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New year, New Master of Magic! v1.5 fan patch

Quote:I had the magic spirit, the computer had the trireme.
It switched sides so it was yours the turn the fleeing happened.

Quote: A city has been taken, or lost, and the body count climbs and time goes on, and it's just time to stop the war. Even I do this, to opponents I clearly outnumber, where I have all the advantage. It doesn't really matter who's winning and who's not. It's just a matter of the war outliving its usefulness. The diplomatic state as reflected in the diplomacy screen does not reflect the situation on the ground, which is lack of conflict.
So, you mean when the AI does not perform actual attacks against your targets, peace interest should be going up? Even if it's merely because they need to collect more troops / transport them to the continent / select a new continent because the current one is out of targets (they took them all?)
I need specific, easy to measure conditions for this, that are also failproof and never result in a peace when it does not benefit the AI. At the moment, the only such thing I can come up with is total army power. Maybe the threshold could be moved, from 75% to 50 or 60? Only 25% weaker isn't guaranteed to be an easy target all the time I guess.
Now there are four possible rankings of army strength, 125%+ (outnumbered, rapid peace growth), 75%-125% (neutral, slow peace growth), 50%-75% (advantage, slow peace decline), below 50% (major advantage, rapid peace decline).
Moving the thresholds to 125,60,30 might be better?

Quote:So the program takes 20% of 4, which is 0.8, and rounds that down to 0? Shouldn't it get rounded up to 1.0?
It does an integer division so yes. I'll check what can be done about it. Healer is a separate healing that does not add to the normal heal rate but happens in addition to it (or instead of? need to check that too)

Quote: Looking at the map, my roads are the only ones existing in the world.
Looks like resetting orders broke AI engineers. I thought those have a "Build" order, not a going/attack one, strange. Does not explain the road on the sea, though. Maybe a bug from map generation?

heh my to do list is full again, this is endless. Oh well fortunately there aren't as critical as previous ones were, probably all easy to fix too.

Checked healing, it does not replace natural healing but happens after it.
Natural healing is random, your magicians probably had bad luck and didn't heal any.
So everything works as intended (unless we want to change rounding to go upwards instead of down, do we? I don't think it's necessary, more modlike than bug fix)

RC7 is up.

-W162 is now mandatory instead of optional. It's the change to gold received from conquering towns. Turns out the crash when taking the last outpost of an enemy wizard was caused by a division by zero here (the wizard had 0 total population in his empire).
-AI engineers can now build roads again
-AI will be gradually interested in peace if player army strength is no more than 50% below theirs instead of 25% below.
-AI should now consider confused units temporarily on the other side as part of both armies instead of only enemy, thus they won't get scared of it.
-Lawful wizards can now declare war through their militarist or expansionist personalities like anyone else (but peaceful still cannot, and all other restrictions for lawful are unchanged).

I haven't decided if I want to change the gold or mana amount in treasure yet.

Quote:So, you mean when the AI does not perform actual attacks against your targets, peace interest should be going up? Even if it's merely because they need to collect more troops / transport them to the continent / select a new continent because the current one is out of targets (they took them all?)

It doesn't really have anything to do with the troops being wherever on the map, it's just a length of time since the war has started. I believe casualties (expressed as hammers) also add to the willingness to make peace. It seems the only criteria there is is "am I losing the war" in which case the CP will make peace? If the situation is "I have a larger army than him" then the war will never end?

I can see this being justification to start a war. "I greatly outnumber him" seems as good excuse as any. But I'm having a hard time finding war weariness in the documentation. Maybe it's in one of the FAQs? All I could find was this from MoO's manual:

[Image: TuUW6Gc.jpg]

MoM's manual and strategy guide don't mention peace treaties. What about the natural relations gravitation? No matter how things are when the war starts, eventually that number will get to 0 and peace will be possible. I found this in the MoO strategy guide.

[Image: 1qQOvMd.jpg]

[Image: p36jpz6.jpg]

I remember wars tending to cease the longer they went on and this was called war weariness. Maybe this was never an official phrase? Maybe it's a term from I was just positive this was a game mechanic, somehow. Here are the scraps I could find in MoM's strategy guide:

[Image: CU4OfkA.jpg]
[Image: 1XdRFry.jpg]

[Image: MYSjijL.jpg]

[Image: zDuFxqo.jpg]

Natural gravitation exists, in fact it works better than originally. Because events in general can't reduce relations during war, it will usually raise relations to the maximum possible during a war, which is -24. It's safe to assume REL = -24 for the remaining formulas.

However, to make a successful peace treaty, you need to pass the complex "treaty" roll, which is :
; x= TREAT/2+REL+HREL+PERS+100*(Player Military/AI Military)-100-10*Difficulty+
; +random(31)-OfferDifficulty+40*Allied.
where the offerdifficulty of peace is 60, and you need -75 or higher for success (but below 0 they'll ask for stuff)
Hmm wait a second, this should have PEACE/2 not TREATY/2 for the peace treaty, it's an exception! Have to fix this!

Also, a negotiating attempt subtracts random(50)+50 from peace interest. (this never activated before because it was considered a generic treaty not peace one, so it subtracted TREAT.) That amount is quite harsh. I think I'll reduce it a little.

However, the AI can also offer a peace treaty. For that to happen, the following has to be true :

PEACE originally gained a +10 per turn and that was about it, so wars went for 10-20 turns then stopped, the problem with that was, it's not enough time to even reach the target with an army.
So I changed it to either gain, or lose points based on which side is having the upper hand and slowed it down in general.

However, the original guide stated that killing their units makes them want peace. I reversed this. Killing their units makes them want to retaliate more, and keeps the war going. Each REL point loss for killing units is transformed into a 1/2 PEACE point less during war.
So the key to making peace is to always be the defending player, as units killed penalties only happen if you attack. And as a defending player, you should aim to kill as much as possible to bring the total army ratio to a more favorable area.

I just defeated a lair garrison and was told "Inside you find". Technically, you did get rid of the "Inside you find nothing at all" messages, but I don't think this is what you were going for.

(January 16th, 2016, 16:41)spottedshroom Wrote: I just defeated a lair garrison and was told "Inside you find". Technically, you did get rid of the "Inside you find nothing at all" messages, but I don't think this is what you were going for.

Can I have that save? I didn't do that, all I did is I made sure there is a minimum treasure so you always (or at least 99% of the time) get something. I didn't change the text at all, and until I made heroes appear in full stacks, it did show "absolutely nothing" correctly when a hero failed to show up and there wasn't anything else inside.

I also believe I just saw Tlaloc cast Transmute on an Adamantium deposit near one of his cities. It had no effect, but it showed the animation. A left-over from CoM?

[Image: uBfuiNp.png]

Here's a save file.

(January 16th, 2016, 16:49)spottedshroom Wrote: I also believe I just saw Tlaloc cast Transmute on an Adamantium deposit near one of his cities. It had no effect, but it showed the animation. A left-over from CoM?
Definitely not. CoM AI will never turn adamantium into something else with that, the main point is turning other stuff into adamantium. I don't think the original AI did that either, maybe it had nothing to target? Was there any valid ore in the range of any of his cities at all?
Any chance the screen was just not locked on the correct map area and a different ore was transformed? I've seen that happen with Stasis.

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