Sottish Hero
Was waiting to see if I would get another turn tonight, but doesn't look like it? Of course after I post turn will roll. Anyways lets do some catch up reporting.
- Back on T63 TBS sent fish for fish and I returned. I could have rushed with axes, but can't figure out how much I care and I just want to expand! It also let me head back up with my axe in case the barb spear got super lucky, but I got a flawless win.
- Nauf last turn built Great Lighthouse, which explains his willingness to do open borders earlier.
- TBS is doing the TOTALLY FAIR AND WTF WHY HAVEN'T WE BANNED AMERICA thing of going early MC for a free GE. Probably mids target. Nauf has had masonry for a while. I assumed it was for the mids (he loves that wonder), but then he built GLH. SURELY even Nauf wouldn't go two wonders early........ But I hope he did.
I have some decisions soon. SD has been posting elsewhere so sadly no ded lurker for me
- Do I build settler at 6 then 6>4 whip a galley or do I 6>4 whip settler then just keep on whipping..... I built a cheap org lighthouse at capital (I was going to try for fail gold on GLH) and also its worth +3 food. My happy cap is going to be very good even without the beavers. I also don't have a lot of cottages yet so seems fine to whip away.
- Do I even build the galley over here. If I do it commits me to settling that island. AM I? The better spot is the southern one but that looks aggressive. Which if I was going to be aggressive I wouldn't be whipping a galley. I could settle the north spot still. Slightly worse Moai spot, but still very good. Either way it permanently steals the fish. Naufs routes aren't enough for me though. I could do Moai at NE spot I'm settlng next.
- I could instead settle a different island. Couple of problems. 1) I haven't scouted. 2) Most of them are REALLY far away which would almost kill their economic benefit (as long as Nauf keeps routes open). Now if TBS gave open borders maybe the one south of my gems city, but that assumes it has its own food, which isn't guaranteed. I could get a galley out of SDs capital and go scout. I probably should either way, but worker next.
- Next turn my sentry chariot takes over barb busting up north, so where is my gg going? IF I'm going to attack TBS it should go to my capital. If I'm not it should go to SDs capital. EDIT: or could still do great big sea, which is maybe a better option? OR go fog bust minor patches.
- How many more cities after NE one do I want. The wheat river city for sure. MAYBE an island. But I might stop there so I can focus on tech. I'm still very behind cottage wise from lack of workers. I do have another 3 commerce cities to settle not counting the wheat one, but I think I wait to focus on getting more workers out.