Let me also emphasize that we greatly appreciate the people reading this thread. It's about to top 50,000 page views in a little over two months of active time, which is a popularity rate that no Pitboss spoiler thread has achieved in years. Don't hesitate to ask questions and hold our feet to the fire if it looks like we're slacking off here.
Items from the current turn (T310) before scooter has played for the day:
The jail that we finished between turns in Haber Process has finally given us some espionage points to play around with. That one building took us from 4 EP/turn up to 10 EP/turn, and I'm going to slip in the espionage agency at an appropriate later moment to stack the benefits and get 20 EP/turn in that one city (24/turn total). We can do the espionage buildings pretty painlessly in our top production cities, and I'd like to get the jail/agency combo in several of them. It shouldn't be too hard to get research visibility on some or all of the teams, and there are other passive espionage benefits too, like the ability to walk spies around in enemy territory without much chance of them getting caught if you have way more total EP than your neighbors. I think a small investment here might pay major dividends later. Anyway, in the immediate future, we'll get bar graphs with REM in a turn or two, then get them back with pindicator, and then finally see BGN's for the first time all game after that. We'll decide what to do with our EP after that.
Here's the view of BGN's capital. The news this turn is that he finished a lumbermill on the forested hill northeast of his capital. I thought that tile improvements didn't update in the fog, but nope, apparently they do update in real time just like the city center. I went back and compared to a picture of BGN's capital from a couple turns ago, and he's been adding workshops on a couple of these tiles. It definitely looks like he's racing us to the Pentagon.
So what's our production investment number for this turn? Production tracking shows Mossack Fonseca with
189 production invested into something, and that's almost certainly the Pentagon. Now that is not BGN's normal production rate, let's be clear about that. The 189 figure includes some overflow from his last two builds, as he 1-turned both the coal plant and the grocer last turn. I counted up his tile improvements, and I'm guessing that BGN has right around 50 base production/turn, which puts his production after multipliers at about 145 production/turn. This squares with the numbers I've been estimating all along, with Pentagon finishing on Turn 316 with no forest chops and Turn 315 with double forest chops. Since our own projected Pentagon finishing date is also Turn 315, we've got a mighty fun race on our hands here.
I don't think BGN can cut another turn off his Pentagon build barring something really bizarre. It would be really tough for him to get much in the way of third ring forest chops, since he surely has other cities nearby that will likely take the production bonus if he tries to knock them down. (I'm sure that there's a city by the horses and whales, for example.) He's running Caste System so Slavery civic is out for the moment, and BGN doesn't have anywhere near the money he needs for cash-rushing with Universal Suffrage. Looks like a dice roll then.
Or maybe not? Perhaps Athmos did have a point earlier today:
Athmos Wrote:Great news all around indeed ! But I think if you want the pentagon, you should push hard and make sure to do your best to land it, or run the risk of missing the window.
What if we decided to do some hard pushing?
As it turns out, we can push up the Great Engineer's completion date if we're willing to do a little starving at Telegraph and run a bit of a dice roll risk on the actual Great Person type. We don't have to do anything different this turn, but when we pop into Pacifism next turn...
Why yes, that is 12 specialists in a size 12 city. *Insert some comment about forced industrialization here.* This drops the GPP counter down to 2 turns remaining, followed by this setup on TUrn 312:
We can fire one specialist but not two, and unfortunately that just barely causes the city to starve. If we want to avoid this, we could hire 2 Scientists this turn, but that slightly increases the risk of getting a Great Scientist instead of a Great Engineer. Overall, our odds would be around 80% Engineer / 20% Scientist. Any poker player would tell you those are great odds, but they're definitely no certainty.
The payoff is huge if the odds hold true. I think we would almost certainly win the race to the Pentagon; the capital actually has enough overflow from its settler build to 1-turn it with help from the Great Engineer:
It's currently Turn 310, and this would have the wonder completing on Turn 314. I do not see BGN finishing the wonder in four turns, forest chops or not. He'd have to average over 200 production/turn, and his capital (which is very similar to ours) just cannot do that. Removing all the production multipliers, he needs about 285 base production for the wonder, and he gets about 50 base production/turn. It seems pretty dubious even with forest chops, and if he's tracking production in our capital, there's nothing to see until the final turn when we pop the wonder. Furthermore, if it looks like a coin flip, we could also choose to save the Great Person for a Golden Age. In the event of getting a Great Scientist, that's exactly what we would do, and we wouldn't be in terrible shape. So it's probably worth trying this, given that the result if we fail is still OK, and the benefits for succeeding are very big indeed.
A related question: why do we care so much about the Pentagon? Well, it really is a perfect wonder for a team that has Aggressive as a trait like we do, plus Spiritual to exploit civic swaps for maximum XP accumulation. With Vassalage + Theocracy + Pentagon, we get 6 bonus XP on all units that we produce. Plus we get free Combat I on all of our Gunpowder units! They start with 3 promotions and only need to win a single battle to get 4 promotions. Hello C3/Pinch infantry getting +90% strength against other gunpowder units!
Good luck beating that with outdated rifle spam. Infantry units can also start with C2/Formation, which turns them into cavalry slaughterers. Scary stuff.
But the real danger is that ships can start with 3 promotions with a drydocks + Vassalage + Theocracy + Pentagon. Barracks and drydocks both used to give units 4 XP in the non-expansion version of Civ4. Barracks were changed in the expansions to give 3 XP, but apparently someone forgot to do the same for drydocks, which still give 4 XP. That means 10 XP for ships out of the gate, and our drydocks are half cost for being Aggressive. They will be very, very cheap to build, and with factory/coal plant in play, we get +160% production on naval units (!) We should be able to 1-turn frigates and galleons anywhere we want.
And that allows for these kind of shenanigans:
Three promotion naval units can take Flanking / Navigation I / Navigation II promotions. That's 2 extra movement points, enough to turn frigates and galleons into 6 move units. Striking out of the fog into an unprepared opponent, they are unbelievably deadly. I can't tell you how many Multiplayer games (here at Realms Beyond and on the old CivPlayers ladder) have been won by naval units with extra movement points on them.
Here in this situation, we could stage in the city of Radio (unseen by Donovan), and then roll out in one huge burst. Frigates move 5 tiles and still bombard out the defenses of Sector 19, which gets hit overland by triple promo cavs. Maybe one or two cannons attacking off a ship to help them, depending on what's in there. The main galleon stack moves 6 tiles and drops off the full army next to the Indian capital. I'm thinking 4-5 cannons and 12-15 infantry, roughly 6 galleons full of units. On the next turn, the frigates sail up and drop the defenses, then the cannons collateral the defenders, and the C2/Pinch infantry clean up whatever is left. At the same time, a small force takes over the island city to the north, which likely has 1-2 rifles for defense. Speed is the true killer here; if we play at the end of the turn, Donovan opens up the savefile to see two of his cities captured and a stack of 20 units next to his capital. WTF just happened?!
Again, this is all getting ahead of ourselves but I don't think it's totally unreasonable either. Our current timeline looks like this:
Turn 313 Discover Steel tech
Turn 313 Settle northern isthmus city
Turn 313 Generate Great Person (80% Engineer) (?)
Turn 314 Settle western isthmus city
Turn 314 Complete Pentagon
Turn 315 Discover Fascism tech (should be doable in 2 turns after finishing Steel)
Turn 315 Settle southern island city
Turn 316 Revolt to Police State / Vassalage / Theocracy (with Pentagon?)
Turn 325ish Kick someone's behind