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[PB78] Underdogs and undercats: The Mrrshan warlords visit the world of Civ IV


Now that I know how to login and how to move the units, let's play some civ!

Decided to stick with it and explore the southwest. In particular I want to see if there is a fish that can be claimed along with sharing the wheat, and what the deal is with the city ruins, the 3 mountains in the first ring, and that road.

Looks like the third world war was fought with nuclear weapons because we find an a radioactive glow on the mountain. There is also an abandoned pasture on a resourceless desert hill.

Fortunately, we are well prepared in case someone finds a stash of old nukes.

This is my guess on who took which tech and is researching what:

Gav - Agriculture, researching either AH or BW
SD - Hunting, researching AH
Dreylin - Fishing, researching either AH or religion
Magic - Mysticism (?) not sure what he'd be researching - maybe mining, maybe he's holding back like me. Everying about Magic is a question mark for me... so I'd rank him as the most dangerous opponent smile

The starts seem to be similar but with some differences in the forests/features.

The map is 36x36 with 75% land and 25% water, seemingly dispersed is small lakes and seas.

Scooter, what is the difference between "technically disabled" and just "disabled" or "none"?

(May 24th, 2024, 19:06)scooter Wrote: * Tribal Villages: Technically disabled

Like, does the city ruin act similarly to a tribal village and we can find goodies there (or trigger something whether good or bad)? And if yes will the a scout have better odds/outcomes than a warrior? Or can you confirm if ruins are just decorative?

That would require modding (I have not seen the map).
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


I think more, that there are no random placed tribal villages.
tribal villages are a improvment, so I think there could be a few on the map.

But I know, that - at least with the platy builder - there is a possibility to place skripts on the map.
So you should be able to gift a tech, if someone enters a cityruine.

(June 13th, 2024, 01:31)thrawn Wrote: Scooter, what is the difference between "technically disabled" and just "disabled" or "none"?

(May 24th, 2024, 19:06)scooter Wrote: * Tribal Villages: Technically disabled

Like, does the city ruin act similarly to a tribal village and we can find goodies there (or trigger something whether good or bad)? And if yes will the a scout have better odds/outcomes than a warrior? Or can you confirm if ruins are just decorative?

City ruins and tribal villages are totally different. City ruins are usually only spawned via a city raze. If you had played with events on, the presence of a city ruin would make it more likely a specific random event or two would happen, but events are off. In this case, the ruins are purely decorative, have no function, and will be removed if/when you ever improve the tile. TL;DR it's for fun/theme.

"Technically disabled" - if you check the settings screen, tribal villages are off. You will not find any tribal villages spawned by the map generator script.

Thank you. Definitely getting the post-apocalyptic feel and curious about what else we'll discover.


Well, didn't we just find the motherload.

(June 13th, 2024, 06:29)scooter Wrote: You will not find any tribal villages spawned by the map generator script.

Including one of those non-RNG spawned tribals lol

Very interesting area.
I not sure how to move next turn.
I think silver hill and then back to the capital ?

There are already 1-2 city sites here.
I think, I would settle on the southern ruins and on the forest hill next to the mountain.
But you could make an argument to settle on the ice flood plain - what improvemnts can you built there ? I think a cottage needs only food ? Farms should be restricted - water mill should be possible too.

I see a barb city in the south

And I think, I would to to kill the janissary with a few flank horsearchers or 2 knights

do we know if "cannot move" means it actually cannot move for 118 turns? i have never seen something like this in civ4 before

It means that the unit is executing an order called "Cannot move" and is queued for 118 turns.
Playing: PB74
Played: PB58 - PB59 - PB62 - PB66 - PB67
Dedlurked: PB56 (Amicalola) - PB72 (Greenline)
Maps: PB60 - PB61 - PB63 - PB68 - PB70 - PB73 - PB76

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

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