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D&D (Pathfinder) Play By Forum

(September 8th, 2016, 15:29)AdrienIer Wrote: I don't know why the character sheet isn't showing your AC properly (ie not counting your armor and shield). But it certainly isn't working. noidea

Figured this out, I needed to select them as worn.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

Sorry, work flared up this week, will resolve tomorrow morning, WIP is here:

I updated my character sheet with some changes plus finishing the 'fiddly bits'. Should be good to go whenever.

Me too

Should begin tomorrow, then.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Any chance the characters could be explained anywhere that isn't behind a login? I'm following this closely, but it's hard to make sense from a storytelling perspective of why character X vs character Y does a certain action without knowing more about the motivations and abilities. Is this somewhere in thread I'm overlooking?

That said, I get things fine from a mechanical perspective despite never playing this sort of game, so if the goal is to simply offer gameplay with storytelling implicit for the players I understand.

Most of the details on the sheets behind the login are numbers for the roll playing, not the role playing

I was approaching things on the basis that these characters dont really know each other well if at all, and was assuming any character background would come out during the RP.

If you want to peak behind my motivation though
Land Manager and companion for Sir James of Dunwick. James is ageing and nominated Lucas as his Heir, but wealthy cousin who covets he land pointed out that this cannot be done legally unless Lucas has a title.

Hence Lucas is now heading out to try and gain sufficient renown for Baron Chalmers to grant a title to ensure land doesn?t fall into cousin?s hands.

It is known that the Baron Chalmers has numerous shipping stakes. He had important documentation for trade agreements with a southern island in the ship's hold in the most recent shipment that was lost, and Lucas hopes that by resolving this issue he can come to greater notice

My background (as a monologue) is upthread. Thanks for reading our game!

My character's overall worldview is upthread as well, but specifically for this adventure he has been hired by the company that owns the last boat sunk to stop any more boats being lost and to bring back the cargo of the ship. He has been promised a cut of all the cargo he finds.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

My character's background is that of a wanderer. Anya has been travelling for some time now, following her instinct as to where she should go. Her instinct is usually right, and has led her towards forests where food is aplenty, or villages where her help was needed (and given, in exchange for food and sometimes useful items).
Anya's instinct told her that she was needed in this particular area, so she came to the village. Upon meeting local farmers she realized that the situation here gave her the opportunity to both do some good, and perhaps find some more useful items.

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