As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Hiding in the Corner - Mattimeo plays Turkey

I don't even know what I'm doing any more...

A Ven -> Pie
A Tri -> Ven
A Ser S A Bul
A Bul S A Ser
A Smy -> Nap
F Apu S A Smy -> Nap
F ION C A Smy -> Nap
F AEG C A Smy -> Nap
F Con -> BLA

Ven -> Pie is 'cause I told TT if he managed to take Mar, I'd support him in keeping it. Mainly for the amusement. But he seemed to agree, for what seems like similar reasons. So let's try it :D

Going to fall apart brilliantly if scooter attacks me in ION this season though :D

Assuming the retreat to Rom, rather than voluntary disband (who knows, he might *really* want out of the game, he's been hinting at such in conversations).

Nap -> Rom, supported by Ven and (hopefully) French TYS
ION -> Nap
AEG -> ION, supported by Apu (if displacing, in identical position to currently in real terms) - note: include retreat path (ION-> ADR, probably) in orders for if displacing, to possibly speed up retreat phase
Bul -> Arm, convoyed by BLA. Arm is a better position to hit north from, but mostly this is make work, since I'm not intending to take Russian centres this year. More fun to order complicated stuff than to Hold, at least on my end. Sorry, Mardoc tongue
Ser H. Better positioning than Bul, no point moving. Maybe pointlessly support Tri if it's not moving?
Tri... not sure. Possibly Hold, possibly support Russian Vie->Tyr, possibly ->Tyr itself. Will need discussion with Rowain.

Sent moves in. Possibly should have waited a while to catch people before doing so - I don't think I've spoken to anyone but scooter this whole phase, and even him for only 20 lines or so. If I stay awake, and people get online, might try to get in touch with them to negotiate stuff.

For now similar to the above posted, but Ser->Rum, and Tri S RUSSIAN Vie->Tyr. No idea if that is what Rowain's actually doing, but it was hinted at ages ago. Don't really mind if he just sit there, honestly. Though I'm trying to find reasons why I'm ambivalent either way...

Immediately starting to think ->Rum might not have been optimal - Rowain is currently in the process of demonstrating that 'small stabs to ensure three builds' can elicit a fairly strong reaction from him. Eh, if I get in contact with him, I'll talk to him and re-consider.

Ah, now I'm seeing why I should have just moved fleets to take Nap then Rom, rather than convoying. Would have been much easier to move west from this position if the fleet in Apu was instead in Rom.

No communication with anyone this season, most likely due to the fact I was playing GW2 for the majority of the time. Don't know if scooter plans on retreating TYS back to WES as initially agreed. May as well assume he is, since I gain a slight positional advantage from being able to move all three fleets in the area, and don't lose particularly much by not gaining TYS this season, given he'd retreat to WES and be able to support Tun anyway.

Main target this year: gain exactly three centres. Probably Mos, Sev and (War/Bud). Actively harmful to gain more, assuming Rowain is going to be holding in Germany rather than heading back east. May even be not worth it getting all three, since any spawns will take several moves to reach the lines Rowain is currently holding. Something I'll definitely need to speak with Rowain about before autumn moves are due.

Well, can't say I didn't see that coming at some point, and I suppose if he was going to do it at all, now was the best time.
Thanks to the bounce in Lvn, I can garuntee Mos, with Ukr move and St.P support. I've lost Vie, unless he wants to garuntee sitting a unit on Bud.
Need to negotiate with scooter (or ignore him and hope he doesn't support from Lyo) about moving the army in Tus - basically, ensure Ven moves to Tyr. Though given the reason for wanting the army in Tus to move is so I can get fleets up to be able to break the current stalemate lines, I somehow doubt scooter will be all that accomodating.

I guess this game is going to come down to whoever Rowain throws it to. Or scooter, since I'm not sure I can even push to 18 at this stage, even if Rowain was to let me.

basic plan:
Ukr -> Mos, Sev support
Rum -> Ukr, bounce or get a very valuable position
Bul -> Rum, would probably prefer ->Ser, but can't afford losing Rum
Tri... either -> Vie for pointlessness, or ->Ser to clear Tri out. Depends on whether I plan on outright stabbing scooter or not. Would probably delay such a stab 'til spring anyway, as it requires a turn of set-up and can be countered by a build. so probably ->Ser
Ven -> Tri, if Tri is going to actually be able to move
Tus -> Ven
Rom S TYS - could -> Tus, but gives scooter notice, in a turn where he's getting a build. Seems like a bad plan. Also, I *may* have agreed a DMZ including Tus, which I (as mentioned above) have no plans on breaking in a turn where scooter has a build to counter with tongue
Apu S AEG -> ION - risks the displacement of TYS, but eh. Though, if Tus doesn't move, would be disband, which could be annoying.
BLA chilling in BLA waiting for more convoys

Oh yeah, alluded to above, but agreed on a DMZ with scooter spanning Tus, Pie and Tyr. Which I have every intention of violating in the coming Spring, if it seems feasible. Here's hoping :D

So turns out scooter managed to see through my fairly blatant attempts at setting up a stab. Possibly with some help from Rowain?

Wanted Nap->ION and Rom->Nap. Told him that I was relatively reluctant to do so, due to the weak position it puts TYS in this turn, and if we followed earlier agreements to clear out Tun, then a fleet build on his part could result in TYS being unable to be held. Offered to go go along with his plans on the condition Tus could sit where it is, hoping this would be a deal-breaker. Unfortunately, it wasn't, though comments about Ven being clear after this turn did raise my alarm bells slightly.

Assuming I actually keep the deal: forcing Ven to not move becomes a priority. It's pretty much locked in as Ven->Tri, so have to get Tri to bounce. I somehow think he might object slightly to me ordering Tri->Vie, since that's really not even attempting to get Ven to move, but Tri->Bud could work. Not sure if I am capable of supporting to make it look more realistic.

Things to consider with regard to this deal:
a) scooter does not need any centres from Italy to win. I am quite likely to require at least Tun, if not a Mar or an Iberian centre to hit 18. Therefore, actual peace in the south benefits him much more than it does me.
b) If I unilaterally break the deal without offering reason, it will quite likely prevent me from making any headway in the south at all. It's also likely, with the current positioning, to result in the French lines in Germany bending south, rather than extending further east. I'm not sure I would be able to hold if he made a concerted push. Would depend on Rowain - who may be more inclined to deal with me if I'm so openly opposing scooter, but I can't be sure about that. Also, would be going back on clearly defined word with no warning, which is not something I am fond of doing.
c) Find some reason involving leaving TYS defenceless this turn to veto the plan. Decent chance to result in the same scenario as b), without any slight positional gains I might make from striking now. Would doing this while still ceding the Nap->ION move do anything? Not sure. Also, any argument I make involving why it's not an option (ie. TYS being forced this year) really has to rest on both Rom and Nap supporting it, as anything less and it's just as vulnerable.

Well that was a bad time to sleep in.

Screw it, lets fail at all forms for diplo.

Mis-orders are fun :D

Highly amusing how the one that actually went through came about, though. Woke up ~10 minutes after the deadline (as you can see from the timing of the above post). Sent in orders that involved ignoring the deals made with scooter and just going with what I'd already planned (again, see above post). Went in to uni, got a message from Mardoc about mis-orders, I'd accidentally called Sev, Mos. Fixed that. While heading in to uni, had gotten slightly cold feet at the prospect of going so blatantly against word I'd given several hours beforehand, so got the opportunity to correct that. And then managed to fail with the whole ->nap, ->apu thing, which couldn't be corrected while in class. Stupid nearby places having similar letters.

I'm so pro at this game :/

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