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Nexomon Extinction

Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 5

BROCK's Mineral monsters were too confident when they thought they would beat the Normals in a level race.  Reaching Drake Isles scaled up the difficulty dramatically.  Even random tamers would force BROCK to sacrifice multiple Nexomon when they sent Harectic the Water type.  Drake Isles was also the Wind themed region, a source of constant pain for Minerals.

The Nexolords may have been joke antagonists, but the one assigned to fight BROCK had built an anti-Mineral squad.  He led with Florozard, then moved to Grebal the Water type.  Treclay tried Rock Wall against Grebal, but was already low on health and had to poke it with 10 power Rocknites.  Bouldcran fired 17 power Plasmas at Grebal until it tagged out to Sirnympha the mermaid. 

Sirnympha Splashed Bouldcran with 17 damage water, and Bouldcran retaliated with more Plasma.  Bouldcran pressed the attack until defeating Sirnympha, but died before it could do the same to Grebal.  Blizstrong confronted Sorvian the Wind type and Rock Punched it for around 13 damage.  Bite was welcome in comparison to a 37 critical Slashing Current.  Blizstrong barely held on long enough to force Sorvian to retreat to Grebal, who fell to Rock Punch.  Sorvian returned and cut Blizstrong down with a Slashing Current.

Parchidna skittered out of its Nexotrap to Combo Sorvian to death at low HP and Rock Punch the Plant type Outgrov before fainting.  Moonette Rock Punched Outgrov and made Florozard return.  Although Moonette took heavy damage from moves like Thorn Storm, it knocked Florozard to critical HP with Rock Punch and made Outgrov come back.  Blooming Spores + Fauna sent Moonette crashing to the ground.  Waser was the only hope left, and made BROCK proud with a Rocknite to Florozard and two Double Slashes to Outgrov.

Although the Minerals had won against the Nexolord, it was a Pyrrhic victory with only one survivor.  Continuing was not an option when all the enemies were in the mid 20s level range with super effective attacks. The party was only at 21-24 with 3 monsters at the lowest end. 

BROCK returned to Palmaya and New Ignitia to battle the upgraded trainers there.  Even then, the battles could be difficult.  Pokemon players joke about how Lance is a cheater when he has underleveled Dragonites, but in Nexomon Extinction most of the trainers are like that.  Treclay and Moonette must have felt inadequate when fighting evolved versions of themselves!  Many of the starters were represented too.  Parchidna learned Heal during this training session, which sometimes gave it a second chance in a fight at a high 25 Stamina cost.

As of the Drake Isles town, the Minerals are at Levels 25-28, and some still lament the lack of Normal moves to deal with Water and Wind types.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 6

BROCK battled a few tamers that he had missed on the east side of Drake Isles, and his Nexomon profited from it with new moves.  Treclay and Moonette learned Rocknite Burst, a 110 power and 95 accuracy move with 44 speed.  (Turn order priority depends on individual moves more than in Pokemon.) 

At Levels 27-30, Team Mineral was ready to confront Dracon the Legendary Fire dragon with 345 HP.  Parchidna started Rock Punching for 20 damage, while Dracon launched Suncore for 28-30.  Parchidna Healed itself to full HP and took more Suncores and a 23 damage Fire Cross before Healing again.  Rock Punches had whittled Dracon down to 230 HP before Parchidna ran out of Stamina and switched to Treclay.

Suncore charred Treclay for 40, forcing it to build a Rock Wall.  One Fire Cross afterwards only dealt 7 damage on a critical, but still caused 6 recoil damage to Dracon.  Rocknite Bursts from Treclay reduced Dracon's HP to 159 before it tagged out to Bouldcran.  Bouldcran's Rocknites bludgeoned Dracon for 28-37, and Dracon continued to try Fire Cross with its recoil instead of the superior Suncore.   When Dracon was at 60 HP, Bouldcran switched to Moonette, who attacked once with Rocknite Burst.  Blizstrong dealt the final blow with a 45 critical Rock Punch.

Nadine the Wind daughter of Omnicron destroyed the party as her true form Ventra.  A critical Glaze impaled Parchidna for 76 damage.  Treclay might have held on for longer if not for Rock Wall using 25 Stamina out of a maximum of 127.  Mineral type would be a "stall team" in Pokemon, but the Nexomon Extinction Stamina system is designed to forestall any attempt at that. 

Brave Waser attempted Double Slashes, only to succumb to Glaze.  Bouldcran tried Plasma before Glaze cracked it open.  Moonette wanted to Confuse the boss with Sandstorm, only to watch Ventra Heal and cast Glaze.  Ventra decided to Heal again after Blizstrong entered the ring, and it wasn't even a close fight.

The only way forward was to level up some more in Palmaya and New Ignitia.  Bouldcran replaced the useless Tackle with Sonic Scream, an 85 power + 85 accuracy + 21 speed move with a Sleep chance.  Treclay ditched Sandstorm for Healing Stone, a 15 Stamina and 100 speed move that restored 25% HP normally or 50% at critical health.  Parchidna replaced Rock Punch with Rock Wall.  Even Waser could participate in trainer battles under favorable circumstances.  Blizstrong swapped Rock Punch out for Rocknite Burst, and Moonette evolved into her final form Lunabelle.  Lunabelle still had some stats that were inferior to Blizstrong's.  Lunabelle replaced Rocknite Burst with Drill, a 100 power + 100 accuracy + 44 speed Mineral attack.    

At Levels 31-33, Waser lead the Mineral charge against Ventra with a Screech.  Waser Double Slashed Ventra down to 302 HP before dying to Glaze.  Parchidna's Rock Wall blunted Glaze to 15, and it held on with Heal too.  Parchidna waited a turn at low Stamina to try to waste some of Ventra's.  A 23 damage Twin Tornado Confused Parchidna, and another blew away the spider after Ventra had fallen to 189 HP.

Treclay was third against Ventra, and set up Rock Wall on its first turn.  Treclay shot 23 power Rocknite Bursts, cutting Ventra down to 93 HP.  Treclay restored some HP with Healing Stone and waited a turn to spend more of Ventra's Stamina on a Glaze.  Treclay attacked with a 15 power Rocknite once more before Twin Tornado tore it apart.  Bouldcran took Glazes well enough to finish off Ventra with its Sonic Scream.

If you only open one Vault in Nexomon Extinction, make sure it's #5.  That has the Ultra Pickaxe which yields more Shards per rock so you can create more cores to equip.

Lydia and Eurus challenged the Minerals to a test of strength before they could enter the abandoned laboratory.  Waser Double Slashed the Wind type Dratter down to critical HP before it switched to the Water monster Blizzaur.  Blizzaur's Water Blast doused Waser for 42 HP and frightened it enough to tag out to Parchidna.  Parchidna had to take a 31 damage Palm Flurry on the switch, and promptly set up Rock Wall.  Parchidna whiffed a Combo and had to Heal itself in the middle of the fight. 

Fortunately, Heal was a free turn when Lydia switched to the weakened Dratter.  Rocknite Blast defeated Dratter and Combos inflicted Demotivated on Blizzaur, making it switch to Eurus the Wind Tyrant.  Eurus had only 292 HP, less than Ventra, but was still a threat to the team.  Parchidna waited a turn and endured a 48 damage Howling Winds.  Parchidna switched to Treclay, who tried the usual Rock Wall + Rocknite Burst tactics.  Maybe there's an AI routine that triggers switches more often when the player heals, since Healing Stone made Eurus retreat to Blizzaur.

Treclay's Rock Wall + Rocknite Burst shattered Blizzaur and forced Eurus to return.  Rocknite Burst had cut Eurus down to 223 HP by the time Treclay exhausted its Stamina.  Bouldcran was next up against Eurus, and sacrificed itself to Slashing Current after Sonic Screaming Eurus to 95 HP.  Blizstrong's Rocknite Bursts shot down Eurus, and it only took two to eliminate Voltaic the Electric dragon.  Oregoon's Rock Barrage buried Blizstrong, and Lunabelle Drilled it to death, probably while looking for gems.

The abandoned laboratory itself was far easier than the rest of Drake Isles.  Waser fought most of the Electric random encounters to level up a couple of times, and it even learned Heal! 

Ross the impulsive "rival" challenged BROCK first.  Waser's Rocknite Bursts made Nekgiri the Fire cat faint, and Heal restored its HP for the Normal type Calplex.  Waser Double Slashed Calplex down to low HP until it was low on Stamina and tagged out to Lunabelle.  Lunabelle Drilled the rest of Ross's team, from Singletti the Grass monster to Calplex to Kamelevo the Electric starter.

Nora had more sense than Ross in both her personality and team composition.  She led with a Water type called Snaiflow that managed to Freeze Lunabelle with a Bubble Attack.  Lunabelle sat on the bench for the rest of the combat, and Treclay took its place.  Rock Wall prompted Snaiflow to switch to the Mineral type Fortoise.  Fortoise's shell was useless against 42 strength Rocknite Bursts, and its Sandstorms were feeble.  Rock Wall + Rocknite Bursts also finished off Snaiflow.  Parchidna's Rock Wall + Rocknite Blasts made Singlette's Leaf Dances tickle instead of sting.  Imbuzi the Fire goat was Nora's last monster, and more Rock Wall + Rocknite Blasts from Parchidna conquered her team.  

BROCK is now in Frozen Tundra with a Level 32-35 team.  Waser is actually on the higher end of experience in spite of its comparative weakness:  Parchidna actually has the lowest level.

EDIT:  The Minerals are still on par with the Normals.  Maybe all monotype challenges are about equal?
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 7

BROCK's starter transformed into its final form Tresaur after a tamer battle in Frozen Tundra.  At Level 34, Tresaur had the same Attack as Lunabelle, and more than Blizstrong.  Defensively, Tresaur was superior to both.  Lunabelle was the winner in the Speed category, although Speed isn't as essential in Nexomon Extinction since enemies don't die in one hit like they do in Pokemon.  Speed is mostly good for finishing off weakened opponents.

Parchidna evolved into Holoch at last. . .only to disappoint BROCK with its Attack stat of 66, compared to 70-72 for the others.

Ulzar in the ice cave led with Florozard, and tended to use Experimental Lure monsters in general.  Waser Double Slashed the Plant until it ran out of Stamina, and then tagged out to Holoch for its Rock Wall + Combo tactic.  Combo worked well enough against Hyphoon to force it to switch to Monkapow.  Holoch had exhausted its Stamina by this time and switched to Lunabelle.  Lunabelle Drilled Monkapow, Rock Punched Hyphoon, and Drilled more than half of Rapnux's HP before a critical Gust Wind made it retreat. 

Bouldcran was next and damaged Rapnux's hearing with Sonic Scream.  Divette took Rapnux's place, but enough Sonic Screams made it sacrifice Rapnux later.  When the enemy Blizstrong appeared, Bouldcran did something it had never accomplished before:  put an enemy to Sleep with Sonic Scream.  Another Sonic Scream added to Blizstrong's Sleep counter, letting Tresaur set up Rock Wall and bury the rest of Ulzar's team with Mineral attacks.  After the Ulzar battle, Bouldcran replaced Plasma with the more powerful but less accurate Plasma Cannon.  

Team Lobo Grunt in the cabin led with the Ghost type Malitress as BROCK sent out Waser.  Rocknite + Heal stalled out Malitress's Darkness attacks, and made the Grunt switch to the Normal bear Lukuma.  Waser Double Slashed Lukuma and Healed on the enemy's switch to Eqoloptera the Electric bat.  About 3 Rocknites later, and Eqoloptera was at below half HP.  Not bad for an unevolved Nexomon!  Lunabelle entered the arena once Waser was low on Stamina and Drilled Lukuma, Malitress, Eqoloptera, and Lumefur the Fire starter.  Drill also dealt some damage to Phantra the Ghost before Tresaur finished it off.

BROCK's next "boss" fight was two consecutive Blizstrongs with much more HP than usual.  Waser Double Slashed the first one until low on Stamina, and Holoch defeated it with Rock Wall + Rocknite Blast.  Tresaur destroyed the second Blizstrong with similar tactics.

Robot Guard Form #1 inside the bunker opened with a Fire type Barboraco, and BROCK led with Waser as usual to give it some experience.  Waser performed surprisingly well by casting Rocknite on Barboraco until it retreated, Heal + Rocknite on Fortank until it switched out, and one last Rocknite on Moltano when it appeared.  Holoch killed all three with the help of Rocknite Blast.  Blizstrong was elated after this battle when it finally learned Rock Wall!

Due to a passive item in BROCK's backpack, Waser recovered some Stamina for Robot Guard Form #2, and used it to Double Slash a Lukuma.  Blizstrong stared down Immortis the Ghost mummy and built its first Rock Wall.  Darkness and Ghost Slash were useless against the defensive might of Rock Wall and the offensive might of Rocknite Burst.  (Some of these Mineral move names are too similar. . .)  Grath the Fire bear and Kamelevo the Electric starter were weak to Rocknite Burst and fainted promptly.

Xanders was the last opponent in the bunker when Deena revealed her true form Nara the daughter of Omnicron.  Waser Double Slashed the Psychic type Shardberg in hopes of Demotivating it.  Waser failed to do so, but did at least put Shardberg at critical HP.  Lunabelle whiffed a Rock Punch against Voltaic on a misclick, but then Drilled a hole in both Voltaic and Shardberg.  More Drilling snuffed out Blazetilia and dented Rustung until Lunabelle used up its Stamina. 

Blizstrong cast Rock Wall + Rocknite Burst to defeat Xanders's Tresaur, but Centeror the Ghost caused trouble with the rare move Spectral Invasion.  Blizstrong was now Possessed, which meant it used its moves randomly.  Blizstrong lived up to its name anyway and exorcised Centeror with an Energy Strike.  After that fight, Lunabelle replaced Sandstorm with Tornado Kick.  With only 35 power, Tornado Kick isn't likely to be used often, but at least it's an option if Lunabelle has to fight a Nexomon with Mineral Siphon or something. 

As of the end of the bunker dungeon, the party is at Levels 36-40.  Waser has the highest level again, and more Nexomon have maximum strength experience cores because of the Ultra Pickaxe giving BROCK enough shards.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 8

On the way to Tomb of Omnicron, Waser leveled up and replaced Screech with Mineral Siphon for later battles.  A Team Lobo Grunt challenged BROCK inside the tomb, and led with a Ghost type Dreddiful.  Holoch injured both that and a Sorvian, though my Switch footage only caught the fight with the latter.  Combo was useful as always against Wind types.  Next came Bullogan, who gave Holoch a chance to Heal.  Holoch had just enough Stamina for two Rocknite Blasts as Bullogan Leaf Danced around. Tresaur's Rock Wall + Rocknite Burst combo knocked out Bullogan, and Rocknite Burst also destroyed Goatlanche, Reptomotor, and Dreddiful.

One room had four branching paths that BROCK could tackle in any order.  He chose the southeast route first and confronted the Electric Nexolord.  Holoch grounded Volpressor and Omecharge with Rocknite Blast.  Holoch had to Heal when Ostrolt attacked it with a 33 damage Plasma Star.  With the last of its Stamina, Holoch cast Rocknite Burst to crush Ostrolt.  Electric Nexolord didn't only use Electric types:  one of his monsters was the Plant called Mantrass.  Bouldcran Sonic Screamed as loud as it could, only for Mantrass to Poison it with Poison Sting.  To avoid losing any experience from death, Bouldcran switched to Tresaur.  Tresaur defeated both Mantrass and Bloomriol the other Plant type with Rock Wall, Rocknite, and Rocknite Burst.

Wind Nexolord occupied the northeastern room.  He opened with Navrigal the bird, and Holoch was able to handle its Gust Winds and Spinning Kicks with Rock Wall + Combo.  Dalsae the other bird was second, and Holoch was barely able to withstand its 32 damage Gusty Storms with Combos.  When Streamoad the Water frog appeared, Holoch switched to Bouldcran.  Bouldcran tried its usual Sonic Scream tactic and finished it off with Rock Barrage after dodging a Frost Bite and enduring 20 damage Splash and 13 damage Scratch.  Bouldcran continued to Sonic Scream against the Normal rabbit Mojumpu.  Mojumpu's Bite was sharp enough to take 19 health away from a rock monster, but Sonic Scream hunted the rabbit.  Thornox the Plant type forced Bouldcran to retreat with Bullet Seed, and Waser finished the battle with the help of Double Slash Demotivation.

The southwestern room was the most dangerous of all, since Atlanta had already defeated the Nexolord and challenged BROCK instead.  Holoch inflicted Demotivate on Antarzen with Combo, and weakened it enough to make it switch to Blizzaur.  Rock Wall + Combo weakened Water Blast to a trickle and shattered Blizzaur.  Stamina exhaustion and a 35 damage Super Slam from Antarzen suggested that Holoch should skitter out of combat.  Holoch switched to Waser, who prodded Antarzen with a Rocknite only to see Varawirl next.  Tresaur put up Rock Wall and hurt Varawirl for 41-54 even when "not effective" messages appeared. 

Varawirl dried up and Tresaur prepared a Rock Wall for Nivalis, who now had 337 HP.  Tresaur recovered somewhat with Healing Stone, but that wasn't enough.  When Nivalis was at 302 HP, Tresaur switched to Bouldcran.  Bouldcran was immediately inundated with a 49 critical Hydro Sphere, though about one Sonic Scream sent Nivalis running to Shardrillion the Mineral type.  Bouldcran kept Sonic Screaming in spite of 32 power Rocknite Blasts and shattered Shardrillion.  To save the party, Bouldcran martyred itself against Nivalis.  Blizstrong perished too after holding on with Rock Wall for a while.  BROCK was hoping that Waser could finish off Nivalis's 26 HP with Double Slash, but Water Blast drowned it for 57.  Only Lunabelle could Drill its ice core.

Tresaur learned Plasma Star at Level 41, which it would have appreciated BEFORE Atlanta.  Plasma Star was the Normal move the Mineral starter had been waiting for:  110 power, 95 accuracy, and 44 speed.

Fire Nexolord was the last human antagonist in Tomb of Omnicron in the northwestern room.  Waser cast Rocknite at the Sunknight armored scorpion and made it tag out to Skounquet the Normal skunk.  A 39 strength Rocknite Burst put Waser at critical HP and forced it to switch to Holoch.  Holoch constructed Rock Wall, and Rocknite Blast frightened Skounquet into switching back to Sunknight. 

Sunknight used some move named Sunshine that was useless, and its exoskeleton was crushed by Rocknite Blast.  Another Rocknite Blast revealed Skounquet's cowardly nature:  it tagged out to Imburion.  Heal and Rocknite Blast made Imburion timid too, and it forced Skounquet to face Holoch.  A final Rocknite Blast struck down Skounquet.  Lumerei the Fire starter ran to Imburion, and Holoch was now tired.  Lunabelle cleaned up the rest of Fire Nexolord's team with Drill, including the Electric type Cromeon that hadn't been seen previously.

Edward the Tamer Guild Grandmaster was generous enough to leave the Electric dragon Volta to BROCK as he fought the other dragon, which looked like a Wind type.  Even with a type advantage, Volta was a formidable opponent with 504 HP who could cast a 41 strength Electric Force or a 55 strength EMP on Waser.  Waser barely held on and switched to Holoch.  Rock Wall was needed to endure even "not effective", and Holoch waited for at least one turn and Healed to try to spend some of the dragon's Stamina.  Blizstrong knocked Volta down to 48 HP with Rock Wall + Rocknite Burst, and Lunabelle ended the fight with Drill as usual.

Once Tomb of Omnicron was clear, BROCK's Minerals were at Levels 40-42.  BROCK opened Vaults #6 and #7 in Frozen Tundra and the area southwest of the Orphanage.  Sometime before the end of this session, BROCK found a Moonica Companion that would follow him around on the map.

EDIT:  Once again, the Minerals are slightly ahead of the Normals.  What they lack in type coverage, they make up for with Heal and Rock Wall defense.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 9

While fighting wild Nexomon in Cadium, Lunabelle learned Rock Wall.  Just in time for The Mega Arena of Doom, a gauntlet where BROCK couldn't use items even if he weren't playing the whole game with that restriction.  Ross wanted to avenge his loss in Drake Isles and sent a Bouldcran at Waser. 

Ross was smart enough to use Sonic Scream most of the time when Waser set up Mineral Siphon.  Waser Double Slashed Bouldcran down to about half HP, and then came the starter Namansi.  Tresaur set up Rock Wall as Namansi tried Palm Flurry.  One Energy Strike Stunned (i.e. flinch) Tresaur for a round, though a critical Rocknite Burst proved Mineral was better than Normal.  Another use of the Rock Wall + Rocknite Burst tactic defeated Bouldcran, and Rocknite Burst overpowered the Psychic type Sunnos.

Fight #2 was against a nameless Cadium resident with only two Nexomon.  First was Thrammer the hammerhead shark that Waser once Double Slashed before switching to Holoch.  Holoch took a Hydro Sphere on the switch and jabbed Thrammer with Combos until it tagged out to the Electric excavator crab Minetor.  Rocknite Blasts sent Minetor running back to Thrammer, and a Super Punch Stunned Holoch.  Holoch Healed shortly afterwards and finished off both enemies.

Fight #3 was with another nameless character that I'll call Trash Can Man.  Trash Can Man opened with a Water type Jeliflux, and Waser immediately switched to Bouldcran.  Headbutt + Toxic Splash dealt considerable damage, but Sonic Screams forced Jeliflux to retreat to Swactrum the Ghost.  Bouldcran threw Rocknite at Swactrum until one Arcane Magic dropped it down to critical HP.  Blizstrong entered The Mega Arena of Doom and built a Rock Wall.  Jeliflux returned, and Blizstrong attacked with Rocknite Burst until it sank.  Blizstrong and an enemy Lunabelle traded Rocknite Burst and Rock Punch + Tornado Kick until the latter died.  BROCK's Lunabelle won the prize by Drilling Swactrum.

Waser finally evolved into Wargoyle by beating up wild Nexomon in the Vados's Domain laboratory.  Its stats were about on par with the other Minerals in spite of its Level 45 transformation.  At least Pokemon gives you stats on par with legendaries if you have to do that!

Logan's Electric Tyrant Bolzen was an easy victory for the Minerals.  Wargoyle took its 40 strength Electric Storms and 34 strength Thunder Blasts with ease and Healed away the damage when necessary.  Each Rocknite pounded Bolzen for about 43, when it had 556 HP total.  One of Bolzen's attacks Puzzled (i.e. flinch) Wargoyle for a turn, but this wasn't a problem.  By the time Wargoyle finally tagged out to Holoch due to lack of Stamina, Bolzen was at only 76 HP and 46 Stamina.  Holoch built Rock Wall and Rocknite Blast exploded to kill Bolzen after it spent a turn Tired.

As of the end of Cadium, the party was at Levels 43-45.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 10

The game's difficulty had escalated again when BROCK broke out of Lateria's prison and headed east into the desert.  Even the random tamers now had Level 43 Nexomon.  Nexomon Extinction handles scaling much better than Pokemon.  The regular battles require using your team effectively, and power leveling is quicker if you have to do so.

BROCK had frozen Petram with his Tyrant ice power, so he had to fight Celine's team first and then Petram in a second battle.  Celine began with an Eqoloptera, which Lunabelle Drilled then Tornado Kicked.  Tornado Kick had a niche as a fast move even with its low power.  An enemy Wargoyle Demotivated Bouldcran with a 50 power Pummel, and Bouldcran lost a turn because of it.  Sonic Scream put Celine's Wargoyle to Sleep just before Bouldcran would have died.  BROCK used the opportunity to switch in a healthy Holoch and kill it with Rocknite Blast. 

Sikipha the Plant genie was next, and Holoch lashed out with Combo in hopes of Demotivating it.  When Holoch did inflict Demotivated, Celine switched to Oregoon.  Oregoon's Drill wasn't as strong as Lunabelle's but was still a threat.  Holoch tried Combo once more, since same type attack bonus didn't exist.  Holoch had done well, but had exhausted its Stamina by the time Bomblasta the Fire frog appeared. 

Blizstrong dissected Bomblasta with a couple of Rocknite Bursts, but had taken heavy damage from a Combo on the switch and a Drill from Oregoon.  Sikipha's Forest Energy overloaded Blizstrong and knocked out the yeti.  Lunabelle Drilled Sikipha once before it also succumbed to Forest Energy.  Tresaur destroyed Sikipha at last with Rock Wall + Rocknite Burst.  Minetor was last, but was an Electric type and therefore weak to BROCK's team.

Petram had 633 HP, and the party was not allowed to recover between battles.  Wargoyle had learned Mineral Siphon specifically for this fight, but it was a waste of Stamina since it didn't recover much HP and only absorbed one attack.  Heal was generally better.  Drill punctured Wargoyle for 54, Rocknite Blast exploded for 43, and even Sandstorm blew for 36.  For comparison, Wargoyle had 155 max health.  Double Slash would have used too much Stamina, so Wargoyle tried Rocknite for about 30 damage per hit.  Petram Drilled Wargoyle for the last time after it waited for a turn to stall for Stamina. 

Holoch managed to Demotivate Petram for a turn with Combo, but was low on Stamina after fighting Celine's team.  Once Holoch was dead, the injured Bouldcran confronted Petram and was immediately Drilled.  Tresaur was the last hope and was able to knock Petram down to 108 HP before it was too tired to cast Healing Stone.

BROCK needed to train his Minerals some more and returned to Palmaya.  Bouldcran replaced Plasma Cannon with Double Slash.  Although it was irrelevant, it was interesting to see some Minerals start with certain moves like Double Slash and Rock Wall while others had to wait until the mid to late 40s to get them.  By the time BROCK's Minerals returned to Celine, they were at Levels 46-47.  Take 2 ended with Bouldcran and Lunabelle defeated, a tired Blizstrong, and a healthy Wargoyle, Holoch, and Tresaur.  Blizstrong also leveled up and replaced the obsolete Sacred Mineral with Stamina Surge.

Blizstrong built a Rock Wall with what Stamina it had left against Petram and cast Stamina Surge twice.  Blizstrong's Rocknite Burst dented Petram for 58 per hit until a fatal Drill.  Wargoyle decided to try Double Slash this round for 49-50 per hit, though the enemy Drill injured it for about the same as before.  When Wargoyle was tired, it tried Rocknite instead.  When Rocknite Blast killed it, Wargoyle had wounded Petram so severely it only had 99 HP.  Holoch constructed Rock Wall, though it hit itself in Confusion multiple times after a Sandstorm.  Petram also knew Rock Wall and only thought to use it now.  To wait out Rock Wall, Holoch Healed twice.  Rocknite Blast made the Mineral Tyrant faint at last, just before Vados vaporized it with its laser.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 11

Hannah kidnapped Atlas the robot for a Bitcoin mining scheme, so BROCK had to intervene.  Hannah opened with Hainok the Water starter, whose Frost Bite cracked Bouldcran for 49 per hit.  Bouldcran decided on its usual "Sonic Scream and hope the enemy falls asleep" tactic, and actually succeeded!  More Sonic Screams and a Rocknite followed.  Bouldcran also managed to make Arispauva the "Fire" Normal die in its Sleep. 

Bouldcran was tired after killing two of Hannah's Nexomon, and tagged out to Blizstrong against Rapilux the Normal.  Blizstrong dodged Combo and set up Rock Wall.  Rocknite Bursts overcame Rapilux's feeble Super Slams.  Cuisizle the Fire type inflicted Burning on Blizstrong with Incinerate, which was dangerous even with Rock Wall.  Incinerate didn't vanish automatically like some other ailments, but Rocknite Burst + Energy Strike at least cooked Cuisizle.  Wargoyle accepted Frictingle the Electric's challenge and smote it with Rocknite to win the fight.

A Plant type miniboss with 336 HP named Raksuma threatened BROCK on the way to Hidden Village.  Bouldcran Sonic Screamed three times for around 35 each, but Raksuma stayed awake and Leaf Danced around it.  Tresaur took its place and cast Rocknite Burst + Rock Wall until defeating Raksuma.

Pith Hat Tamer #1 in Hidden Village opened with Goblat (not Golbat!) the Electric type.  Wargoyle shot Rocknites at it until it switched to Dracly.  Wargoyle Double Slashed Dracly's wings and Healed previous damage, only to be Frozen by Frosty Winds.  Blizstrong's Rock Wall, Rocknite Burst, and Energy Strike won the duel with Dracly, though it had run low on HP when Skounquet appeared.  Holoch's Rock Wall convinced Skonquet that Goblat was a better sacrifice.  But it was no use, and Holoch's Rocknite Blast killed them both.  Boilgog the lava ooze was last, and it was as vulnerable as the other members.

Pith Hat Tamer #2 led with Yarnesty the Wind starter vs. Wargoyle.  Although Gusty Storm could do as much as 83 (!) damage, Wargoyle was able to Heal it off and Double Slash the cat.  Double Slash also dropped a lesser Raksuma to critical HP and made it tag out to Malenostra the masked Ghost.  Lunabelle set up Rock Wall and Drilled Malenostra to critical HP, but didn't appreciate the Leech effect from Soul Feeder and switched to Bouldcran.  Bouldcran's Rocknite dispelled Malenostra and forced Felclaw to switch to the Plant seahorse Reeferus.  And Sonic Scream put Reeferus to Sleep!  After one more Rocknite to Felclaw, Bouldcran was done and Tresaur cleaned up Pith Hat Tamer #2's team with Rocknite Burst.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 12

Team Lobo attacked BROCK in Tomb of Omnicron, not knowing he was the rightful King of Monsters.  Team Lobo opened with Stalagca against BROCK's Wargoyle.  With Rocknite + Heal, Wargoyle outlasted Stalagca's Double Slash + Rocknite.  Harectic was next, and pelted Wargoyle with a 65 Ice Assault, 57 Explosive Water, and 54 Hydro Sphere.  Heal, Double Slash, and Rocknite still allowed Wargoyle to defeat a Water type one level above it with the help of Stamina cores.  Blizstrong entered the ring against Bisina and scared it with a critical Rocknite Burst.  Bisina tagged out to the Electric bee Zappnic only for Blizstrong to strike them both down with Rocknite Burst + Rock Wall.

(Forgot to mention the Parum interview:  BROCK said his strategy was to use the same move repeatedly, and that his favorite type was "not Fire".)

The battle with Lobo that followed was one of the most intense encounters in the playthrough.  BROCK's Minerals were already underleveled, and now they were injured after defeating the Grunts.  Lobo started with Varawirl, which Wargoyle Double Slashed.  Wargoyle Healed and took a 73 Water Blast immediately after.  Varawirl switched to Rapnux after another Double Slash.  Wargoyle dealt some token damage to Rapnux with Rocknite and suffered a 67 Gust Wind.  Tresaur confronted Rapnux and was too slow to avoid taking two 47 power Slashing Currents before setting up Rock Wall.  Still, Tresaur dealt considerable damage with Rocknite Bursts and got the maximum effect from Healing Stone.  Rapnux switched back to Varawirl when at low HP.

Some Switch footage may be missing here, so I'll continue from where the videos leave off.  Holoch put down Rapnux with Rock Wall + Rocknite Blast, and tried the same trick against the Plant type Foreer.  Holoch Healed against the Ghost type Lurkennie and shot Rocknite Blasts until it tagged out to Shardrillion, who ineffectually Rock Punched the spider.  Shardrillion switched to Blazetilia when at low health.  When Holoch couldn't take any more punishment, BROCK sent Bouldcran.  Rocknites pressured Blazetilia into retreating, but Bouldcran still suffered from a 34 damage Suncore.

Lunabelle Drilled Lurkennie, and I misclicked Tornado Kick against Shardrillion.  Drill left Shardrillion at 1 HP, and it swapped to Foreer.  Poison Cloud suffocated Lunabelle.  Blizstrong threw Rocknite Bursts at Foreer and was Stunned for one round by Palm Flurry.  Foreer wasted a turn on Martial Arts, allowing Blizstrong to take it down with Energy Strike.  Shardrillion defeated Blizstrong, but Wargoyle was fast enough to strike with Rocknite.  Blazetilia's Explosion was too much for Wargoyle to handle, and another Explosion shattered Bouldcran.  BROCK only won because Blazetilia used Tornado Kick for some reason and let Holoch finish it off with Rocknite Blast!

Clearly the Minerals were not ready to revive another Tyrant after resurrecting Nivalis.  They needed to train on Palmaya again.  Holoch replaced Rocknite Blast with Meteor Strike, a slow move with 90 power and 95 accuracy.  Lunabelle ditched Stamina Surge for Healing Stone.  At Levels 51-52, the party could battle Xanders in Drake Isles so they could bring back Eurus.

Xanders led with Domigator and BROCK sent out Wargoyle.  Domigator's Pummel Demotivated Wargoyle, but it had enough HP to Heal the damage.  Water Blast still soaked Wargoyle for 75, so it had to Heal every couple of turns.  When Domigator was at less than half HP thanks to Double Slash, it switched to Grath and Wargoyle Healed again.  A couple of Rocknites sent Grath running back to Domigator.  Double Slash sent Domigator to critical HP, but Wargoyle was low on Stamina and had to bow out.  Holoch build a Rock Wall as Domigator tried Lock Target, and the reptile fell after a Combo.

Holoch aimed Meteor Strikes against Xanders's Barboraco, and it didn't fear weak Fire Claws.  Maybe Holoch should have:  one Fire Claw inflicted Burning.  Once at critical HP, Barboraco switched to Boilgog and gave Holoch a turn to Heal.  Bouldcran entered the arena when Holoch was exhausted, and Xanders tried to counter it with Fortank.  After Fortank Rock Punched Bouldcran to less than half health, it fell asleep after a lucky Sonic Scream.  Xanders switched back to Barboraco, and Bouldcran smote it with Rocknite. 

Grath's Fire Claw inflicted Burning on Lunabelle, who Drilled a hole in Fortank.  Immortis's bandages endured Drilling, so Lunabelle was forced to switch to Tresaur.  Rocknite Burst blunted Grath and Immortis and dealt heavy damage to Boilgog.  Blizstrong had the honor of finishing the fight with Rocknite Burst.

Next is the quest to resurrect Petram.  You can revive the 5 Tyrants in any order, but I'd like to handle the weaker and neutral matchups first.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 13

Wait, there are bots people who read this thread?  Oh well, here's what happened when BROCK revived the last 3 Tyrants.

I learned today that you can be Demotivated and Confused simultaneously in a battle with a tamer in the Lateria region.  But Treclay shrugged both of them off.

To resurrect Petram, BROCK had to defeat Celine to ensure he was strong enough that Vados wouldn't just kill the Mineral Tyrant again.  Celine led with the Level 54 Psychic type Caninui against BROCK's Wargoyle.  Caninui's Psy Burst hit for around 32 as Wargoyle Double Slashed for the same amount.  After an exchange of attacks, Caninui tagged out to Goatlanche.  Goatlanche was neutral to Rocknite, so Wargoyle used that to conserve Stamina.  Wargoyle's lack of a decent Mineral move forced it into a defensive role. 

Goatlanche's Scratch and Lightning Roar could be easily Healed, and at critical HP, Goatlanche switched to Quarmor, a Mineral type BROCK hadn't used.  Wargoyle continued to prick Quarmor with Rocknite until it decided Goatlanche needed to take its own hits.  Oregoon replaced Goatlanche when it died, and managed to force out Oregoon by Confusing it with Sandstorm when it was at low HP and Stamina.

Bouldcran entered the arena after Wargoyle staggered out, and Sonic Screamed until it could no more.  Each of Caninui's Psy Geysers hit it for 43 despite being "Not Effective", and Bouldcran had no way to Heal or even build Rock Wall.  At critical HP, Bouldcran retreated and Blizstrong confronted Caninui.  But Caninui switched to an enemy Tresaur, which Blizstrong scared away with Rocknite with Rocknite Burst + Rock Wall.  Imburion inflicted Burning with one of its moves, but Blizstrong managed to Rocknite Burst a bit less than half of Imburion's HP.

Lunabelle built Rock Wall when Celine sent in Tresaur again.  Drill punctured Tresaur, Imburion, and also Caninui with the help of another Rock Wall.  Lunabelle Drilled Quarmor once before its Stamina expired, and BROCK summoned his own Tresaur.  Tresaur's Rocknite Burst exploded on Quarmor with some Healing Stone support, but it was Holoch who ended the battle with Meteor Strike against Oregoon.

Mulcimer was the only Tyrant that BROCK needed to re-fight.  It now had 745 HP, though Wargoyle held on with Heal and Rocknite until the boss was at 475 HP.  After one 80 power Double Slash too many, Wargoyle tagged out to Tresaur.  Tresaur's Rocknite Bursts had more direct power with 77 per hit.  Mulcimer tried to Bite Tresaur for 28 damage once for some reason.  By the time another Double Slash forced Tresaur to retreat, Mulcimer was only at 86 HP.  Blizstrong's Rocknite Burst made Mulcimer submit to the new King of Monsters.

Acegon the Level 55 Fire dragon with 576 HP was a miniboss that was threatening Logan, but it was so easy to defeat that Wargoyle did it solo at Level 53 with Rocknite and Heal.

It was the next boss fight in Cadium that made BROCK think his Minerals were underleveled.  Ziegler the king of the underworld sent out a Psychic type Darine with 408 HP and a Ghost type Titan with 687 HP as a punishment for trying to revive Bolzen.  Unusually for a Nexomon Extinction monster, Darine had Water as its secondary coverage type instead of Normal.

Wargoyle attacked Darine with 34 damage Double Slashes, while Darine tried 39 strength Toxic Splash, and 145 (!) strength Tsunami against the Minerals.  Wargoyle made Darine switch to Titan after dodging one Tsunami, and Titan's gimmick type coverage was Mineral with 81 Rocknite Burst, and also a 79 Double Slash.  Wargoyle held on as long as it could with Heal and shot ineffectual 29 damage Rocknites.  When Wargoyle was exhausted, Darine returned and flooded it with Tsunami.

Blizstrong was second, and set up Rock Wall against Darine.  A 39 Rocknite Burst sent it running back to Titan, who switched back to Darine again.  Even Rock Wall could be eroded with 42 Tsunami.  Titan's Rocknite Burst slaughtered Blizstrong, and Bouldcran was next in the lineup.  Sonic Scream failed to put anything to Sleep, though at least Titan switched to Darine before Toxic Splash inundated Bouldcran. 

Holoch's defensive tactics and Meteor Strikes sent Darine to critical HP, though it couldn't endure Titan's Rocknite Burst and Double Slash at low Stamina and fell after one last Meteor Strike.  Tresaur's Rock Wall and Rocknite Burst dropped Titan to red HP just before it died as well.  Lunabelle was the sole survivor and Drilled into Titan's ectoplasm.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


Nexomon Extinction Mineral Only Challenge Part 14

HARDING's Normals barely defeated Nexomon's Extinction version of the Elite 4 at Level 72, so there was no way BROCK's Minerals were going to do so in the low to mid 50s.  It was time to power level by mugging trainers all over the world, and yes, the game does make that joke in the script.

Tresaur, Wargoyle, Holoch, and even Bouldcran learned Meteor Shower, the ultimate 150 power Mineral attack.  Lunabelle and Blizstrong were stuck with Drill and Rocknite Burst respectively.  It's surprising that a Common Nexomon like Bouldcran can use Meteor Shower, but not a Rare or the Mega Rare only available with Experimental Lure.

At Level 67, the party had diminishing returns on experience, so BROCK thought they might as well test their prowess with the help of Stamina and Immunity cores.  First in the Grandmaster challenge was the Water specialist Nolan.  Lunabelle took the lead and set up Rock Wall to increase defense and Raging Focus to increase attack power.  Drills and Healing Stone allowed the party to defeat Snaijet, while Bouldcran Sonic Screamed at Sirnymfa the mermaid and made it fall asleep.  Wargoyle Double Slashed the Hainok while occasionally Healing damage.  After a turn spent Tired, Wargoyle recovered enough Stamina to finish off Scailla with a Double Slash.

Mineral had good matchups against the next two tamers in the Grandmaster challenge since they were Finn the Fire master and Riley the Electric master. 

Blizstrong set up Rock Wall against Finn's Antlorm and could launch Rocknite Burst for up to 154 with a critical.  What Blizstrong lacked in move selection, it compensated with power.  Felclaw also took over triple digit damage from Rocknite Burst.  All was going well until Lamparos imitated Bouldcran's style and Sonic Screamed Blizstrong to Sleep.  Holoch rained a 144 Meteor Shower on Antlorm and sent one at Kerosion.  Combo was Holoch's finisher for Kerosion as BROCK wanted to save a bit of Stamina.  Meteor Shower smashed Lamparos.

Riley opened with Voltaic, which Lunabelle Drilled for 109-112.  A well-timed Healing Stone sent Voltaic running to Resonic.  Tresaur's Rock Wall + Meteor Shower devastated Resonic, Voltaic, and Reptomotor.  Well, one finisher was a Plasma Star to save Stamina.  Two Meteor Showers disconnected Omecharge and the battle was over.

Admin (her real name!) was a secret Grandmaster of the Tamer's Guild.  BROCK sent out Lunabelle against Admin's Lioness.  Lioness and Rapnux were concerning since both were pseudo-Wind Normals.  Lunabelle managed to Drill Lioness to below half HP before running out of Stamina from the previous fights.  Blizstrong built Rock Wall and slew Lioness with two Rocknite Bursts.

Blizstrong made sure to set up another Rock Wall against Rapnux.  Admin ordered it to use Plasma for a while instead of a better Normal or Wind attack, so Blizstrong could Stamina Surge.  Eventually Rapnux took the hint and started casting Gust Wind and Gust, but it was too late to stop Rocknite Bursts and a quick X Slash. 

The other team members were Psychic types:  Orologikus the one-eyed clock, Tundrox the deer (?), Glunch the ice cream beast, and Horget the dragon.  Blizstrong cleaned Orologikus with Rocknite Bursts until it tagged out to Tundrox, and Tundrox switched to Glunch after taking more of Blizstrong's attacks. 

Glunch knocked out Blizstrong and a weakened Bouldcran took its place.  Bouldcran Sonic Screamed as loud as it could, and made Glunch switch to Orologikus, which went to Sleep before a Meteor Shower.  Bouldcran Sonic Screamed against Horget and Tundrox reappeared.  Tundrox shot Plasma Star and killed Bouldcran.  Tresaur was next, and launched one retaliatory Plasma Star before resting for one round.  Tundrox was only at 6 HP before it switched back to Glunch, who overwhelmed Tresaur's mind with Psy Burst.

The next part was the reward for playing a Mineral only team.  Wargoyle was still in good shape, and Psychic attacks were "Not Effective".  Why not use the defensive advantage to stall them with Heal?  Nexomon Extinction tried to stop Pokemon style stall battles with its Stamina system, but when the enemies were either missing or dealing minor damage, Wargoyle could afford to wait a turn so it could Heal again or strike.  The worst Wargoyle had to worry about was a 56 damage Plasma Star from Tundrox.  Many rounds later, and Wargoyle Double Slashed and Meteor Showered to victory.

Conquering the Grandmaster challenge at Levels 67-68 proved BROCK's Minerals were superior to HARDING's Normals.  Minerals could outlast the opposition with Heal/Healing Stone + Rock Wall and favorable matchups against multiple opponents.  Normals had no resistances at all, and a weakness to Admin's Psychics.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."

T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.


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