The good news is that I have a resource pocket towards Carthage as well.
The bad news is that my copper is in the opposite direction.
The good news is that ORANGE dot can pick up two new food resources.
The bad news is that location can't split off a resource from the capital.
The good news is that I no longer need an immediate 2nd worker to improve Deer since 3 food resources + granary is far too much for one city.
The bad news is that already-completed tile-swap micro that is optimal for an immediate 2nd worker is suboptimal for a delayed 2nd worker.
The good news is that Risk Management can grow instead of whipping down to 1.
The bad news is that neither food resource at ORANGE provides more than 4 food.
The good news is the city seals the border with Carthage.
The bad news is the "A" tile that picks up all three resources is flatland.
The good news is the river protects the front of the city.
The bad news is that CRE Carthage will always have control of the diagonal tile to 1-turn with mounted.
The good news is the military guarding the settler follow the same trajectory as choking/annoying Carthage per my EvilPlot.
The bad news is that Carthage 2nd city on PH between wheat can build its own 2nd warrior before my bowman can arrive on-scene to attack so I'm unlikely to be able to get a cheap raze of the city.
The good news is that the city would have time to grow to size 2 so that I could capture and keep rather the razing.
The bad news is that it would take enormous effort to build enough Bowmen to out-produce Carthage's warrior output.