As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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By the way, Kuro, I didn't receive your friend request, can you resend please. Everyone else, just a gentle nudge smile yuris125#2564 on EU

I'm curious, what stats do you guys have?


Constructed wins: 402
Arena wins: 375
Total hero level: 274
Highest hero level: Mage 43
Lowest hero level: Druid 24

Constructed wins: 217
Arena wins: 267
Total hero level: 241
Highest hero level: Druid 30
Lowest hero level: Paladin 24
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Constructed wins: 48
Arena wins: 404
Total level: 212
Highest level: Warrior 32
Lowest level: Paladin 10

I've paid for one arena run to get Gelbin, no other money spent. I only play constructed to grind daily quests, and I try to never play paladin or mage in arena, and then druid or shaman only for daily quests or if there's nothing else available.

Where do you find these stats? I think my Warlock hero level is 11...

@sunrise: Click on the exclamation mark in the main menu where you can see your daily quest.

Constructed wins: 525
Arena wins: 126
Arena Key: Lightforge
Total level: 257
Highest level: Druid 37
Lowest level: Hunter 20

Constructed wins: 428
Arena wins: 252
Total level: 257
Highest level: Rogue 38
Lowest level: Warrior 23
Best arena key: Molten frown
Rank by season: 5/4/8

I'm sad I haven't had much time to play this season since my current deck is really strong and has a good shot at surviving the grind from 5 to 1.

Constructed: 35
Arena: 214
Total: 173
Mage: 27
Priest: 12

The constructed was from when I started playing, to get the hang of things and build up a little gold to get going in arenas. Still don't quite have the cards to play constructed seriously. I may cash in some gold on packs soon though.

Constructed wins: 149
Arena wins: 45
Total hero level: 152
Highest hero level: Paladin 23
Lowest hero level: Warlock & Hunter 10
Best arena key: Diamond

I'm too far behind you guys since I started playing Hearthstone since late January. frown
"You'll see more with your eyes closed." smile
Hobbies: Wizard 101, Rogue Legacy, Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh

Been playing since late Jan/early Feb, here's my stats. (Also Yuris, may have not shown up because I am US?)

Constructed Wins: 755
Arena Wins: 405
Highest Key: Molten Key
Total Level: 328
Highest Level: Level 45 Mage
Lowest Level: Level 28 Priest
Current Rank: 8 (Didn't really participate any of the last seasons)

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