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Master of Magic unofficial patch (latest version)

Is there any chance of a change being made that removes the 99 city limit and the 1000 unit limit? Am interested in such a thing if anyone knows how to do this.

I wonder what the game would be like if the computer used its shooters to target the most powerful summoned creatures first (maybe after enemy shooters) instead of dud troops that aren't much of a threat? I am thinking of wraiths, gorgons, angels, the 11-book strategies, getting targeted first. Would this overall make the game more difficult (and thus the AI smarter?) whether 11-book or not? When suddently confronted with awful flying beasts from beyond the realms of reality - those might well draw fire first by horrified castle defenders

Zataku Wrote:Is there any chance of a change being made that removes the 99 city limit and the 1000 unit limit? Am interested in such a thing if anyone knows how to do this.

It seems unlikely. It would require resizing area contining this data (it is statically allocated table). And since this mod is based (I assume) in editing assembler code, one would have to change offset in all moved addresses in the code to do this. Until source code is released we are stuck with game limits.
As to units I agree, but I never reached 99 city limit. I hate overlapping cities - good there is an option to raze badly located city.
What I would like most is to enable cities to have more than 255 output of gold/mana - some Klackon/Dwarf Cities are limited in this way, because they are able to produce more gold than 255 and yet they can't. But it seems even less likely to be changed than 99 city limit.

Sphynx Wrote:Does that also apply to the +1 to hit bonus for magic weapons? They only apply to melee attacks? (and possibly bow/sling/rock attacks - not sure?)

Same question. I've got an elven longbow unit that's showing +1 to hit (racial) despite having magic weapons.

Hmm, but the "magic weapons" bonus on swordsmen is visible, isn't it?
Very strange.

What the display shows, is, simply, an internal data structure MoM game uses for defining +to hit for an attack. So, I am baffled why the ranged bonus is not counted in. Have to review how the game uses ranged bonuses.

I will look into it when my laptop is freed from data hell (mid-week).

I went and trained a swordsman to test, and it too had only +1 to hit, despite displaying magic weapon icons.

Isn't it that the magic (+mithril & adamantite) weapons only allow to hit effectively through Weapon Immunity, but don't add a bonus to hit? That's what I noticed was always the case.
For example swordsmen with magic weapons were mostly more effective against Wraiths than the same unit with normal weapons only. Of course, mithril and adamantite weapons give more damage with accordingly increases the damage output of a unit in melee & ranged, but I don't think there's any bonus to hit they would provide.

Amazeroth Wrote:Isn't it that the magic (+mithril & adamantite) weapons only allow to hit effectively through Weapon Immunity, but don't add a bonus to hit? That's what I noticed was always the case.
For example swordsmen with magic weapons were mostly more effective against Wraiths than the same unit with normal weapons only. Of course, mithril and adamantite weapons give more damage with accordingly increases the damage output of a unit in melee & ranged, but I don't think there's any bonus to hit they would provide.

Didn't you ever notice that troops with magic weapons do significantly more damage than regular troops against regular opponents?
--I like ILSe

According to the manual, an alchemist's guild causes all new units to be produced with "+ 1 to hit, magic weapons."

It's true that the manual states that, however I never noticed much difference in effectiveness between units with normal and magic weapons, only against units with Weapon Immunity there was a noticeable difference. Which is why I always tend to have the first fortress city near mithril or adamantite deposits. Mithril and Adamantite weapons are noticeably stronger there for obvious, visible reasons.

It's not to say that the magic weapons don't add a bonus to hit, they might after all in some hidden way. It's just that I played this game for a long time already and doubt it, as I never noticed any bonus beside negating Weapon Immunity.

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