A few thoughts before scooter plays Turn 320:
We must have traded maps with someone last turn (REM I think?), as we have updated information over in Donovan territory. Donovan's land is being split, with Dreylin getting the bulk so far and REM biting off a chunk for himself. I concur with scooter's assessment about Sector 19: we'll hopefully have a decent shot at grabbing that city after Dreylin captures it. Hydraulic Ram is only 4 tiles away, and we have lots of boats in the area. I agree that it's a key secondary objective for us. We will have vision inside the city the moment that it falls (we will grab control of the hillside horses), and that should inform us on how to play the situation.
Thanks for following all my unit suggestions thus far scooter. I know it hasn't been easy with so many units moving around in so many directions. I think we're almost into position now.
Down here in the south, Battery will get religion this turn (the missionary landed in the city last turn) and pump out a 10 XP galleon. Induction Coil will do the same, with the galleon
heading south this turn, unlike the previous ones which have been going north. We're going to have just barely enough time to get everything into position for the attack on Turn 323.
We should have enough units to hold Hydraulic Ram for the moment. The infantry coming out of Steam Engine, Telegraph, and Pasteurization should start loading on the 10 XP galleons as they come out of our southern cities. It's better to keep the units loaded on the ships, as they are invisible there - even with airships, it's a lot harder for Dreylin to keep tabs on what we're doing if we have units inside ships. Unless they're really keeping close notes, it will be hard to tell if units inside cities were newly built or the same units from the previous turn.
Up here, the single most important thing is to
move the ironclad from Contact Process north two tiles. The ironclads are so slow moving that they're already staging right now for the attack in three turns. We need this ironclad and the one following from the same city at end of turn to be up by Power Loom at the start of Turn 323.
Otherwise, it's mostly the same thing as in the south. We want to load infantry onto galleons as much as possible to disguise just how many units we have up here. I suggest keeping the galleons down around that stone resource where they appear to be in defensive position up until it's time to attack. The 0 XP galleon over by Haber Process is fine where it is (although we should probably load it up with Haber's infantry).
I think Penicillin should Build Culture this turn to avoid losing the disputed spices tile. That grants us visibility into Dolphins, and it's really helpful being able to see the garrison. We will still be able to build the spy eot 321 / Turn 322, and move it into enemy territory prior to our attack. We can also finish it this turn if desired, but I think that will cause us to lose the disputed tile, and I'd prefer to avoid that.
I think we have enough defenders over here for the moment, although of course we'll keep building units and ships. Once Dynamite finishes the drydocks, Radio can convert over to mostly infantry.
Scooter, the workers are about to build a fort on the tile 3 south of Radio / 2 north of Hydraulic Ram. That will allow our ships to move between the northern and southern bodies of water with ease. I think we should stage our small ironclad fleet in the little lake south of Radio, where they can move north or south as we desire.
Dreylin doesn't seem to be reinforcing his border cities very much from what we can see. He may be racing to Assembly Line as fast as possible during his Golden Age. I'll take the more hopeful approach that we're doing a good job of selling these moves as a defensive buildup. Do we agree on swapping back into Representation next turn? That will help sell the ruse, and we really can use the economic benefits of Representation over Police State, which has been awesome for piling up units, don't get me wrong, but it's probably time to swap back. Before anyone knocks Police State civic, in 5 turns we'll have added about 600k in Power rating, from 800k to more than 1400k. It's definitely been a real help, and we'll probably be back in it later down the road.
One final note: the Demos look pretty sad for us right now. It's been a bit depressing each time I look at that Rival GNP stat.
But all is not lost, even though I wouldn't say we're anything like the favorites right now. Of course the Demos look bad right now - both of our top rivals are in Golden Ages! And we're also running about the least economically-friendly setup possible while we crank military. We can swap back into Representation/Free Religion, build Research in a bunch of cities, and soar over 1000 beakers/turn any time that we want. Right now, our team is doing the same thing that Dreylin did earlier: tanking our economy to invest production into military. If we're able to claim more land in this fashion, in the same way that Dreylin did earlier, then the strategic gamble pays off. If our attack is a train wreck, then we're going to be relegated to second tier status pretty quickly. The next 10 turns are probably going to make our break our game. No pressure...
Scooter, when Turn 323 rolls around at the end of this week, do we want to do anything special for the big action? I can always stream the turn if that sounds like something interesting. It's your game though, you get to decide what you want to do.