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It's nice more people are finding their ways here.
Welcome, Zytac, GuyverThree, Lucern and thanks you all for offering help and skills!


I know that it is outside of your past scope, but if you are interested in discussion about (substantial) graphic improvement of the current state of MoM, I am playing strongly with the idea. Sadly, I lack any knowledge and capacities in the department.

There were a few hints from Ayu here. If you can comment on the matter and explain more, I'd be thankful (we may even create a thread in the general forums, if you think it's worthwile).

Ok about my self and "Masters of Magic".

I am over 30 and frome Germany. At the time i had "first contact" wiht MoM my main intrests would be computer gaming (which startet with a C64 around 85), ,fantasy novels and Pen & Paper RPG-ing (both startet whit a german rpg one year earlyer). Games i played most times, would be RPGs or strategy games. Loving "Civilizations" and "Master of Orion" and being a Fantasy Fan it was no wonder that i bught Masters of Magic at first sight around 93. Only the Disk version because i had still my first PC, a 486 25 mhz Intel rig with only ms dos as os and no cd rom.

I can still rember that that i played MoM like mad. But in the end i had to come to conclusion it had one big mistake, a KI wich could not handel all the options and possibilities and no multiplayer. The most chaleging about imposible was to surive the first neutral monster and raiders, after that it was borring.

To Day i am still a Nerd. Not looking like on but i am one deep to the heart. Some how i startet to be a late anime entusiastic and because of this my hobbys are now, still computer gaming, but now anime and because of the last digital video encoding and some media design.

Reading someone mentioning AoW in one sentenc with MoM i must confess:
I hate "Age of Wonders". Master of Magic II was not relased because of being to complex and ther for not cassual friendly enough. Ther are some rumors that most of the work frome MoM II was taken over to new less complex Game wich was more cassual friendly with the Name Age of Wonders ....

I've never signed up for a forum before, but I'd do it every time for MoM. Recently picked up Civ V...but found myself board and pining for the good stuff. So I broke out my 7 year old PC laptop...and there it was. I'm baffled by how much more entertaining MoM is than almost anything available today.

I'm a poet and a writer and have some experience with if people start pressing on a project and want someone to mock up some copy, I would be happy to help; no programing skills though. I have cousins, friends, and siblings all of who have pledged that they would fund a re dux of MoM if money ever ceased being an object...sadly it still is.

To my mind there is no reason a totalwar style combat system can't one day be used to make one hell of a MoM remake.

Welcome to our forum. I had similar thoughts as you for many years. Every time I buy the latest turn based strategy game, I play it once and I put it on the shelf saying to myself: “That was money wasted again. But, I would be happy to pay 10 times that much for a new, better Master of Magic game”. Sad, that this can’t be done now. So here is a bold idea: Would it be possible to use the DosBox model and while keeping all of our MoM development free, we open up a donation account? Keeping that account not available for withdrawal for anything MoM related, but if and when it becomes large enough then we can use that as a startup for forming an international company and start to develop a new game with the promise that it will be a similar and upgraded version of MoM? For this we would need to explore the legal aspects first. I know someone who can help with the financial aspect and since we have a strong, passionate team with a common vision, hopefully a sufficient number of donors (including myself) we can start with this model and go from there.

While this forum was founded on basis of two modding projects that are minor in scope and I probably won't involve myself personally beyond that, it's great to see that people have a bunch of new and ambitious ideas. You're most welcome to host any project here that you can attract people's attention for.

I really love MoM, I play at it since 10 years ago.. a really stunning game, so complete.

Hi, i´m a Brazilian 26 old guy, and i´m a great fan of master of magic.

I´ve discovered Master of Magic on a old abandonware site, and loved the game. The AI realy sucks, but the game is fun, nevertheless. Kind of a mix between magic the gathering and civilization.

I´ve put the game to a rest, but then i´ve found something even better than playing the game, modding it. I have a few ideas, most are impossible.

I have made a few posts on dragonsword, but due to my job i had to quit gaming alltogether. when I came to seek Dragonsword, i´ve discovered it was gone, but then I fond my way here.

Howdy all,

My friends helped work on MoM and wrote a book about it. Because of them, I've been playing MoM off and on since it first came out. I think the only reason I have for having a floppy drive is to remind me of having to load the game in. I'm a little older than most, I believe. I'll be 63 in February.

I'm Joel Schlecht creator of a few Master of Magic modding programs.

Video games and I have grown up together starting with pong at 5 and my first computer was a timex sinclair 1000 with 2k of ram. Master of Magic is one of my favorite strategy games along with civilization and hero's of might and magic 3 (yes I have played all the others). I also sing in a rock band and you can check out my singing at

I come back to MOM every once in a while and check on how things are going. It really impresses me that this game still has fresh interest after all these years. What other games have this much activity after this much time?

I am proud of my editors being that they are the only programming project I have ever really done other than a D&D dice roller. I had a discussion with Implode years ago and he said that the best thing was to totally rewrite the program... my response was "completely rewriting the engine would be the best thing however (no offense and I hope you succeed) for how many master of magic clones or whatever have been attempted, none have ever been done to completion. Altering the original game is my best bet at being able to have control over the game for balance and whatnot." and this still seems to be the case.

My editors have gone about as far as they can with documentation currently available publicly. I am willing to add to them if more information about MOM internal structure comes to my attention.

I'm kind of busy so I will only check in every couple of months but all my best to everyone and I am glad MOM still has a home somewhere.


Hello for everyone

My name is Andrei and I'm 24 years old. I'm from Russia, Siberia. I have a finance business in Krasnoyarsk. And as you can see my English is not as good as I want it to be. So I use online-translators and hope that my words can be understoodrolleye

I first played Master of Magic in 1999 and since this is my favorite game. I played and I like many other computer games not only TBS or RTS but as I said Master of Magic is a favorite.

I hope for your understanding. Sincerely, Andrei

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