German Jojo: oh man dude
German Jojo: oh man
German Jojo: i got some good shit for you today
German Jojo: i cant evne believe it
Borsche: oh wow good timing
Borsche: i was just playing wolfenstein the jew order
Borsche: i didnt think i was getting another load of good shit today
German Jojo:,Up4cetx
German Jojo: oh and one more
German Jojo: so you get the full picture
Borsche: lol
German Jojo:
German Jojo: we lost graphs on them this turn but
German Jojo: circled has got to be them
Borsche: 3000
Borsche: is 2 + 1
German Jojo: they have 3 cities
Borsche: yeah
Borsche: oh they have 3 i thought they just had the two lol
German Jojo: so 1.) they settled their second city 8 tiles away from their capital and founded a religion in it to pop borders
German Jojo: 2.) 3 size 1 cities, the other just founded last turn i think it was
German Jojo: 3.) warrior rush
Borsche: their land looks like dogshit, is there anything to the west of them
German Jojo: i have no idea
Borsche: why is the minimap a huge
Borsche: circle
Borsche: wtf is this map
German Jojo: our scout
German Jojo: started heading south
Borsche: oh so there's more land to the west
Borsche: up in the north
German Jojo: the continent wrapped down that way and i figured it was more relevant to find what was closer to us than to send him off to never never land
German Jojo: yeah
German Jojo: for sure
Borsche: still, this continent has a fucked up shape
German Jojo: idk about directly to their west but theres at least probably islands and shit
German Jojo: i mean the guy who made this map is a competent dude
German Jojo: he also protested this map script but we all went along with it i guess, but even still whatever we got should be pretty balanced
German Jojo: for what it is
German Jojo: they've got to have some sort of land over there
German Jojo: but still settled waaaaaay towards us for some reason
German Jojo: also note no copper in their second city
Borsche: lol
Borsche: cripes
Borsche: was he afraid he was gonna lose that spot or something?
German Jojo: who knows what on earth they're thinking
German Jojo: we can have copper hooked in 4 or 5 turns; ZP's bortders expand in 3
German Jojo: could whip out an axe...
Borsche: the boak maneuver
German Jojo: yes
German Jojo: name him Would You Like To Play A Fun Gamble
Borsche: Zawa Zawa
German Jojo: lol yes
German Jojo: BittersweetCandyBowl does not fit into the name of our 3rd city, btw
German Jojo: any ideas?
Borsche: what about 3ChordDorks
German Jojo: sure
German Jojo: goin barracks -> granary in this sucker
Borsche: cheap barracks with culture is so cool
Borsche: shock axes comin out immediately
German Jojo: hell yeah