Radio, so we could station soldiers there and simply walk across the border next to Sector 19. However, I think a better move would be to forego the land attack and use galleons instead. If we build a city at the red dot (which we should do in the next 10 turns), we fort the incense tile and move right up next to the city. Frigate drop the cultural defenses and the units attack right off the boats, never coming off them. No warning, no time to get additional defenders. Then the ships sail on through the captured city next to the capital, and can either unload or attack right off the ships again on the next turn (yellow arrow). A secondary attack lands next to the invisible Donovan city on the northern island and captures it on the second turn of the war.
If we could take those three cities on the first two turns of the war, Donovan would be finished and it would all be mop-up duty from there. Easier said than done, naturally, but speed plays a huge factor. Donovan isn't even Spiritual, so no whipping or drafting until he goes through a turn of Anarchy. Attacking over land is just silly on this map.
We're not in a position to try this, but who knows a dozen turns from now? We can build a lot of units really fast once the factories are done.
In the shorter span, I think we'll want to push out some quasi-aggressive settlements to keep the expansion train rolling. We have the backfill spot south of our capital (yellow dot), the isthmus city over by the deer (blue dot here) and its twin north of Haber Process, and then this red dot city on the southern island. I'd love to claim that spot and back up our plant with 3 infantry, daring Dreylin to come attack us. It would be another Spinning Jenny location, and another very strong city. We need 5-6 turns to crank factories, and then it's time to build settlers and claim however many of these spots are still left.
Busy turn. As a final note, I'll mention that the Hindu missionary that we just built should probably go over to Pasteurization. And if Dreylin declares war and immediately offers a 10 turn treaty for the guaranteed peace, I would definitely take it. Let me know if you have other thoughts on any of this stuff, scooter.