Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB22 Spoiler] Joey and Borsche puke on the funny pages

we're both talking about this guy, right?

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

tell us more...

REMAI went from logging in 7-8 times a turn to not logging in at all, despite posting an additional 2 pages of their thread. They did indeed move up their two warriors onto the bare hill. So, I think they're gonna wardec us and try to snipe the scout despite it being a 50% battle for them. If they win handily, we'll probably have to rethink settling the hill choke...

Speaking of, I whipped our settler as planned this turn, 2 pop at exactly 50/100. (2 pop whips give 50 hammers in RtR mod) He can arrive at the site in 3 turns, thanks to that road, settling T45. A chop also completed, which gives us 33 raw overflow hammers; we can either get 2 workboats, half of a granary, or get a worker to 58/60 hammers. I'm leaning towards the workboats, and then 2-pop whipping another settler, for that spot we originally planned for C2, after regrowing to size 4. What do you think, Borsche?

name a city Boaktown and then rename all the units that it makes "Boak"


Forgot to post this last night, after talking to Borshce on steam.

They pulled back! We immediately laid claim to the hill choke. For our new turn today, T43, I advanced the scout and the stronger warrior to the bare hill, so that the scout can safely see what the hell they're up to.

We're overflowing into some workboats, this first one for ZP, which will expand its borders T48, and the second one for the capital. A third one may also be in the works after another settler, which we'll double whip.


oh my god our neighbors are insane.


German Jojo: oh man dude
German Jojo: oh man
German Jojo: i got some good shit for you today
German Jojo: i cant evne believe it
Borsche: oh wow good timing
Borsche: i was just playing wolfenstein the jew order
Borsche: i didnt think i was getting another load of good shit today
German Jojo:,Up4cetx
German Jojo: oh and one more
German Jojo: so you get the full picture
Borsche: lol
German Jojo:
German Jojo: we lost graphs on them this turn but
German Jojo: circled has got to be them
Borsche: 3000
Borsche: is 2 + 1
German Jojo: they have 3 cities
Borsche: yeah
Borsche: oh they have 3 i thought they just had the two lol
German Jojo: so 1.) they settled their second city 8 tiles away from their capital and founded a religion in it to pop borders
German Jojo: 2.) 3 size 1 cities, the other just founded last turn i think it was
German Jojo: 3.) warrior rush
Borsche: their land looks like dogshit, is there anything to the west of them
German Jojo: i have no idea
Borsche: why is the minimap a huge
Borsche: circle
Borsche: wtf is this map
German Jojo: our scout
German Jojo: started heading south
Borsche: oh so there's more land to the west
Borsche: up in the north
German Jojo: the continent wrapped down that way and i figured it was more relevant to find what was closer to us than to send him off to never never land
German Jojo: yeah
German Jojo: for sure
Borsche: still, this continent has a fucked up shape
German Jojo: idk about directly to their west but theres at least probably islands and shit
German Jojo: i mean the guy who made this map is a competent dude
German Jojo: he also protested this map script but we all went along with it i guess, but even still whatever we got should be pretty balanced
German Jojo: for what it is
German Jojo: they've got to have some sort of land over there
German Jojo: but still settled waaaaaay towards us for some reason
German Jojo: also note no copper in their second city
Borsche: lol
Borsche: cripes
Borsche: was he afraid he was gonna lose that spot or something?
German Jojo: who knows what on earth they're thinking
German Jojo: we can have copper hooked in 4 or 5 turns; ZP's bortders expand in 3
German Jojo: could whip out an axe...
Borsche: the boak maneuver
German Jojo: yes
German Jojo: name him Would You Like To Play A Fun Gamble
Borsche: Zawa Zawa
German Jojo: lol yes
German Jojo: BittersweetCandyBowl does not fit into the name of our 3rd city, btw
German Jojo: any ideas?
Borsche: what about 3ChordDorks
German Jojo: sure
German Jojo: goin barracks -> granary in this sucker
Borsche: cheap barracks with culture is so cool
Borsche: shock axes comin out immediately
German Jojo: hell yeah

TLDR OF THE CHATLOG: we founded our 3rd city this turn, 2 turns behind REMAI:

REMAI also have a holy city in their 2nd city, the only thing that could pop borders this fast with their leader, based on when the city was founded:

Sounds pretty good, right? Except that their 2nd city was founded 8 tiles from their capital:

notice the size 1 capital?? yikes also, no copper! and so, even though we temporarily lost their charts this turn, that means this has got to be them on the demographics charts:

3000 population. three size 1 cities. holy shit. we'll have copper hooked in like 5 turns... might need to, HEH, explore their territory with something a little stronger than a scout...

Domestically, we just founded a new city:

[Image: Fs0Kimp.jpg]

And have another workboat coming out of our capital, just before its time to switch to a settler, the city primed for another double whip.

[Image: DVgIrvJ.jpg]

Guys, using gay and jew as negative descriptors is not acceptable. Find another term that doesn't have animus behind it.

sorry wetbandit, I'll try tightening his collar... tsk tsk borsche... nono


But seriously. Homophobia and anti-semitism are not cool, Joey, and frankly I'm disappointed in you.

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