No, we haven't. Though that doesn't discount Pindicator's beaker lead. Quite impressive... and don't forget he's a Philosophical leader, so bulbing would be quite an efficient strategy for him.
Hmm... according to Civstats, Mackseven just took a size 2 city from XCom. Haven't seen any cities change hands between them in a very long time, so will be interesting to see if there are any comments in the diplo thread about it later.
My guess is that CommoXenu are resigned to their fate and thus unlikely to react as before (thankfully). Maybe a little needling, though. Xenu can't help himself.
How is your expansion going? Is there more habitable land, perhaps on the new island, or are you going to have to expand through a neighbor soon?
At this point, I would guess that LP is more concerned about vertical growth and getting a median population size of 12-13 for his cities. Being defended by two two-tile wide isthmuses (plural?) means he'd actually be increasingly vulnerable if her were to attack Azza (the most likely target) or HAK.
Yeah, DMOC's pretty much got the idea. We're still building up military so we can defend ourselves, but otherwise it's mainly about the vertical growth. Three more cities to be founded in the next 10 or so turns, and that should about do us in terms of horizontal expansion for a while.