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League of Legends General Discussion Thread



Yes, Ezreal is a lot of fun, if you can hit all his skillshots (which I can't smoke).
Oh, and his frosted skin is awesome, IMHO it's a must buy thumbsup

BTW, those of you that played in Sullla's last youtube game:
Great job, some really pro plays in there.


Is anyone playing Udyr on a regular basis ? I bought him to have a good jungler available, but there seem to have been quite a few changes recently around Udyr (tiger stance) and the jungle (MR creep nerf) in general so most jungle guides are outdated.


Udyr: What I've been doing is QWQE, 0-21-9, cloth + 5 red pots, start at blue. 2 levels of Q is enough to clear the jungle quickly so you can build however you like afterwads.

Well, i think my account will disappear of your friend lists soon... i decided to finally bite the bullet and transfer it to the asia region, which means that i won't have access to NA anymore (I never did actually thanks to them blocking all South East Asia regions).

Also, i'm trying to main Lux, but should I ever be upping W instead of QE? I find that damage > shield all the time, especially in the early game.

Udyr: I'm not that great of an Udyr player, but I think I'm okay at him. With that in mind...

Phoenix stance is better, for clearing out jungle, as well as ganks, since phoenix trumps tiger since it does more burst dmg(I am not aware if the active burst of phoenix trumps tiger), compared to the more sustained AS of tiger. I personally do cloth armor-5 hp pots, go r-w-r-e, with r>w>e>q.

In the end, going phoenix or tiger depends on how you plan to build udyr. I find tank Udyr to be the best, but a dps with wriggles/bloodrazor/trinity isn't bad, but dies too fast in teamfights to be of much use. If you plan on going wriggles, q-w-q-e is probably better, with q>w>e>r.

I build from cloth into Heart of Gold, typically build Aegis if my team has no other better champions to have it on(Janna, Shen would be examples of champions that Aegis is superior on). If I don't build Aegis, I usually go for Spirit Visage instead. If I do build Aegis, I usually don't go Visage. From there, typical tank build with Banshee's Veil, Sunfire, upgrade HoG to Randiuns etc. Trinity late game with tank build if I feel like I need some form of dmg, even with tank build. 1-21-8 is what I use, but honestly 0-21-9 is probably better.

Actually my main problem with Udyr is the early levels (somewhere around 1-5).

My account level is still 28, so that may be part of it, but at the moment I can barely kill blue golem with phoenix (I drop below 100hp, even with health potions huh).
I usually put 10 points in utility for the extended buff duration and the rest defense, runes are ArPen reds, Armor yellows, manareg/lev blues and health quints.
I am saving to try attack speed reds, but it shouldn't make that much of difference, should it ?

My problem with a lot of the available youtube vids is that

a) no more negative mr on jungle creeps = smite doesn't hit as hard anymore
b) no more negative mr on jungle creeps = less damage from phoenix
c) health quints nerfed

so I can't really see at what point things go wrong, but running around with super low hp does not seem to be a promising start banghead


Get enemy mid/top to hit it before you, aggro it. If I get a little bit of help with blue, I can usually finish blue at over half health.

Gustaran Wrote:Actually my main problem with Udyr is the early levels (somewhere around 1-5).

My account level is still 28, so that may be part of it, but at the moment I can barely kill blue golem with phoenix (I drop below 100hp, even with health potions huh).
I usually put 10 points in utility for the extended buff duration and the rest defense, runes are ArPen reds, Armor yellows, manareg/lev blues and health quints.
I am saving to try attack speed reds, but it shouldn't make that much of difference, should it ?

My problem with a lot of the available youtube vids is that

a) no more negative mr on jungle creeps = smite doesn't hit as hard anymore
b) no more negative mr on jungle creeps = less damage from phoenix
c) health quints nerfed

so I can't really see at what point things go wrong, but running around with super low hp does not seem to be a promising start banghead

I've never played Udyr, but the 0-18-10 might be your problem. I really think you need 21 in defence as a jungler, pretty much always, as the 21st defence point is very strong. 0-21-7 might be better (with 3 in the experience mastery).

Do the MR changes affect smite? I always thought it did true damage...

Amelia Wrote:Also, i'm trying to main Lux, but should I ever be upping W instead of QE? I find that damage > shield all the time, especially in the early game.

If I were maining Lux, I would watch Roku videos - he plays Lux a LOT, and seems to be pretty good at it.

Amelia Wrote:Also, i'm trying to main Lux, but should I ever be upping W instead of QE? I find that damage > shield all the time, especially in the early game

True its not a great shield, neither does it last long but if there's a Karthus on the other team you'll definitely want point(s) in it when he reaches level 6.

Personally I take a level of Q straight away, max E, a level or two of W, then after your ult is available I go with whatever I think will help more.
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