Except you halved those numbers in v10 or v11 (can't remember off the top of my head)....
EitB v12 Wishlist/Progress
Bugger. I apologize, I thought they were updated in the 'pedia, and just thoughtlessly posted that rather than checking what was posted.
Here's the correct stats, which hold up to testing: Quote:• Building Change: Khazad Vault Thresholds Halved To: Empty: [<25 gold per city{-2 happy}], Low: [25-49 gold per city {-1 happy}], Normal: [50-74 gold per city {No Effect}], Stocked: [75-99 gold per city {+1 happy}], Abundant: [100-149 gold per city {+10% hammers and +2 happy}], Full: [150-249 gold per city {+25% hammers and +2 happy}], Overflowing: [>249 gold per city {+40% hammers, +3 happy, and +25% GPP}] Fake-edit: No they don't. Fuck. Edit: Yes they do - thank god - it's merely the interface which is screwy. (Which is what you said initially.) False alarm, carry on as normal.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
The deepening doesn't need to be nerfed, btw. Right now it has an effect that is basically equivalent to Blight.
Active in:
FFH-20: Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers EITB Pitboss 1: Clan/Elohim/Calabim with Mardoc and Thoth
For awhile now, the only thing that has truly bothered me about EitB is how Paladins and Eidolons have been handled. Now, while they might be a bit too strong, or come a bit too early, etcetera .... there is one change that I think should follow this pattern (assuming its the adopted pattern).
That change is for the Luannotar to be buildable at Fanaticism at the same hammer cost as a Paladin or Eidolon. no level requirements or the like. If anyone has any serious objections to this, speak now. I believe that I can refute any sensible argument against this proposition.
It's unneeded, anti-thematic, works more as a nerf than a buff to a weakish civilization, and you've given no arguments or reasons why it's a good idea or should be done.
Refute that ![]() Ellimist, I agree, to some extent. The main issues are that it's long-lasting and unfun, though. What were the results of that test you ran?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
Terkhnen has very kindly done the grunt work for the Grigori Adventurer Counter change. I intend to include it, at least for now, in the same form as he has implemented it (unless anyone disagrees?).
One question, though, is the Khazad change that he made alongside it, displaying the vault-levels in a similar way, with increments and so on. Is this a UI change that we want to include? (More info/pictures in the link I linked.) Pros: + it makes things easier to understand/guess + saves a bit of mental calculations + vaults are an integral mechanic of the civ + convenient Cons: - more clutter to the screen - superfluous - there's already a way of displaying it - a tiny bit more work for me Thoughts?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
Does Terkhen lurk this forum? What an awesome dude
![]() The Civfanatics FFH modding community has some genuinely fantastic people working in it. I wish Magister C would play in a game here (Kragroth, go invite him!) I have no objections. Wish I had more thoughts on the Grigori... our latest duel gave me a couple on naval units (especially some wonky cost-to-benefit ratios for the end-game ones), but no particular insight into the Grigs, besides that they're perhaps the least-suited civ for naval warfare.
The Grigori Counter is a good idea, but now that all cities contribute to it, I'm a bit curious. I guess this changes things slightly in that now it's to your advantage to build Taverns in every city because that 1 little Adventurer GP point goes toward the whole civilization and that adventurer point is multiplied by Philosophical and Golden Ages.
This is a good change. It gives Cassiel a stronger incentive to stay Pacifist and eat up the military penalty. Regarding the Dwarven Bar, I think it's good to display, but is it best used as a bar? Will it start to turn red or give you a warning if you're close to losing too much gold per city?
Not by the code it won't (and that's quite complicated so I won't be trying to). The idea is you get to look and see. But its enough in your face that I don't think it needs more.
Yeah, the CFC people are awesome. Particularly Magister - he helped me out big time with the infernal code. I'm pretty sure Terkhens made posts here before, but you're the mod, you look ![]() ![]()
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.