September 13th, 2011, 14:47
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Catwalk Wrote:Meiz, do you see nothing weird about zakalwe today and last night? I have to take a extra unbiased look at him more closely tomorrow. I already started, but it's getting late. But current feeling is that there are better lynch candidates for this day and we can get back to him as the game progresses. Still 4 wolves to catch and villager Zak would be a great asset to the team.
September 13th, 2011, 14:52
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Meiz Wrote:Still 4 wolves to catch and villager Zak would be a great asset to the team.
I wonder when he starts to be that great asset...
Ah, anyway. I agree that there are 4 wolves and zak is only one of them. The thing is, I think there is no one with more slips then him, surely also because he has posted the most. Still, alone that he 3 times called players out on stuff he himself did as well (in the exact same situation) is for me a sure sign that something is not ok. Either those players should be called out, but then so should he, or it was ok to play like that, but why does he try to paint them as suspects then?
September 13th, 2011, 14:53
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I'm a little surprised such plays are considered comically bad, actually. I'd say it makes good sense to sometimes lay low about accusations in order to quietly gather more information without alerting your suspect. I even considered writing a secret message in an earlier post (either invisible "ink" or some type of imbedded code) in order to back up my play later. But I wasn't sure if this would be frowned upon for ethical reasons or just get me lynched, so I decided against it. But as I said earlier, at least I'm consistent :neenernee
September 13th, 2011, 15:03
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Serdoa, I have a theory I'd like to pursue. Going on the assumption that zakalwe is a wolf, who else is plausibly a wolf along with him? Ie. scooter is an obvious partner. Injera has repeatedly accused zakalwe, so he's a less likely (but possibly very clever) partner. TT and Sareln have both been accused frequently by zakalwe. Jkaen is less relevant, everybody seems to agree on waiting to see if he gets mod killed tomorrow.
If anyone is interested in pursuing this line of reasoning and goes post digging, please share the findings. Else I might have a go at it sometime tomorrow, although I won't have much time.
September 13th, 2011, 15:17
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The reason why its bad, Catwalk, is because we're supposed to be trying to find wolves, not trick villagers. And I don't entirely buy your ex post facto reasoning - I think you got called on your snuggling to zakalwe and are trying to explain it away as clever play. I think you tried to cozy to zakalwe because you believe him to be a village power player and you're seeking acceptance this game, as much as you're seeking victory, due to your actions from last game. Sorry if that's harsh, but its what I read from your play. And I recognized your inappropriate cuddling from minute one - I tried the exact same play in WW5.
I'm not saying I think you're a wolf - though I'm also not saying I think you're innocent. I'm not one to hedge a lot, but I'm completely on the fence with you. Primarily because I think external factors to the game actually make as much sense as wolvishness to describe your behavior. Still, I think you should stop the fancy play and get to the analysis. You seem a bright enough player - just too cute for your own (and the village's) good.
I'll bite on your question, though. If zak were a wolf, I'd guess strongly that the rest of the pack was TT, Sareln and yourself. Why? Well, the little battle with TT could be reminiscent of the zak/scooter gig in WW3. zak let Sareln off the hook easily, and as said, I think you've cozied up to him for different reasons than you say. Still, I'm not convinced zak is a wolf (I have Serdoa's post open in a separate window, I'm eating it in small chunks because its a lot.) I'm even less convinced he's a great target today. But if he were a wolf, that would be my guess as to the rest of the pack.
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September 13th, 2011, 15:20
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If you ever wonder why I find it hard to contribute here's a good one for you. I started doing a summary of every post after Erebus' hanging and I'm still only on Post 679... after a couple of hours. Just got past Ichabod's post about every player and am very confused as to why he doesn't understand my votes. I thought that I had explained my Mayor votes and Lynch votes at various points, but I guess I'll put them down here again.
Day 1 Mayor: (Scooter -> No Vote -> Gaspar -> Lewwyn -> Gaspar -> Serdoa)
I started off with a random vote, which was retracted after folks started pointing out how important mayor would be in this game. I switched my vote to Gaspar b/c I like how he plays and recognized that all his vote on me for day 1 was asking me to say something, which I did. The Lewwyn vote was the tweak Lewwyn since we were in an argument at that point about illogic, and the vote tally doesn't record it but I vote again for Gaspar in spoilers on the same post I vote for Lewwyn. More annoyed at Lewwyn than anything else at that point. Mayor race then looks to be a 3-way between Gaspar, Lewwyn, and Serdoa. I don't trust Lewwyn to make good choices, but Gaspar doesn't seem to be able to show up for the end of the day and I'm okay with Serdoa being mayor, so I switch to Serdoa.
Day 1 Lynch: (Roland -> Scooter -> TT -> Uberfish)
Once again, a random vote for Roland, then a tactical vote for scooter to throw some pressure (joining Gaspar), then a vote for TT after scooter provides some answers, and then TT gives a mostly-satisfactory answer towards the end of the day. With a decent answer from TT, I don't want to accidentally lynch him and uberfish has stubbornly refused to expand his defense beyond: "You're all stupid, raise your game". Hoping something would pop out as his predicament became more clear, but nothing came of that. Uberfish is lynched and is innocent.
Day 2 Lynch: (JKaen -> Erebus)
Vote JKaen in an attempt to elicit any participation from him. Scooter/Roland or someone similar tells me that you can't squeeze blood from a stone, especially when the stone isn't online. I'm trying to figure out who to switch to when Erebus starts trying to cast aspersions on me with his "just asking questions" line about the vote tallies. I think that's strange for a villager to ever do, and so vote for Erebus. I check in later in the day, see that Erebus hasn't really shaken my "Why would you do something like this" question that came with my vote, and so stay on him. I'm not present for the last couple of hours but apparently I missed some craziness.
I hope that answers Ichabod's questions about my voting record.
Alright. Back to reading.
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September 13th, 2011, 15:24
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Gaspar Wrote:The reason why its bad, Catwalk, is because we're supposed to be trying to find wolves, not trick villagers. I don't think that's what I did, though. Remember I said I did the same with Meiz, I didn't have any reason to fully believe he was innocent from day 1. I do believe he's innocent now, so that play has worked out as it seems to have helped establish his trust in me. If he'd been against me I'd likely hang by now. I'm not seeking to trick villagers, I'm seeking to trick wolves. If I believed zakalwe to be a villager, the same would apply to him. I switched when zakalwe started acting weird and Serdoa brought severe accusations against him.
Quote:And I don't entirely buy your ex post facto reasoning - I think you got called on your snuggling to zakalwe and are trying to explain it away as clever play. I think you tried to cozy to zakalwe because you believe him to be a village power player and you're seeking acceptance this game, as much as you're seeking victory, due to your actions from last game. Sorry if that's harsh, but its what I read from your play. And I recognized your inappropriate cuddling from minute one - I tried the exact same play in WW5.
I don't mind the accusation. I think it's factually wrong, though. I kept snuggling up to zakalwe long after I was called out on it. Erebus in particular kept digging into this, and I didn't budge. As I stated above, I changed my stance on him when I had reason to.
Quote:I'll bite on your question, though. If zak were a wolf, I'd guess strongly that the rest of the pack was TT, Sareln and yourself. Why? Well, the little battle with TT could be reminiscent of the zak/scooter gig in WW3. zak let Sareln off the hook easily, and as said, I think you've cozied up to him for different reasons than you say. Still, I'm not convinced zak is a wolf (I have Serdoa's post open in a separate window, I'm eating it in small chunks because its a lot.) I'm even less convinced he's a great target today. But if he were a wolf, that would be my guess as to the rest of the pack.
I suppose there's no convincing you by sticking to my guns on zakalwe then. I'll do so though, unless someone can convince me of a more likely suspect. That's why I wanted to try to see who's a potential wolf partner to zakalwe, as a compromise candidate if the zakalwe vote doesn't gain traction.
September 13th, 2011, 15:30
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Catwalk Wrote:I suppose there's no convincing you by sticking to my guns on zakalwe then. I'll do so though, unless someone can convince me of a more likely suspect. That's why I wanted to try to see who's a potential wolf partner to zakalwe, as a compromise candidate if the zakalwe vote doesn't gain traction.
I'm not convinced currently of anything, other than that there's multiple wolves in the quiet players. So don't put me in the obstinate camp on anything. I think today's been good for information but there's so much of it that it's a lot to parse right now.
The other thing about the quiet players - if I were a wolf, I'd probably be willing to sacrifice one of the pack at this point to enhance cover. As a villager, I don't care which order we find them in, so long as we find them. A lynch of wolf zakalwe is worth exactly as much as a lynch of a wolf Sareln to me. So that's why I'm advocating the "lower hanging fruit" option. Still, its not a picnic, since these players are still so damned quiet that its hard to get enough information to quantify a lynch. Hence why I'm still assessing the Serdoa post.
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September 13th, 2011, 15:53
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Well I haven't read the Serdoa post yet, but consider why he wrote it. He was already convinced that I am a wolf, he said so himself very clearly. He wrote that post to convince the rest of you. So even though I haven't read it, I can say what it contains: every post of mine that can be twisted in some way to be construed as wolfish. Naturally there are many of them. Everything can be construed as wolfish, once you put on your wolf glasses.
Apologies in advance for making this wolfish post.
If you know what I mean.
September 13th, 2011, 15:54
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Okay. So I just finished Serdoa's post for the third time. I have a few comments:
1. I'm a little hesitant to get behind this sort of attack, because you truly can do this to anyone. If you throw on the fabled "wolf glasses" and read through everyone's posts, anyone can start to look like a wolf. Its why this game is challenging enough that we keep playing it.
2. There's no doubt zakalwe has been playing differently this game than the last three. When I read through the first time (meaning as I played, not Serdoa's summations) my gut said that zakalwe was a bit wounded by the constant aggression towards him, particularly from dead players in the last two lurker threads and decided he wanted to play less of a leading role in the game. Reading Serdoa's summations, I still think that's where my gut lies, but there is no debating that there is an unusual amount of double-talk from zak.
3. The part where he was guilty of the same things that he accused Erebus of as well as that he basically led the line on the uberfish kill would be suspicious if he was anyone else. Playing on the opposite side as him in the previous two games, it mostly floored me how often he was wrong and yet everyone still followed him. That's mostly due to the force of his personality - he is easily the most aggressive player here, normally. So that he led a pair of mislynches isn't damning in and of itself - there are plenty of villager names on the lynch list of innocents. Also, I have to say I think I deserve as much responsibility for the Erebus lynch as anyone - his panic posts just shouted wolf. This being wrong is the biggest reason I'm not on Catwalk today - I don't want to lynch him for the same reasons I lynched Erebus and be wrong.
I guess ultimately I see where Serdoa is coming from, but I read it differently. I would not necessarily be surprised to see zakalwe as a wolf, but I think we'll learn more as the game goes on. If we hit at least one wolf over the next 2 days and say, Serdoa and Ichabod are the night kills, we have a much better sense of who will be a wolf from the talkative group. I'm not saying its perfect strategy and I'm certainly open to something better but its where my current thought lies.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?