Okay. Turn played, had a few interesting things, here we go for my first SG report ever
Turn 20 - I inherit the turn - have a look around. Looks like we are on the way to bronze working, our worker is nearly done, and our warrior is healing after his fight with the bear.
My goals for this turnset
-Keep our scouting warrior active and alive. Get a promotion if possible.
-Meet another civ if one is nearby
-Find a good second city site
-Get the wheat farmed and try not to waste any worker turns.
I hit next turn to get started.
Turn 21 - nothing happens, worker building, warrior healing
Turn 22 - nothing happens, worker building, warrior healing
Turn 23 - worker finishes, I send him to the wheat and start to farm. I start Amsterdam on a warrior - we wouldn't have much use for a second worker yet and we want some growth.
Turn 24 - our warrior gets attacked by a lion and survives, but is sent back down to 0.9 health. I give him Woodsman I which brings him up a bit. I decide to be safe and let him continue to heal back to full.
Turn 25 - nothing happens, warrior building, warrior healing.
Turn 26 - the bear reappears near Amsterdam, I start to track his appearances with a sign which I update.
Turn 27 - our warrior is healed! I send him off into the unknown
Turn 28 - nothing happens, warrior building, warrior scouting
Turn 29 - Contact! We meet the Incans, led by Mr H Capac. Don't know what ceremonial ball is. Sounds dangerous.
Turn 30 - bear appears again. don't know where he keeps going. maybe to visit his cousin Winnie?
Turn 31 - Bear vanishes. I keep pushing back the fog. I think our farm finished on this turn but I didn't get a picture. I send the worker to the southeastern hill to mine it. We may not work it for a while, but its nice to have the hammer micro option.
Turn 32 - Wow, I'm bad at screenshots. Amsterdam has been size 2 for a while. Didn't get a picture. Set it to work the crabs along with the wheat - commerce is nice.
Turn 33 - We find stone! Maybe we can go for a stonehenge after we found our second city Shakuras? Also a lion appears to do liony stuff.
Turn 34 - Bronze working comes in. I don't see any need to chop any forests yet, so I keep the worker on the hill building the mine. Research set to The Wheel so we can keep our worker busy, and so we can get Pottery. I grabbed a second picture this turn because lions are lining up to eat our poor scouting warrior. Lucky he is on a hill.
Turn 36 - Second lion has vanished. I move off the hill and find myself on flat land. Second lion returns next to me between turns. Uh oh.
Turn 37 - I retreat back on to the hill to avoid the lion. We don't want to risk a 75% combat with our only warrior this early.
Turn 38 - Amsterdam grows to size 3 and expands borders. We see a pig to the north. Worker finishes the mine. I leave the third pop point on the lake tile for the commerce - we aren't in a rush for the warrior, so I don't see the need to work the mine yet. This is a decision I'm unsure of, please advise if this was correct. The Wheel now due in only 5 turns. Lion vanishes again, I send the worker back off to continue scouting.
Turn 39 - I move the worker back to the forested hill west of Amsterdam.
Turn 40 - Worker arrives at the hill. Warrior continues to explore, he's on flatland but there was no avoiding this.
Final turn screenshot
Accomplished this set
-Got our warrior to woodsman I, and kept him alive
-Met Huayna Capac. Nothing to be done with him yet, but he's there for when we get writing
-Found stone!
-Farmed the wheat and mined the southeastern hill.
-Started us on the way to Pottery
-Amsterdam renamed to Aiur. This isn't in screenshots, but I like the idea of a Starcraft theme because SC2 is my other strategy game of choice.
-Size 3 capital, focusing on food and commerce for now.
Summary for the next player
-Warrior due in 3 turns
-The Wheel due in 3 turns
-Capital due to grow in 5, maybe a settler next?
-Worker ready to chop a forest if needed, or he can sit idle until we have The Wheel ready for some roads. That's up to BaII.
Turn 20 - I inherit the turn - have a look around. Looks like we are on the way to bronze working, our worker is nearly done, and our warrior is healing after his fight with the bear.
My goals for this turnset
-Keep our scouting warrior active and alive. Get a promotion if possible.
-Meet another civ if one is nearby
-Find a good second city site
-Get the wheat farmed and try not to waste any worker turns.
I hit next turn to get started.
Turn 21 - nothing happens, worker building, warrior healing
Turn 22 - nothing happens, worker building, warrior healing
Turn 23 - worker finishes, I send him to the wheat and start to farm. I start Amsterdam on a warrior - we wouldn't have much use for a second worker yet and we want some growth.
Turn 24 - our warrior gets attacked by a lion and survives, but is sent back down to 0.9 health. I give him Woodsman I which brings him up a bit. I decide to be safe and let him continue to heal back to full.
Turn 25 - nothing happens, warrior building, warrior healing.
Turn 26 - the bear reappears near Amsterdam, I start to track his appearances with a sign which I update.
Turn 27 - our warrior is healed! I send him off into the unknown
Turn 28 - nothing happens, warrior building, warrior scouting
Turn 29 - Contact! We meet the Incans, led by Mr H Capac. Don't know what ceremonial ball is. Sounds dangerous.
Turn 30 - bear appears again. don't know where he keeps going. maybe to visit his cousin Winnie?
Turn 31 - Bear vanishes. I keep pushing back the fog. I think our farm finished on this turn but I didn't get a picture. I send the worker to the southeastern hill to mine it. We may not work it for a while, but its nice to have the hammer micro option.
Turn 32 - Wow, I'm bad at screenshots. Amsterdam has been size 2 for a while. Didn't get a picture. Set it to work the crabs along with the wheat - commerce is nice.
Turn 33 - We find stone! Maybe we can go for a stonehenge after we found our second city Shakuras? Also a lion appears to do liony stuff.
Turn 34 - Bronze working comes in. I don't see any need to chop any forests yet, so I keep the worker on the hill building the mine. Research set to The Wheel so we can keep our worker busy, and so we can get Pottery. I grabbed a second picture this turn because lions are lining up to eat our poor scouting warrior. Lucky he is on a hill.
Turn 36 - Second lion has vanished. I move off the hill and find myself on flat land. Second lion returns next to me between turns. Uh oh.
Turn 37 - I retreat back on to the hill to avoid the lion. We don't want to risk a 75% combat with our only warrior this early.
Turn 38 - Amsterdam grows to size 3 and expands borders. We see a pig to the north. Worker finishes the mine. I leave the third pop point on the lake tile for the commerce - we aren't in a rush for the warrior, so I don't see the need to work the mine yet. This is a decision I'm unsure of, please advise if this was correct. The Wheel now due in only 5 turns. Lion vanishes again, I send the worker back off to continue scouting.
Turn 39 - I move the worker back to the forested hill west of Amsterdam.
Turn 40 - Worker arrives at the hill. Warrior continues to explore, he's on flatland but there was no avoiding this.
Final turn screenshot
Accomplished this set
-Got our warrior to woodsman I, and kept him alive
-Met Huayna Capac. Nothing to be done with him yet, but he's there for when we get writing
-Found stone!
-Farmed the wheat and mined the southeastern hill.
-Started us on the way to Pottery
-Amsterdam renamed to Aiur. This isn't in screenshots, but I like the idea of a Starcraft theme because SC2 is my other strategy game of choice.
-Size 3 capital, focusing on food and commerce for now.
Summary for the next player
-Warrior due in 3 turns
-The Wheel due in 3 turns
-Capital due to grow in 5, maybe a settler next?
-Worker ready to chop a forest if needed, or he can sit idle until we have The Wheel ready for some roads. That's up to BaII.