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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Quote:FPS between turns is down to 0-2 later in the game, not quite like in a first person shooter.

About that, well, this isn't a DOS software so I can't put screen rendering on an interrupt which would enable it to happen while the AI code runs.
I haven't yet figured out how to do that sort of thing in Delphi if it's even an option Had no time to even look try looking for a solution- I don't think any timer triggers can execute if the application isn't already idle from the previous timer.
However some phases of the AI's turn involve a lot of "thinking" which doesn't finish in 1/60th of a second so the screen freezes until the AI finishes the thinking and sets up the action for the game to process.

I guess the only way to do it would be if the AI was running on a separate thread that doesn't make the application count as "not idle" or something like that.

(although without an FPS meter displayed in debug mode, would anyone even notice the node auras and volcanoes stop animating for a fraction of a second? Well ok, on large maps it might be more than a fraction but we'll see when we get there)

It looks like Armorers' Guild is not available for the High Man.

The game freezes when click in the capital. (It's the city on the right.) <>

The save file contains this bug: A foreign cityscreen appears next turn after the Raiders have not destroyed the outpost as promised. 
It is probably too early to test with the options maximized.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 198.96 KB / Downloads: 1)

I should have some free time coming up for a bit of testing now. I'm looking forward to trying out the race to the unknown mode, though I'm not sure reducing the difficulty of breaking through the seal is a good idea. I feel like at that stage, on huge maps Arcanus might not even be 70% settled yet, though maybe it'll be different with more wizards, and more chances of Lizardmen rushes.

The AI doesn't have the ability to break down towers in multiple battles killing units one at a time, so the towers must be weaker otherwise the AI stands no chance of breaking through, as it would need a stack of rare or better creatures to do so which it far too late.


- Race to the Unknown started me on a plane with no other Wizards. 

- Orcish Archer started with the "Noble" trait. Income is not affected in either direction by hiring/dismissing him. Upkeep shows as 4gold. 

- Undead Lizardfolk Shaman raised with no ranged attack. Loading the game fixed the issue.

- Loading a game leads to a screen with active units that do not belong to me. Happens 1/5 times. Usually most units do NOT belong to me and should not be in the displayed square:
In this shot the hero on the left  is blinking as if active: but moving the unit just switches to the next active unit.

- Save File if needed:


- Needed Hotkeys:
  • Main Screen: wait (recommended: tab) since Wizards uses the (W) hotkey now
  • Any Yes/No Prompt: Yes (recommended: Y or Enter) / No (N or Esc) 
  • Any screen with "Okay": Okay (recommended: O)
- The new shadow effect makes everything look kinda like it's hovering/flying in the adjacent square

More minor things collected:
-         Sometimes the number of turns for building sth is shown wrong in the Governor screen, like “Time” shows 3 for 2 turns in the City screen.
-         Halfling Shamans could not cast healing spell, Spiders in lairs cast no webs …
-         Unit enchantments got dispelled on the overland map. A ruthless opponents druid hero was 3-4 tiles away … or was it a bug ?
-         Cartographer shows smaller maps several times East<->West.
-         Spell of Mastery is Arcane uncommon in the sorted Apprentice spellbook.
-         Unit pictures disappeared from the building screen.

Quote:Unit pictures disappeared from the building screen.
Unit enchantments got dispelled on the overland map. A ruthless opponents druid hero was 3-4 tiles away … or was it a bug ?

Are there save files for these?

Quote:Cartographer shows smaller maps several times East<->West.
Minimap does the same as well. Should I force a smaller size so it displays only once?


-Added Spell of Mastery started animation
-Added Victory screen
-fixed bug : city rendering freezes if there are many buildings and high population.
-fixed bug : Outposts are not destroyed after combat.
-fixed bug : City growth report is added for destroyed cities.
-Monthly report now shows cities that have been destroyed.
-fixed bug : City indexes in completion reports are not updated after a city is destroyed.
-Fixed the draw order of figures in 7-9 figure units.
-Fixed bug : clicking outside the unit view area didn't close the unit view.
-Added missing feature : Cancel unit enchantments.
-displayed mana upkeep on units now includes enchantments.
-Fixed bug : Chaos Channels cannot be targeted.
-Fixed bug : Chaos Channels doesn't show animation and has no effect.
-Small unit view window is now displayed during combat spell targeting.
-Invisible units no longer display a shadow.
-Units no longer display a shadow during teleporting or groundmerging animations.
-'S' key now activates city sort button
-Fixed bug : City sorting had no effect.
-fixed : If there is excess production, remaning turns displayed in the city isn't set to 1, instead displays 0 or less.
-Fixed bug : unit enchantment effects (like confusion) don't follow the unit's displacement during movement animation
-Fixed bug : Confusion's control change effect isn't applied/reverted at the correct timing.
-Fixed bug : Confusion doesn't apply the effect immedaitely.
-Fixed bug : Apocalypse doesn't apply the effect of Confusion immedaitely.
-Fixed bug : Control change spells don't restore the movement points of the affected unit.
-Added missing feature : Numpad moves units
-fixed bug : Staff locks don't work correctly
-fixed the checkmark on wizard customization screens being too large.
-Fixed the alchemy <> Symbols being too small.
-Added Scoring screen
-Added Hall of Fame
-Fixed bug : Y/N hotkeys didn't work in yes/no windows.
-"Wait" button now uses the Space hotkey
-fixed bug : loading a saved game does not clear stack selection variables.
-fixed bug : Noble had no effect
-Fixed bug : Wizard name selection can't be confirmed by clicking the mouse.
-Esc can now be used to return from the game options screen to race selection.
-Race to Unknown and World Equalizer are now correctly disabled on Normal and Easy difficulty (it's impossible to generate Myrran wizards in those difficulties)
-Map generation should no longer freeze on Minimal size with larger number of players, however in worst case, starting cities might have less than 7 distance between them.
-If Race to Unknown is selected, World Equalizer cannot be selected because the two are mutually exclusive.
-Spell of Mastery now counts as very rare when books are sorted by realm and rarity.
-Fixed bug : Spellabilities default to having 0 of 1 charges left instead of 1 of 1.

Report #1:

Note: This was done with a version downloaded before the update noted in Seravy's post above. There's no version number I can find in the game files to reference.

All saves and screenshots here:

  • Loading a save caused the Floating Island which was supposed to be summoned that turn to disappear. The spell worked the first time at the beginning of turn, but did not fire when loading the save. (Missing Floating Island.SAV) This successfully fires if reloading from the turn before that, when the spell wasn't finished casting yet. Seems to be only a problem when loading on the exact turn the spell finishes, and you have enough mana that it auto uses the required casting skill at the beginning of the turn.
  • Cannot click on Cartographer to move to that area of the map.
  • When Proposing a treaty on the diplo screen, there is no way to cancel by right-click or Esc button.
  • I got "Range check errors" that force me to close the program with End Task. One time happened when trying to load a save, another one is screenshotted.
  • Giant Spiders don't have Web ability (Giant Spiders Missing Web.SAV, the swordsmen in the lower right going to the (Unknown) lair with Earth Elemental and a hidden Giant Spiders).

UI Issues:
  • Unit building screen doesn't display cost of unit
  • The OK button for the unit building screen should be placed in a corner (switch with Clear) instead of in the middle, as it's the most commonly used button.
  • When you don't have much of the map explored yet on a maximal map, it is hard to get back where you were on the minimap or Cartographer if you moved away to a black portion of the world. I almost thought I was stuck on the wrong plane view for a while when everywhere I clicked was black.
Other Notes:
  • After a battle using Halfling bowmen, the ammo on overland shows up as the remaining amount unused during the battle instead of the full quiver. Persists on next turn, but amount is normal on next battle. (Ammo on Overland.SAV, the bowmen left of the capital town).

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