September 7th, 2011, 14:05
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zakalwe Wrote:Anyway, I agree that dismissing Uberfish' post as an "obvious" joke seems very strange. It certainly wasn't obvious to me. (Or rather: it seemed very improbable that a villager would make a joke like that.) Well I for one could not believe him quitting like that and immediately assumed that it was his joke answer to Lewwyn's and Gaspar's "uberfish is always a wolf" - votes.
uberfish Wrote:For the record, my current suspects are Scooter / Meiz / Catwalk / Zakalwe in no particular order. So getting to a suspect list based on this is
I can see myself fitting to part "Ignore my post for a while until having the chance to discuss with other wolves what to do about it (a typical response when village does something weird)"
But the truth was "Ignore the assumed joke without a second thought on it"
September 7th, 2011, 14:06
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uberfish Wrote:2) Start painting me as an "untrustworthy" villager in order to push a later tactical mislynch
As a wolf, this option might seem appealing to me. I wouldn't want to heavily push a lynch against a villager who was obviously up to some kind of gambit, but I might want to start laying the groundwork for a later mislynch.
On that note:
Twinkletoes89 Wrote:Well uberfish's post throws a spanner in the works.
I just do not understand how he could be anything other than a wolf. Why would a villager ever post something that would so clearly draw a lynch vote to them?
It makes zero tactical sense in any way. Even if he was a villager, contributions such as that are harmful to the village as a whole and would almost be a worthwhile mislynch!
After spending most of the day away, even with my favouring a post limit, i'm not sure whether to be happy that I have only had to catch up with a couple of pages of text.
Note that Twinkletoes didn't actually vote for Uberfish, even though he said he could not be anything other than a wolf. He then went on to emphasize how his actions would be harmful to the village even if he were innocent.
If you know what I mean.
September 7th, 2011, 14:14
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Interesting play, Uberfish. Don't know if I agree with your results, it's pretty early to tell. But, I totally agree with this:
"It's the motivations behind my actions and the responses to them that people should look at."
As a general rule for the game too. It was kind of strange to read the post where you revealed your gambit, Uberfish, because the expected wolf behaviours you listed are all the ways someone could approach your comment (1. stay silent, 2. suspect you, 3. not suspect you). But if you take into account perceived motivations behind certain actions, it gets easier to understand.
That being said, I agree with Zakalwe about the gambit. It was a strange play for either villager or wolf, so it was pretty difficult to understand. At least it gave us info that wouldn't be common to have in the first day.
Regarding scooter, I also find hard to beleive that someone thought that was a joke, let alone being obvious (like Zak said, it wasn't phrased as a joke). But I agree with him that I wouldn't expect Ubefish to give up this early. He kept playing in games where he had been scried as a wolf, so it wouldn't be likely for him to do it at day 1.
September 7th, 2011, 14:33
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I have to agree with Zak. TT's reaction does seem a bit too serious for the matter (no reaction). Looking at the post more closely, I also noticed the "scolding" for too quiet play, which is a bit too early IMO. This could be a wolf attempt to appear active and helpful. These points added to my earlier mayor theory. So I'll move my vote back to Twinkletoes
It's a bit early, but I'm already finding Rowain's, Zakalwe's, Serdoa's and Catwalk's play in tone with the way they would play as villagers. Especially Zakalwe seems once again to try really hard to press people and find clues.
September 7th, 2011, 14:42
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zakalwe Wrote:As a wolf, this option might seem appealing to me. I wouldn't want to heavily push a lynch against a villager who was obviously up to some kind of gambit, but I might want to start laying the groundwork for a later mislynch.
On that note:
Note that Twinkletoes didn't actually vote for Uberfish, even though he said he could not be anything other than a wolf. He then went on to emphasize how his actions would be harmful to the village even if he were innocent.
I knew it wouldn't be long until you'd put my name in red zak
Seriously now, I didn't vote straight for uberfish as this is the first day and rushing into 'blinkered mode' by voting for the first person who has looked wolfish is foolish.
Can you honestly say that my summary was incorrect though? Given that post in isolation, having not dealt much with uberfish in WW games, it is something which confused me considerably.
IMO I still don't think its a wise play at all and has put him at the top of my suspects list right now, but I don't disagree with his statement that the reactions to it can also be revealing.
I wanted to see the fallout from uberfish's statement before voting and see what defence (if any) he put up for it.
Why vote so early when there is so much time for my mind to be changed?
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."
September 7th, 2011, 14:44
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Ichabod Wrote:because the expected wolf behaviours you listed are all the ways someone could approach your comment (1. stay silent, 2. suspect you, 3. not suspect you).
Haha, I guess it could have been read that way, but actually I was expecting (2) and (3) to be done in a certain way by wolves, and there was a large category of responses I regarded as neutral (the ones going "WTF is he serious")
zakalwe Wrote:I don't think Uberfish' post looks like a joke at all. Making a joke like that, which isn't even phrased as a joke, would be horribly bad villager play. And if he were joking, I think he would at least stick around so he could clarify when people inevitably questioned his post. I don't think he has done anything similar previously either. If he has, I'd like to see a link to it.
Bottom line, Uberfish is claiming to be a wolf. If he is villager, then he's lying, so he should be lynched anyway under the lynch all liars policy. I'm sure Twinkletoes will agree.
So Zakalwe is voting TT for making a very similar post to one he himself made... (see 3-4 posts up where he quoted it)
September 7th, 2011, 14:45
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As there's no post editing, I'd just like to add that I haven't deal much with uberfish outside of WW games either - adding to my point about having less evidence about him to see it as the 'obvious' joke others say that it is.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."
September 7th, 2011, 14:47
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Twinkletoes89 Wrote:I knew it wouldn't be long until you'd put my name in red zak
Don't worry I expect him to move to his other preferrred targets ( MNG or myself ) soon.
September 7th, 2011, 15:00
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Twinkletoes89 Wrote:As there's no post editing, I'd just like to add that I haven't deal much with uberfish outside of WW games either - adding to my point about having less evidence about him to see it as the 'obvious' joke others say that it is.
I didn't intend for it to be an obvious joke. I tried to make it as convincing as possible. Both to kickstart meaningful discussion and to hopefully be able to distinguish informed wolf responses from uninformed villager responses.
September 7th, 2011, 15:08
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It seems that most have accepted uberfish's explanation for his confession, which demonstrates that he could very well have done it as a wolf gambit, anticipating this reaction. Especially if he has done something similar before as a villager (any chance someone who remembers can look it up?). He's still top of my suspect list, I don't mind pursuing other leads today since it doesn't look like he will hang.
Serdoa sounds like a villager, busy with a mistaken accusation of me I'll vote Injera for the reasons above (about the uberfish thing).