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Hello all.

I've been playing Master of Magic pretty much since the day it was released and started replaying it (along with a bunch of other old classics) when I discovered DOSBox (and here I was seriously considering hitting yard sales and such trying to find say, and old 486 DX/66 that I could put in working order to play old games I had in storage. Yay, DOSBox).

Never was really a part of any community that focused on MoM so some of the terms I have seen here I'm not familiar with (namely Ladder Building) although I might know what they are, just not by the name you folks use. Have compared scores with a few others over the years but generally my scores run in the 45%-55% range as I generally play a long game on Hard (Spell of Mastery win) and while I lose a lot of points on time, I tend to make up at least part of them on population. Since I am addicted to Nature Magic, I generally end up with a lot of cities at or near 25 pop at end game.

Anyway, nice to meet all of you.

Figured I'd go ahead and add my favorite builds here.

High Men, Warlord, 8 Nature, 1 Chaos for an Arcanus start.
Halflings, Warlord, 6 Nature for a Myrran start.

I might trade in for a single White book on either build, depending my mood.

Hi Everyone!

I recently acquired a bundle of old dos games that had been ported to MAC, and MOM was one of them! I am a big fan of Age of Wonders, but MOM really surpasses it!

After several hours scouring the internet for more information on the game I found this place, and now here I am!


+ I have just realised I cannot post a new Thread, so I will post here instead. I am after some sprites for a personal project, and MOM sprites would fit perfectly for an initial BETA. Is there a way to extract the graphic files to something more readable? like BMP or PNG? thanks in advance!

I am an old MOM fan and a new Mac user.
Did you play the 1.40j patch of MOM on a Mac?
If so, how did you set it up? With DosBox?
How was the performance? Did you have any lag or other problems?

On a separate note, how did you get the bundle of old DOS games? It is so slow and painful to search for them one by one. There must be many good ones I have not heard about, but MOM is on the top of my list.

a friend of mine got a bunch of dos games via torrenting when he looking for bast-a-move. its quite funny, its a dosbox port inside a mac port, so its an emulation of an emulation. kind of like inception.

i'm not sure what patch it is. it works fine though, the dosbox emulation allows you to change the speed, which is really handy.

Hi everybody.

I'm a long time fan of MoM. Ran it first on a IBM blue lightning. (those were the days, ahh, my machines to slow...wait there's a turbo button. sweet.) Used to break my family and friends computers reconfiguring the config.sys or autoexec.bat to squeeze every last drop of conventional memory out to play my beloved games. Thus necessitating I learn how to fix them before morning and consequences. Long story short I'm a software developer at a financial firm and deal with data feeds, back end system and websites.

I look forward to working with VM on the ReMaster project. I'm amazed at how many people on this board are programmers. Good to know I'm in good company.

I look forward to working and gaming with you.


You are definitely in the right place. Your programming contribution is highly appreciated.

Hello people. I just found this place today. I registered on Realms Beyond as soon as I saw that there were functional mods for MoO and MoM and I'm very interested to see how these turn out.

Hi, just discovered that the Dragonsword site was alive since forever and found a post pointing to this site here. So have joined up to see what I have missed in the last year or so.

Hi everyone! Glad to see I'm not the only one who loved the Fall From Heaven Civ IV mod.

Anyway I'm... a new MoM player??? Yeah, somehow I managed to have not actually played MoM until just a few weeks ago. At any rate, I'm 22, and I grew up on DOS, so I've got a special place in my heart for old games with ludicrously outdated graphics and (usually) awesome gameplay. Loved all the Civ games (though Civ II was a bit too easy to break clean in half) MoO, though my personal favorite is a game called Sword of Aragon that was released the year I was born. I'm also a lifelong Descent fan!

At any rate, I'm living proof that the MoM fanbase is still growing XD

I'm glad you found us destinytrigger smile I'm guessing most of us are MoO fans are as well, MoM is MoO's rebellious and flirty little sister after all.

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