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The Nudist Gazette

(May 26th, 2023, 09:37)T-hawk Wrote: Well, it doesn't exactly know about having a partied barbarian Battle Ordering everything.  I'd also wager that most of its input text isn't really for Resurrected, so it mostly doesn't know that the druid can have all types of summons together, or the other buffs for other skills/classes.

The question was based on D2R.
A Slvl3 BO makes a party uber all at a sudden, especially on a naked base vit Druid with no stat points used? And one of those slvl comes from an Anni. One of the biggest helper skills from the Baba is not his BO. The reason I choose to put a Slvl2 BO (among the many choices of +2 Baba with +3 BO and all kinds of effects) hats on him is because that hat comes with Grim Ward. That is the one skill that ease the pressure on the whole team. HP doesn't matter when monsters are running away. Why you can see, among all the skills available, Grim Ward is the only skill bind to a mouse button.

Bing probably doesn't know one person is playing both characters at once either. I will include that information from now.

So I asked Bing, "Did you know in Diablo 2 Resurrected, a Druid can have all the summons at once?"

And he said,"I did not know that. According to some online sources, the Summon Druid is a viable option with the ability to summon all of his pets at once. These pets include 1 Summon Grizzly, 3 Summon Dire Wolf, 5 Summon Spirit Wolf, and 5 Ravens1. That sounds like a lot of fun!"

What an answer.  rolf You can't take Bing serious alright I don't need Bing to buff my ego ;p It's just good entertainment for the time being.

PS: While I am bored and have time to waste, I do hope to train Bing to know about RB and our ways to have us on its knowledge base.



NatureCalls Does Hell Meph With GoGoGadgets


NatureCalls, our Naked Druid Summoner Does Hell Meph With GoGoGadgets



NatureCalls Solo Hell Hephasto

Finally the Ravens are worth their keep. They are more for the safety of NatureCalls than anything else.



NatureCalls & GoGoGadgets Does Hell Diablo

Here in Act 4, GoGoGadgets switched out from using Harmony (Valk and Revives), and put on the Wolfhowl for lvl 15 Dire Wolf. This means he is giving up BO and Grim Ward, which will change the style of play again. From now on, we will let NatureCalls lead the team so we are going to see the journey from NatureCalls PoV.

Video shows full clear of the 3 seals @ Clvl 81



The Naked Couple Does Hell Diablo

FoulMouthAlice and ImMcTyraelGirl found themselves in the Chaos Sanctuary at Clvl 75. It felt kind of strangely quiet and lonely, after playing the two Summoners the last while, it is just the two noodz and their merc +Shadow.

Nothing changed since Act 3 except that now FoulMouthAlice bind Decrep on a fast key, and ImMcTyraelGirl uses a Holy Freeze merc to work with Decrep. They have both stopped spending Skill Points 10-20 lvls ago.

You will notice that FoulMouthAlice uses Bone Prison liberally vs Mephisto, Diablo and later Baal. The Prison does little to keep the bosses in place, mercs and minions does a decent job on that. The Prisons main purpose is to act as a Bone Shield. Anyone of those AoE spells from these bosses can one hit kill these Base Vit noodz.

[Image: and-thats-kicking-your-butt-fighting.gif]
Dylan: And that's kicking your ass!"



NatureCalls & GoGoGadgets Does Hell Baal

NatureCalls pumped Str to 70 so he can equip his broken DarthMaul's Cracked Maul, which left him with 370 unused Stat Points. Usually, when I say Base Vit it mostly mean No Stat Points used also. So these Base Vit Variants are pretty well Beyond Naked.

There isn't much to talk about NatureCalls skills. Except, I decided to pump Ravens over Spirit Wolf and Ravens are finally useful. Although he was Naked Base Vit with only 238 Life, 535 with Oak Sage up, and since he can still use all his skills in were form, he gets up to 797 Life in Bear form. And that's a lot of Vit for KoP's Variants. He never need BO from GoGoGadgets.

GoGoGadgets has 157 Stat Points unused, and all of 94 Skill Points unused, of course. Over 3Ks Life in Bear form, however, GGGs is rarely in Bear form since the only skills he can use while in Were form is limited to Druid skills. Although I wouldn't consider his final setup to be optimized. First, if it's good enough, there's no need to upgrade. Second, I want to play with the following items and I would just have to make them work.
Metalgrid - Iron Golem might have worked out if he was going solo so I would pay more attention to it to keep it alive. I kept on using a lower lvl Clay Golly because a spammable is better for safety. I still kept the Metalgrid (despite the fact there are a lot of attributes an amulet can have) for the Iron Maiden charges. I think it is worthy of the trade off, especially having it work together with Bone Prison.
Wolfhowl - Since GGGs is already getting Were form from Beast (which he rarely used anyway) all the hat was good for is the slvl 15 Dire Wolf. That's giving up BO and Grim Ward.
Beast - Summon Grizzly does decent damage and a decent tank. Fanaticism is fantastic for a team of Summoners. Every little boost is multiplied to a factor of 10+ (On the off hand is Oath for Heart Of Wolverine to further boost the damage)

NatureCalls & GoGoGadgets @ Clvl 83 - Stats in the end of the vid

Two Down, Two To Go



Grand Finale - FoulMouthAlice & ImMcTyraelGirl

It has been a long journey to get this pair of n00ds to the final confrontation against Baal. I had hoped to get to Baal a lvl or two earlier but they both lvlup to Clvl79 in the Throne room. They even have 20+ Skill Points saved...

FoulMouthAlice was generous in spamming Dim Vision and Bone Prison vs Achmel The Cursed. Although the other waves could face harder hitting mobs, Achmel and co could be the more troublesome wave, burning through resources, with their Poison and Reanimate.  

Notice the team tries to stay somewhat in the back end of the Throne Room. This is in one part trying to keep the team from Baals Decrep, and the other is to prevent Baal from cleaning up the corpses between each wave. It is always nice to have corpses to blow up if Lister and others turn out to be too tough to deal with.

FoulMouthAlice & ImMcTyraelGirl Clvl79, Stats in the end of the video.

And that's kicking your ass!



Nicely done, I had fun reading along.

These are softcore characters, right, how often did they ever die?

I would be surprised if there were no deaths at all.

I am not a big fan of hardcore. IMO, and I accept the fact other people can have valid opposing opinion of such, hardcore is about playing it safe to get to the end. While, I play to push things to the limits (as much as I still have fun). I mean, I wouldn’t want to play Naked in hardcore; and then find it too easy and play Beyond Naked with no Stat Points, then limit the Skills set to suit a theme and to stop using Skills Points mid 50s, and purposely stay under levelled.

Still, maybe three of them have not seen the red screen.

Legit deaths of those who had died, less than a handful from Normal to Hell. Most of these deaths happened when I have not been playing them awhile, trying to get back into the swing of things shaking off the bad habits from playing those no-fear normal toons. Deaths because of my clumsiness playing two characters on separate computers. 

I take deaths seriously, but I am not afraid to push them hard to see what new boundaries they can break. I don’t advance my characters by a thousand deaths - slowly wear down the boss by dying over and over again. Why I will often say this is the (N) attempt - meaning I try to stay alive, and if resources run low, or my tactics isn’t working, I would quit and try another time instead of dying. That is why I don’t just show screenshots of killing of act bosses.

Proof Of Concept
I have recorded clearing of the areas leading to the quests, each challenges they faced, to killing of the bosses, without deaths. And since I have decided people can skip ahead of longer videoes but still stay within an acceptable length, I have recorded full clear of the Chaos Sanctuary - Without deaths.

Nothing Else Matters



Yeah I wasn't judging, just curious. I totally understand not playing hardcore online for the obvious reason of network problems, I never did either. I also hear you that hardcore can make the game less interesting, since you can't push as hard and always take the defensive and survivability choices. Makes sense, I like your perspective.

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