As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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While South Koreans are considered to be the best RTS players, Russians have the reputation for being the best TBS players. See Chess or Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Russians in this forum are very welcome!

New to the forums, but not in the least to Master of Magic. I played a (n illegal - shhh!) copy on a friend's computer many years ago before purchasing the full thing on GOG. And I'm loving kyrub's Insecticide patch.
MoM does actually stand the test of time, and can be great fun. Taking over the world has long been an ambition of mine, and this game provides that opportunity - if only on a rather small and not-real world.
And as an avid strategist, the game plays right in to my forte. My non-work-related forte, anyway.


Im VM. My interest in MOM comes a long way. Childhood game and all that.
Im a professional programmer. I am working on a multiplayer version, tough it is in very early stages.
I would promote an open source, community driven remake project, but so far all attempts seem to have died.

Same as for many others, my interest in MoM comes a long way. I am pleased to see there is still a community around the game, and made of very skilled people too smile

Heartfelt welcome to both of you. I'm afraid we're in a bit of a lull at the moment, but we'll get back to business soon enough smile

I just wanted to pop on and say hello!
I have been an on again off again player of MoM since it released. I even purchased elemental in the hopes of a MoM 2, which it clearly wasn't if you have played it. Having discovered this forum and specifically the Insecticide patch have renewed my love of this game.
Thanks to all the hard work that goes into improving this classic game.


I'm currently a grad student. I fell in love with the game just for the sheer amount of options the game had. Every year or so I tend to have the "MoM itch" where I get hooked again and start scheming up new Klackon strats. smile

Would anybody be interested if I did a game report with the Klacks?

Heartfelt welcome to both of you, glad to see that MoM fans keep finding us.

I'd be very interested in a klackon report, in fact I'd be interested in hosting a tournament if we can get at least 4 or so participants. We'd all be using the same map and starting position, choosing different races and maybe skills/books.

I just got back into the addiction with the Insecticide patch and Plight 0.7. I don't know if I'll ever fully break this habit.

Hiya folks!

I tried MoM once back when it was new and was a bit overwhelmed.

Recently I stumbled on this forum (I lurk here occasionally) and upon seeing the patches hosted here I picked up the GoG version.

After slapping the Insecticide 1.40j and Plight 0.7 patches on and learning the game, I'm having a great time with this old game.

Not sure if this would be useful to any of you, but I made a (Excel 2003) spreadsheet listing the allowed builds and bonuses of the various races of the game. It mimics the one at the beginning of the manual but has more info, mostly taken from Plight.

I use it to compare race trees quickly to decide which race to pair with my next wizard build.

Thanks for re-introducing me to lots of fun!

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