Nah, just ppl were in town and took up more of my time than I thought they would, one being my mother who was staying in the spare room I usually use for gaming, plus started a part time job ... but I think Ill have the save in by tonight.
Hey, I'm feelin pretty bad about holdin up the game.
Once the game gets rolling I think I'll be able to play the turns a lot faster, just a lot a shit's been rollin around, been hard for me to sit back down and commit to it .... but I promise I'm gonna do it.
I've had and am having a very difficult and busy week. In fact, I didn't realize I had the save today because I've fallen out of the habit of checking. Sorry about that. I also apologize that there will continue to be delays, but I should be able to get to the save tomorrow or this weekend unless unexpected things crop up (and they might).
Played turn. Sent to Tasunke directly. Hope that was sent correctly. I should be able to play regularly, but during the week I have very limited windows of time to play, so it's possible there will be days I miss the save, just to let everyone know.