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The Kat changes are a slight nerf imo. Her early game+laning sucks even more now.

Have to say I like this patch smile, seems on the mark with a lot of stuff.
Stealthers got hit the hardest, not just by the specific Eve nerf but the vision ward cost reduction.
They were sort of affordable at 150g, but at 125 I'll probably just buy them if there's even a hint of an Eve or Twitch in the game.

Speaking of which, is that a nerf or buff for Twitch?
He can outrange the vision wards even easier now I guess, but they seem to keep weakening his skills.

Cull Wrote:The Kat changes are a slight nerf imo. Her early game+laning sucks even more now.
I thought that at first, but it's only level 1 Shunpo that has 10 less dmg.
At level 2 it's the same, and beyond that gains more damage.
I'm quite positive about it.

Any impressions of the new patch, seeing as I wasn't able to play last night? Is Nasus now in every game and OP?

I only played Heimer and Caitlyn in a bot game, since servers were unstable.

Heimer's ability to drop two turrets with a 1 sec cd is pretty neat, very useful for teamfights if combined with ult. I also think the 5 missiles instead of 3 during ult will help him quite a bit.
Strangely enough, Caitlyn's ultimate still deals physical damage even though according to the patchnotes it counts as a spell now and does not proc Lizard/Frozen Mallet but instead things like Rylai's. A little confusing... huh


v8mark Wrote:Any impressions of the new patch, seeing as I wasn't able to play last night? Is Nasus now in every game and OP?

So far I've seen one Nasus, and he fed like crazy. I also had a Heimer that fed. I think it's the usual overreacting to a patch making people think "OMG X champ is now invinciple." I'm sure things will settle down and the skilled players will probably have success with the buffed champs. The Heimer buff seems more notable than the Nasus buff IMHO.

Patch impressions

Eve - Can actually still jungle at least with the setup I use, but it's slower and uses more potions. Stealth timer change means it requires more skill/timing to pull off early ganks, which is a good thing

Renekton - Haven't bought him. Looks like a standard melee dps. So far his ultimate doesn't stop him from being focus fired down but possibly people aren't building him right yet.

Caitlyn - Is free this week and therefore in every game. Skills hurt a bit more. Still a good harrasser in top or bottom lane and good at escaping ganks. Still overshadowed in team fights by Ashe's CC and the other ranged DPS' steroid abilities imo.

Not sure about twitch, I'm tempted to try jungling him though now that you can get someone to kite the golem for a bunch of free hits which a ranged character could exploit quite well, and the change to his stealth gave him some burst ability back. Overall I think twitch was buffed, although like sunrise, the 1 twitch I saw in game mostly fed Anivia. Fortunately I was anivia, finished that game 19-1-18...

Gustaran Wrote:Strangely enough, Caitlyn's ultimate still deals physical damage even though according to the patchnotes it counts as a spell now and does not proc Lizard/Frozen Mallet but instead things like Rylai's. A little confusing... huh

The way I understood it is that the skill is now classed as a spell rather than an attack which really only makes a difference when differentiating between things like the Lizard buff and Rylai's and has nothing to do with what type of damage it does. Because it's a spell now, it won't proc the lizard buff/mallet, but will proc Rylai's.

It still deals attack damage though, not magic damage. Honestly, I'm not really sure what the point of that change is considering Caitlyn is an AD champ and thus spell proc items like Rylai's are somewhat useless to her.

As for the patch, it was nice to see the really annoyingly powerful champs like Eve and Panth get a nerf, and the weaker champs like Heimer get a buff; his ult is actually more useful and versatile now. And Renekton looks pretty sick, at least how Phreak played him in the spotlight.

Pant wasn't op, or even so powerful to warrant a nerf I think. Here is why: His early game was(is?) strong, maybe ridiculous but thats easily counterable by counter harass in lane(esp lvl1-2) by any ranged carry/ap carry. By lvl 3 to end of laning phrase, harass him, kite him, make his life as a melee dps frustrating. If you're playing a really highly mobile mid, gank other lanes if you have lots of trouble. By late-mid game, all he can do is push with global, stun one person in a fight, then proceed to get focused down really quickly with most pant builds.

While Regi isn't that popular at RB I think, he's a video from solomid showing what I mean:

Not only that, this is from 3 weeks ago, before the last two patches, at probably his height of his not 2 shot spear "OPness" against an ez before the last two patches, who is still in a very meh state even now imo.

Easy said than done, but pant was always a pub stomper in his current harass-w-e-autoattack-q form, never something that you should be able to use to roflstomp fair teams. Again, I don't really don't think I could call him powerful, even pre-this patch.

I actually killed 2 people with caitlyn's ultimate while they were running away yesterday... but that's about all it's good for since channeling it for 3 seconds sucks in an actual fight. Her net/trap, admittedly, isn't bad for map awareness and getting away from melee assassin types. I do feel like she's really dependent on Lizard buff to make full use of her range though, which raises the obvious question of "why not just play Ashe".

uberfish Wrote:I actually killed 2 people with caitlyn's ultimate while they were running away yesterday... but that's about all it's good for since channeling it for 3 seconds sucks in an actual fight. Her net/trap, admittedly, isn't bad for map awareness and getting away from melee assassin types. I do feel like she's really dependent on Lizard buff to make full use of her range though, which raises the obvious question of "why not just play Ashe".

Exactly. The ult is great for picking off fleeing opponents, but how often do you need that in a game ? If a teamfight turns out bad and you need to move, the ult is useless because you can't channel that long without taking major damage.
Ashe's ult on the other hand is always very useful and with a bit of pratice you can kill fleeing opponents as well.

I also believe that the supposed choice of "should another player take the shot and block it" is nonsense. If a low health player on your team is targeted you step in and take the shot (did that even with squishy Tristana to save our Vlad...).


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