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Realms Beyond Chess Tournament #5

(November 25th, 2014, 13:20)novice Wrote: What's the etiquette on endgame studies? Say, for example, that you reach a KNB vs K endgame - are you allowed to consult a guide on how to win that position?
Given the opening books and databases are allowed, endgame databases should be included; I don't see why endgame books should be forbidden too.

Edit: so I checked the first post and my memory was wrong: endgame tablebases aren't allowed.

Novice: I actually looked up a (future) position in our current game using Nalimov tablebases...

The line is in the spoilers:
I looked up the position after 62... Kc3 63. d6 Be6 64. d7 Bd7 65. Rd7

The tablebases confirmed my evaluation that White wins.

I think there's a difference between tablebases, which tell you specifically what move to play in a given position, and endgame "algorithms", though?
I have to run.

Oh, and I don't know if I'm supposed to look at that spoilered line, but at any rate let's not worry about that.
I have to run.

(November 25th, 2014, 14:13)novice Wrote: Oh, and I don't know if I'm supposed to look at that spoilered line, but at any rate let's not worry about that.
Well, since I got information that I wasn't supposed to have, I wanted to give you the choice of whether to see it.

My apologies for the error. How do you want the matter to proceed?

Let's just play on, that spoiler is probably a Pandora's box as I don't even know what lines you are considering or what the correct evaluation of the current position is.

Here's the game, for the lurkers:
I have to run.

GG ipecac. That was a fun endgame struggle.
I have to run.

(November 27th, 2014, 01:26)novice Wrote: GG ipecac. That was a fun endgame struggle.
GG smile

I like the opening; I've got 2/2 so far with it jive

GG Zak. Turns out my knight sacrifice did give me the advantage, but proved too difficult to convert for me. Well played.
I have to run.

(November 13th, 2014, 06:56)zakalwe Wrote: Zakalwe-Novice

Hmmm. Maybe I'm winning?

I can now play:

32. Re4 a3 (or he drops the pawn on a4)
33. Nxe7+ Nxe7
34. Ra4

... and the pawn on a3 drops because he must defend against the back rank mate before playing b2.

Alternatively, a more tricky line which may be what he is going for:

32. Re4 a3
33. Nxe7+ Kf8
34. Nxd5 exd5

... after which he is down *two* pieces but hitting my rook as well as threatening to play b2.

But after 35. Re2, can't I just bring my king over and clean up?

I've tried all kinds of intermediate moves and tricks but I really can't see what he's aiming for here. Maybe he just missed the threat of back rank mate - time will tell. smile

I missed the move 32. Re4 completely, and 31. ..Rb5 was probably my decisive mistake. The line we followed was completely improvised on my end.
I have to run.

Yep, looks like the computer agrees that was a turning point, although I had some inaccuracies after that, too. Kudos for taking a chance with that knight sacrifice and playing for a win. That certainly made the game a lot more interesting.
If you know what I mean.

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